<br />~ ~ii ~ .J~,I. ,
<br />`Chat tlpe,Morigagor wid pay the indebtedneaa as~hereinl}efore prertrided.
<br />That the ~Mortgagar' is the owner of said property in fee simple and has good right and lawful authority to cell and
<br />rnnvey the same and that the some is free and clear of any lien. or encumbrance: and that Mortgagor wilt warrant and defend the
<br />title to said _preiniaes against the ctaims,.of all persans whranaoever.
<br />To pay iintnediately'viheri due and payable alt general taxes, special taxes, special assessments, water charges, sewer sere-
<br />ice charges, and other taxes end charges against said property, and all taxes levied on the debt secured hereby. and to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, tltmn raggest, with the anginal or duplicate receipts therefor. The Mvrtgagor agrees that there shalt be added to' -
<br />each monthly payment required hereunder or under the evidence at debt soured hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee
<br />to br sutficienf-to -enable -the Mortgagee to pay, as they bea,mc due, all taxes. assessments, and similar charges upon-the prem-
<br />.~., i.>tes subjoet thereto; any deficiency tx>cause uE the fnsutCir•iency of such additional payment shn11 be~ forthwith deposited by the
<br />~~~t~ Mortgagar with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Morfgage e_ Any default under this pa ragrnph shall fie deemed a default in
<br />payment cf taxes, assessments, or similar charges required hereunder. -
<br />'Che Mortgagor agrees thai khere shall also tte added to each monihiy payment of principal and interes! required here-
<br />under an amount estimated by the Mortgagee to be-sufficient to enable the• Mort{,ager to pay ai it hea,mes rlue. the insuranm
<br />pn=n:ium <vr any insurance }wkicv cielivsred to the A•tortgagea. Any d€•hcn-ncy F.r~cause c,f tF rnsuificrency of such additirxx{a! pay
<br />meets shat:` br Forthwith depnsttetl by the Mortgagor with the ?vtortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default -under this
<br />~ paragraph shall }x- deemed a default in the payment of insurance premiums. If the policy ar paiici=s deposited are such as Fn,mr~
<br />awnr>rs nr alt risk }x,licirs, and the depucits arc insufficicnr to pay the entire premium, the Mortgagee may apply the de{xas-it to
<br />pay premiums nn risks required h, hr• insu rtd by this mortgage.
<br />Payments made by the Mortgagor und+•r the abcn•P paragraphs may, a£ the option of the Mortgagee, hi• held by rt anti
<br />commingled with other such funds ..r its own funds for the payment of such items, and until su applied, such payments am hereby
<br />pledged as seeurify for the unpaid balance of the mortgage lode Medncss_
<br />Ta pn,curr, deliver tn. ami maintain for iiu• L~~,.«-a ~,. : ;. "°_'-^^---• -+•~-•^^ tt:e Gee .,t rhic mortraee uriemal r,ubr~r; and
<br />renewals thereof, delivered at Icast ten daps tx•tom thr• expiration o! any such^}rolin.~:, insu n;±„ against fire and other ,,:.u ruble
<br />haznrda, cnsualties, and contingenrirs as the Mortgagee may- require, in an amount tquxt to the indebtedness secrured by this
<br />Mortgage, and in i-ompanic~ acct plablr b, the Mortgagee, wtth la: c payable clause in furor r,~[ and in form aeerptahte to the ~1uriga-
<br />gee- In the event any pubcy 3s nut reac,vrd un ,+r tx,fi.n• ten rtays .~f i!n expiration, the Mortgagee may procure insurance un the
<br />:mar.~vetnent= rwv th €,rem:,€m tl.,, r.,F.,r ,...:{ .,vet, ...n .t,~u t,t r..a,ri: na.,1u .1.. „t a}:i-• .. t. _-
<br />........_.. -u•:s,.... ern... ... -.. ...e :... pay ,. x.. nte; ~.t .- -
<br />.,t k,.:- .a:€- set
<br />torch in said Hate until paid and .ha31 ta• ururr.l by this mortgage Failure on the part of the ?ytortgagur t„ furnish such n•na•wais
<br />as are herein r+quired ux Failnm to p,ay any <ums advanced he reundrr s}uall, at the option crf the Mortgagee, constitute a default
<br />under the teem, of thiti muetgage. The deuce ry of :uch pulician shall, rn the «-vent of default. ronsu Herr an assignment of the un-
<br />earned premium.
<br />Any sums recw vrri by the M1S urtgagr.• b} rrasuu of loss ur damag€• in~urrd against may ix• retaine•d by the Vtorlgagee
<br />and applied (award the petyun•nt of the debt hereby seta red. or, at the updun of the Mortgagee, such sums either wholly nr in
<br />part may hr paid over to the Mortgagor to Ire used ku repair such ]auildings or to 6uild'nrw buildings iat their place or for any
<br />ether purprzse or ohj~rt satisfarSc,ry- to the i1lc~rtgagee without afTe.~ti ng the' Lien nn the m,trtgagr for the itdi am.mnt .ecu red terre
<br />by Iw(are such Payment ever t€ak place.
