~~~~ ~~~'
<br />-^"~ ^~~-~~_' MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L
<br />KNO%ALLMEN BYTIIESEPRESENTS: That Gordon W. Anderson and Gladys L. Anderson, each i n his and
<br />her own right and as spouse of each other
<br />Twenty-Two Thousand dnd No/100-- _______M°rtgagor,whetheroneormore,inconsiderationoftheumiof
<br />------~ --- ---------------------°-------DOLLARS
<br />Ironed to said mrrtgagor by The Equitable Building and Luan Associatiop o(Grand Island, Ntbradta, Mortgagee, upon 220 shares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, CertiCrcate No. L 235]8 , do hereby grant, convey and rrtortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the fotbwing
<br />described rea! estate, situated en Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />LOT TNREE (3), 3LOCK ONE (1),
<br />ittgether with a0 the tentnttnts, hereditaments and appurtenances thertuniu belonging, including attached floor coterirtgs, all window screens,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows. awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plrunhitrg and water equipment and acttswries tlxreto, ptttttps,sttrves,
<br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and eyuipntent now uc hereafter attached to ur used in connection with raid real estate.
<br />And whereas the said rrrortgagor has agreed and dots hereby agree that the ttxrrtgagur shall and will pay s0 taxes and assesrnrrents kviod tx
<br />assessed tt{ton said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thtrtby before fete sate shaft become delitrquent; to furnish approved
<br />insurance upon tttt buildings on said premises situated in the sum of S22 OOO.OO payable to said ASSOCIATION and [o deGser to said
<br />A.SSOC1ATtON the po{icizs for ,aid insurance;and nai to a;mmit or txrmt~ any waste on or about said premises;
<br />In case of default in the ptrfurmanze of any u[ the terms and txrnditions of this mortgage or the bond aecurcd hereby, the nwrtgagee dtaN,
<br />ost demand, be entitled to imrntdiate txuastssian of the tmxtgxged premise, sad the mortgagor hereby assigns, Iransfen attd sets over to the
<br />trinrtgagee alt the rents, revenues arxi irtm[r~ to tx derived from the mortgaged premises durirtg such time as the mortgage indetstedttemt shall reeyaiq
<br />unpaid; sod the nrortgagtc shalt have the power to appoint any agent ur raents it may desirr fur the purpose of repaumg sad premixes and renting
<br />the same and Wltrzting tlrc rents, revenrtts and intvmt, and tt ttwy pay out of said inaatne aft txpe»ses of repairing said premiss and Y
<br />mtruaissions and expenses incurrrd ut rtn!iog and managing the rotor and of wlkc[ing rtntals therefrom; [he balanco retrrnining, if any to be
<br />apptrtti towaru tilt uiscitargc ui Salo afar agaKc inucinrur~c~, .nx ,ix,:.:, .., ore .. ,.~..E.: -„ar ~_ eye. ~.:;..a. ~. »,,: ~'W ..•.. •~~ ;~__... :.r ~.=ti
<br />n
<br />a~ft:trlr, irresptetiee of arty triti{r..'.rnrY .rimer of the sorts- ' -- - ---`- --
<br />Tht~ FYtsent:, haw v r art uptsn the t asr.i t;.,n.: teat 1 the said 3Nortgatsue shall repay said loan on ur before the rrr3twity of wit! shsnts by
<br />tayrrxnt; pap monffily to seed AS~fX-{ATION rt tfrt sum sprcifrcd in ihz &rtttt stcurrd trertby as interest arrd prvtcipal ten said lento, on cn befam
<br />the Twtnlirth day of each xnrl every mm~th, unltl said k,an is fatty }raid, pay aR Saxes attd,•~~m~rtts les~ed~~~e xt ~ ~~~.~~~r ~A._
<br />and tits ttond stsusztt thereby, !rtfere detirxt:xrr ti futtristr appnrvzd insu+anct apart iht buitdirtgs thereon in tits wen of s 22,000.00 Payable
<br />. to said A.S'SOCIATION; rrpa} to ~ar.t A-~u;s tATttttti u~r ric_.t~uil alt tao~y by ;t peed to=t tnh taxes. ages era! i~ttrr adth srt at
<br />the maximum legal role thereon from dart of paymrnt ap of wttr4Jt Mortgagor hereby agrzes to pay,permii rxr wastton said wrn~~•Iteeg;,-y
<br />wtth alt the agreemurtx and wu.(,t tuns c f tLtr A.i+ad ti,r S 22 ,OQO. QOM day g:vtn by the u;d ',dastggrss to sid A$St}['fAT1ON, and ,steeply
<br />wtih sit the regrttr2rrterfs tF the i nrrriitutran and ley Laws of said A~4tX'tA'i'It)N; then ihtst presents shalt boainre nrdt and void, odrotwix t
<br />hsY
<br />xhaU rerrwm m t u
<br />all C rte and rata tee fure'h r
<br />y a rsrd at Btr opda n of the said ASSl1C1A'1'ION after fadure fur three arcauhs to toake rosy of ~,!
