<br />1 i V ~r I~ ::;~.= 9 ~ I,.i~l~ ,
<br />That t3te Mortgagor will pay title inc~attiednesa as ~,erernbtyftrirrr!',~pxt~vided. ~.
<br />'t'hat the iiiorrgag r"is ~ ^,':~. r ..aid rcprrty in fee simple and has goaC"right and lawful authority to seta and "~~
<br />convey the Barrie and thatthr same is tree and char of any lien or rncumhrance; and that Mortgagor will warrant anu de.~,_ t.`.a
<br />title to said premise against the claims of ai} persons whomsoever. s
<br />To pay imtnodately'when due and payable aU general taxes, speciaY taxes, special assessments, water charges, sewer serv-
<br />ite charges. and othertaxes and charges against said property, and all taxes levied ~n the rleht secured herehy, and to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, upon request, with the original nr duplicate receipts therefor. -The Mortgagor agrees that there shell Fxm added' to- -- -
<br />each monthly payment required hereunder or under the evidence of datrt secured hereby at, amoun! estimated fiy the Mortgagee
<br />to Ile sufficient to enable the Mortgagee to pay, »s they become due, all taxes, assessments, and similar charges uiwn the pram-
<br />ices subject thereto; any defieienc•y irerauso of the insufficiency r,f such additional p;'rynients shad he forthwith deposited try the
<br />Mortgagor with iltr Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this parch raph .shat{ he rlremed a default in
<br />payment of taxes, as.~ssments, or similar charges required hereunder.
<br />^~ The Mortgagor agrees that there shall also tx• added to each monthly payment of principal and interest required here-
<br />~r~yt under an amount. estimated by the Mortgagee to ne sutiicient h, enable the blortgager to pav, as it tx¢:omes clue, the insurance
<br />premium or. anY insurance policy delivered to the Mortgagee. Any deficiency bee»ux• of the incutficiercy of such additional pay-
<br />rnenta shall hr forthwith riepc~ited by the Mortgagor with the ~iortgagrr upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this
<br />psYagraph shall be d.•emed a rlrfault in the payment ui insurance premiums. If the policy or iN:licies d~pasited are such as txrme-
<br />owners or all rink fx>liries, and the dclxrsit: are insufficirut to pay th.• entire premium, fhe Mortgagee may apply the deposit to
<br />- ~' pay premiums on risks required to he insu cwt by this mnrtgaKe
<br />~ Payments made by the Mortgagor antler the ahrn-r pars graphs may. at. fhe option of the Mortgagee, kK held by hand
<br />- ~ enmmingled with other such funds ar its ow_n funds for thr• payment of such items, and until so applied, such payments are hereby
<br />- plaxtged as security for the unpaid balance of the m.,rtKade indebtedness.
<br />Tn procure, deliver tu, and maintain fur the berrrfit of tlx• mortgagee during the life of this mortgage r,,riginai ya:iu'it-, sect -,
<br />__ alu the waf deliv r.vt ar le.a~t -__ d~ w,r,. , .b, ........ ..t _ -,_r1, _., I.C.,.,. - _ r;. rc! ..ti:c ......:..!•!:
<br />hazards, casualties, and contingencies^as the Mortgagee ~mayrrequire.~in an amount•equai~ta~the'fndebtedness secured^by this
<br />Mortgage, and in conipanie~ a, rrpt:rblr G, th+- ~Tt,rigagre, w-it6 toss payable clause in favor cf and in form aceeptablr to the Mortga-
<br />gee. In then event anv tmfiry rs nut reneweYi on or be&ue• ten does of its rxpitatiun. the MartKagre may pr +cure insurance un the ,
<br />-_,-r„m r,_~- t},.- n, there&.r and sur_h sum --~ha11 f _nt immediately due a.d payable with mtrresi at the rate set
<br />{nrth mrtsaid note umiC pool and shaft Ix• ~et•u red by this martfiat:r'aFatturP on the part of the Mortgagor to furnish such [enewals
<br />ax are hrreitt required ur failure to pay any stuns advanced hereunder :hall, at the option of the Alorigagce- constitute a rlefautt
<br />ender the terms of this mortgage The d+•licort of su+-h pnhcr:-~; sh,atl, in the event of ae^fautt. conshhrtr an aasiknm+•nt of the un-
<br />earned pnmuum.
<br />Any sums receive-d by the :.i ortgager be reason of t.,. or damage insured against may lx+ retained (ty the Sf ortKagee
<br />and applied toward tht: payment ~rf the debt hereby ~•cu r•d. ur. at the nphon of the itiortgager, such sum;. either whulPy er in
<br />part may be paid over f„ the Mortgagor 1+r 4xr use,i to repair such buildings nr h, build'nrw' buildings in their place .,r inr any
<br />- other purpa~r cr oh7€et _ 3ttsfarlcry to the tiarttagce' as'ithaut aftev~tinK the hen =,n the mart_~_ age far the full amtsu rt Beau red here_ -
<br />by irefure such iwyment ever t<x>k place.