<br />To pnanptly n•pair, restore ur rebuild any huildi ngs nr uyy;rovrment5 nu,a „r hereafter on [hr premises which may he-
<br />cumr damaged or destn,yr•tJ, to keep said premises in gcwd conditior. and rn•patr and tyre from any mechanic's lien or other lien nr
<br />claim of ttrn Hai expressly sutxirdinated to the Lien h?reof, not to suffer ur penntt any unlawfut use of ar any nuisance to exist on
<br />sxid property nor 4. permit wa.~te on mid premises, nor to du any other net whereby the ptv,prrty hereby crnrveyed shalt become
<br />i •,.q,., . , ....., . .~..... , ..., !•: . h_• ,-t .,r -i..-, F. ,.ct- tr, „ ntnh with nit requirements ut few with respect
<br />to the trtr€rtgag~cd pretrti~= x?:et tl€~ use therr€?f. _
<br />'t'hat should the perm isa•s or any part thrrr•of Ix= taken ur damaged by rra+ua of env public tmpan•e•ment or condemnation
<br />pr€,s•r•eriing. cr under ttt+• n};i,t n -attnrr,t } Hullo, any tore tnvrmer. the M,.rtgahee .hail tte rutitied to ati c..smfzrn-satir,rt~,
<br />awards, snit any other pxyme°ni <;r relief th-r~-fr;r. andFatratt he entit}ert, at iis-nptrar. to cnmmrnre. appear in sort 9rrc~trute iti tta
<br />own rrartte arty actian € r f,r.z-rr:fin5, t«r f.. make arty t=.rtnixrnrmse r:r sr•ttt~m.~nt to rannectiun with each taktrrg or darrratse Alt sua:tt
<br />r-rp?t'~tte€n. awar€ta, ~tatrzrrg~, right €?t a€iian seal ;?rE,€€c~ xr? t~rahy ~-igrte~t t•€ the .'~iortsa wtitr Ptas°. ter-v~~ue•€ir~
<br />iherrlrn~t ttl! iLa txperxt~- re+le5ak a3iy m~naytc su rt-aetved try it ur r..pp14 the s~mr...n xuy' indrhteifne~ srrs!r~f ixeratry. Tt~~ Ri-tart-
<br />gsgar S~reata to ex~ute xutte furt}wr axsignmants of any etuut+ensattnr., awards, zlamagrs, and nr;hts at act:.=n amt prrt:,esis as the
<br />Mortgagee may require
<br />Z`hat in care u( failure .°u perform any of the covenant. hr reen. ih,• Mortgagee may du un the Muetgagt+r'.5 behalf r,rrsthieg
<br />su crovenanted; that the Mortgagrr may also du any aci ti may deem nrrrs;arry t., pnrtect the lien thereof; that the Mnrtgag„r w-dl
<br />rFpay upon demand any moneys paid or distnr rsrd by the hinttg..ger- for any of the 3huve purp€ses. and such moneys togetFier with
<br />interemt thereon at the rate provided in said note kha]! hacnmr sa roach addttuarml indebta•ciness hereby srcurert and may Fry in- ~,
<br />eluded in any decree (orretust.^-g this mortgage and ba patd out ,;f t}tr rents or pru,•€•ndx €.€( sat« r,f 4rid }!r»mtsra if not otharwtae -
<br />paid; that it shall not rya obligaiary upon tFre Murtgxgt•€• to rnqutre «nh. the validity ut any lien. rtccuntbraru•es. ur claim in ad- -
<br />vt:racing moneyra as shave authortxeri, but nothing hetem cantatrttd sttstl be can~itrued as requiring the Murtgxgt•s! to advance eny
<br />trmrtays far any such purKKasa our to do any ect hereunder, and that Murtgattee shat) not incur any personal liability txa•aucr of any. ~~
<br />thirty 1! may do nr omit Ira du hewunda+r.
<br />In the event of the dr{suit by Afuriraxa,r to the pavruent of anu matallenent, as r~quirad by. 41re Nute s€cure~d he-rehy. ar
<br />in the perie,rmance of the ohligatn+n to the=, mortgatt•' ur to the note wecured thereby, the Mortgagee shtdi ire rttirtled to declare the
<br />dt+b4 xeuned hereby due and Payvable wtthout natn~t•. and the Murigattee xhall be entitled xc its optian, withaut nntire. either by itself
<br />- or try a receiver to Ile appointed 6y the court thereat, and without regard to the artequacy of any security fsv the indebtedness sr-
<br />r'bz~ h~+et~. to ere!=r .:€,,.r; rya tae .,.,~r:...:~:un yr ti- =; E~a_=a*± ~-et•tiae°... arsd ~ Ce~tt~;'t 5t-.-? rg~~eb etr ga,e.i -tom a -t E .F#a
<br />tttr•r+, :tea a'~"'ty ~~ ~ t ~ = e,. , r .e.~... sent ,YZts... r - ~>±~ it ~°h!~tt:~. '~ur;v:'. t-, .:.r^ ~~r.-tg: '~~ .s~.~.
<br />issues-and prate teeing-heretry saai}tned to the M€srtriager ss furtlxr seivrity for the payment of ati indebtedness sar•utavt hereby.
<br />The -MartgatteC shall have the prnwea to xp{terint any agent nr agent- it may desire for the pttrEx+se rr! erirairing said prim-
<br />. ittce; renting the same; tatk~tin6 the tents, revrntrea artd itrt-,tor!, and it may pay out of said income all extx•nses incurred in rent-
<br />ing and managing Nte same and of cdlectittg ttu* rentals therettzxn. The balartcr remaining, if any, shalt t,r a}aphrd trrward the
<br />discharge of the marlgage igdelttedtteers. This ttsaigntnant is to terminate and become null and void upon eele4se of this mortgage.
<br />~~
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<br />