<br />trdytnents or bs three nxm(hs in arrears ut making ;:rid rnonihly payrmnts, ur w keep and armpty with the agroements and amduions of said eland;
<br />and Mortgagor ogre«s to have a rra~cttttr appwnteat furthwuh in such fureck,sura pructtdings,
<br />If there is any chanke in ownership of feet real estate «rurtgaged herein, 6y ssle u: otherwise, thin the entire eernaittitrg indebtedneo lteraby
<br />secured span, at the option of The f:yuitabk Building and Loan Association of (:rand Island, Nebnska, beaux imnraiiately due atul payable wtthtwt
<br />furttxr notice, anil ttre arnswut remaining due under said txmd, and any other bond Cor any additwnal advances made thereunder, dull, Ceuta the
<br />elate of exe+eixt of said option, hear interest at the maximum kgat rate, and this ntortgaee may theft be foresdt~d to satafy t~ ttrmtsnt due ou said
<br />bond, and any other bond for adtlititrrta{ advanrxs, together with aft sums paid by said Tate Igtriubk Stuitdiad sad Lnatt Asatkmt~n of Gtttrnl [sLtnd,
<br />Nebraska for insurarrct, texts and assessttxntx, and abstracting extension charges, with intetes! tltertoa, from daft of paymtrtt at the maximtw
<br />legal rail.
<br />As pravidzd in tttz tStntd see;ured herrbp, while this mortgage remains in tfitct the mortgages may hereafter advanet addittunal sews to Ux
<br />trraketx of said Blend, t{trir assigns or suscnss<xs in inttrtst, which sums shall be wnhm the strurity of this mortgage the same as the funds origtru!!y
<br />3ezurcd ?hctcby, fiht total amount of principal dzbt no! to extx'sd at any tiffs the original anwunt of this mortgage.
<br />gated this 21st day of August A. D., is Ig
<br />_ ,pt ,.t~c'~_.~
<br />yb' ~ u7w .# ~1
<br />'~ Gladys Anderson
<br />STATE OR1VE$RASICA, ~ sa, tin thin 21st day of
<br />COUN'i'YtlFHALL August ty74 ,befomrre,
<br />the tunlersigired, a Notary publi5 and for said County. petsanrtlly txnte
<br />Gordon W, Anderson and Gladys L. Anderson, each in his and her i7wn~right and as spouse of each
<br />-Other ~ who are Personalty krwwo w
<br />tot to be the identical persons whoa naate5 are alTxed to the ahas+c irt;otiutnem as m~vttgagor S and they
<br />~„ Y
<br />atdmowkdged tiro said instrument tp lx their voluntary set and dotal. ,.t
<br />WITNESS my hand and Notarial Sol fire data afareasid. f
<br />CENEiIAt NCTABY -State of NtNrasMx ~ =" ~ ~"~~/~ --. ), ~, ~ ., ~~ ~r
<br />tn?a-+~ rot ~ _ JOY M. tltSAZIEY I - Nntary4
<br />MY Comm, kxp, Kepi. t, iYgi. ~ ~ -
<br />