<br />Tn promptly repair, n•sturee ur rebuild any buitdi ngs or tmprc.vrmrnts now or hereafter on the premises which may Mr-
<br />coma damsgeti or destroy.Kt; to keep said promises in gmd condition and repair and free Prnm any mechanic's titan nr other lien or
<br />claim of lien not ezpresaly sutx,rdinated in thr• {ten hereof, met to suffer <,r tx=unit an unlawful use nt or any nuisane-r io rxrsi nn
<br />said property nor to lu,rrrit wa'+tr on said premises, nor to do any other act whereby the property herehy conveyed shat! twcome
<br />= less vaivattte, Parr t.: dimini>;t: er imi air its value tty any a.'t e..a,..,-=lose t.• set: f:~ c..4 i-•t:• w•iti: alt rt'gitiri-meet{ '=f ts=ar- :sift'. rt=+t'-r=-t -
<br />- En tf;e mortgaged prt•'mi-Bas anti tt±e use iita'reof
<br />That shoulet the pretni.srs or Any` part tf+e rrof Fr* takemi nr <iamnged k±y rra.;uZ of any puhirr improsrment ur c~miemnat%on
<br />= prr~-eeding. or unrirr 'the right of em,nent t , - n. ;.r ~- ny rn'r irann=•r. n- Ate.~iga=n- r,att h~.' =ati i ai. ~z„~,far~~ttrrs. -
<br />-_ awacdx, and any other payment i:r rr`trr~f thr~ra~Fvr, and ,hall !k rntittctf, at ifr rptit,n-. tea ~t,mmFnc'r. apfTr'ar in~artd µrtuta in its
<br />own name sell ru-tion or prt3-a. -ling. ur !e make any :'==nt;>r+^;t=r e:r ~*itt:+mrn.:: anx=.retaez:e s:ti: su€h taktn~ +.r r#ama$e At1 xtxh -
<br />= ceruf_._xaticrn, awards, tia_rrnugr~ ria~t Ed a~it ~ any. p~.u..a- arr hgietzy a~ianrrt. tc the .'~f::itga= wbo may, a€tar d>t~at`ting _
<br />thartA4rrrm all its. exprr~ea retea?e any moneys ao mrrtvrd by it or apply the wtme un any indetatt:dttess s~°tared heref?y. "i'tre ,Wnrt•
<br />gagor sirttes to exrcittr :wet! ftrrtiter axxignntents of any court n=sgtiun, awards, darriagrs, and rights ui action and pn,rc^er3A as fhe
<br />Mnr1$asee may rtqutre.
<br />- That m caste of failure to fu+rfurm any of the roernant, hr°reiu, titr Mortgut;ee may do on the Mortgagor's twhalf r*a+•rcthing
<br />- 3p rovenanteri~, that the Mortgagee may also do any art it n-,ay Jt•rm nrar•,san- h+ itre:tet~i the l+rn thereof: that the Mortgata,r well
<br />[epay npnri dCmrnd any mtanry8 paid nT drxhuPttrd by` the .1nr{gagPe for Any Of the ahttve purtMV.e•'s. and sUCh tut>nPys tttgrther wtlh
<br />- inteteat thereon at the rate prcwidrd in Bald Hate shall tttvoma sn much sddilinnal indrbte tinexa i,errhy s.=c•urrd sort may hP in~ ~-:-p
<br />-. €luded in any decree fartrlosirtg this nn+rtKaRr Antt hr paid out of the rents ur prax•reds of sate of Bald premses if nut ratherx•ixe _ -
<br />paid; that it shall nut he+ obligatory upon the Tfortgagtr• to tmtuirr tote the: .alidtty of soy hen, rnrumbrarcrs, .+r claim in Ad-
<br />v»mcing rrtoneys as above authorised, but nothing herein contained shat! 6e camstrurKi as requiring the hlurtgager tr, advance Any
<br />moneys [or any such purpose nw to do any art hereuruier; and that Mortgagee shall not incur any tiefstrnat tial,ilrt} httAUSe of soya
<br />thing it may do or omit W do hereunder. *sm
<br />In the event of ihtt default by Murkrtagnr to the traymrnt of any instaflment. as reyuireri by the i\otr ..+r.•u read herefi>. :r _
<br />in the perinrmana> of the d,ligatron in this mortgage „r in the note s>-rured therrM•, the Mortgagee shat) be PntttlrcS to detiarr• the - .
<br />- debt secured herehy due and payable without notice. and the Mc+rtgaget+ shall tx entitled at its uµtion, without nuiitY. either by itself
<br />- of by a receiver to lie apiwintetf by the court thercxd, and without regard to the adequacy ni any atrocity for the indebtedness se- -
<br />- ctit'-l ~ti'1'ehy, tri enter upon =_Rd ta}Se f?~?.~~ion-o* tit€ murtgag€d nremises, alai to t»iiect and re+ecl:ive tltr rents, iysnr•n rsnrl pKrflta
<br />!!mot ~.aj.ay t~,e„~:p, fe~a raatq ~,f nFr~.ratirut ax_~ col3ectfet~ upon the= indehietinesa eteeured by this mort~a$i; -sai+i rrnttt
<br />ieaiiea and protita lteintx hereby assigned to tfte tvfiortgatteo as fuether security Par the payment of ail indrhlydnrss secured herehy
<br />_- The Mortgagee shall have the pctwrr to appniat any agent or agents it may desire fur the purpose of repairing saki prem•
<br />taco; renting the same; collectitt$ the yenta, t•avenuca and income. and it may tiay ot:t of said inwme al] expenses incurred in rent-
<br />irt8 and managing the same a+td of rwllecting the rentals iherefmm. The balance remaining, it any, shall he applied toward the
<br />discharge of the mortgA$e utdebtcdneag,. Thief aaaigrtment is to terminate and become null and void upon refetise of this mortttattr.
<br />~.. .. .. ~
<br />r..~
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