<br />TkfE ,MiDI2TGACroR„ FURTHER CASVENRN'fS AlYU' ACsREES: r~ d ~~'~' rv ° =
<br />"""" 11
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<br />that thy-„INOrt~~pr will pay tkje inria,,,.
<br />" 9rdtxlnasa as Iti~raynhCio~}, prt~vided.i
<br />That. the M >rtgagor i5 the owner of said property in fee simple and has good right and lawful authority to sal! and
<br />convey the sartie and that t}ne carne-is`iree ¢nd clear of any lien or. encue_nbrance; and that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the .: -
<br />title to said premises against the ~Faimo of all.petsnris.whomsoevee: - -
<br />To pay immediately-when ilea andpayable al! general taxes, specie{ taxes, special assessments, water charges; sewer yerv- -
<br />irr charges, snfiother,taxes and charges against said property, and alt taxes levied on the debt secured hereby, and to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, upon request, with the original or duplicate rer:eipts therefor. -The Mortgagor agrees Heat there shall 6e. added. iv... .
<br />each monthly psyrrient required hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee
<br />to he su8'icirnt ao-enable.:the- Mortgagee to pay, as they become due, aii taxes, assessments, and similar charges upon the prrm~ ,'
<br />{s
<br />e
<br />a siihject thereto; any defrciency because of the insufficiency of such additional p•.'tyments s}sail be forthwith depositcrl by the
<br />~
<br />rryy~~
<br />~
<br />trvMUrtgagur wills fhe Mortgagee u{son demand by the Morl;,agee. Any default smiler this paragraph shalt ice deemed a data alt in
<br />i~rayment of taxes, -assessments, or similar charges required hereunder. -
<br />
<br />The Mortgagor agrees that there shall also be added to each mvnthiy payment of principal and intaresi required here- _ -
<br />~ixnder an amount estimated by the :Mortgagee to hh~ suRi:ient to enable the Mortgagee fo pay, a+ it t>ECUmNS due, the insurance
<br />remiurn on any insurance policy delivered to the Mortgagee. Any deficiency because of the insufficiency of such additional pay-
<br />ments sFiatl be forthwith deposited by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this
<br />paragraph shah be deemari a rletault in the payment of insurance premiums. ff the policy or policies deposited are such a's npme-
<br />~owners or all risk polities, and the de{n+siis are insufficient to pay the entire premium, the Mortgagee may apply the de{xss9t kx
<br />^}-ray premiums on risks required to M' insu earl by this mortgage.
<br />Payments made by the !4{.Jrtgagor under the above paragraphs may, at the option n( the Mortgagee, he t++•Id by i[ and -
<br />eommingted with other such funds ~r its own funds for the payment of such {tarns, and anti ws applied, such payment. -s r,• hereby -
<br />pledgeri as security far the unuaid balance of the mortKa~e indebtedness-
<br />To procure, deliver 1.~. and maintain fur the twnafit of the ?vtortgagee during ttie li[r cif this mortgage original politics and
<br />remewals theretrf, delivers+i at Ieast ten days tx>b,rP the expiration of any such policies, inwr~ng against fire and uthr•r insurable
<br />haxards, casualties, and contingencies as the Mortgagee mny require, in an amount equal to the indebtedness secured by this
<br />Mortgage, and in canni.a.^.ies accepts 6le to the .4'Iurtgagae•, with loss payaable tlausr in lava€.•f and in (arm acreptablr to the Mortga~ '
<br />-. 1 n i..r <-.a... ;!`!:r .t .r:i:"^t•rl t... t:C rw'f'.: rY t. d?,i$ t:f .~k °xptr°ot:::n. ihY iLi t)rt~agi'i= ., °j' 1>r2;i•it: F: i :5u ran££= Cfn fFiiT
<br />i
<br />~
<br />• -
<br />improvements, pay the
<br />premium
<br />t
<br />6eretor, and such Burn shall t?erome immediately due and payable with interest at the rate set -
<br />Corth in said nuto anti) pair! and shalt !x~ sra'umd by this nxirtgaga Failure on the part of the Mortgagor to tarnish such renewals
<br />as are herein requir«~ii or trulure to pay any Burns mivaueezl ixvounder shall, at the option of the Mortgagee, constitute a default
<br />under the farms of thi+ mortgaKr_ 7`he delivery of wrh {wiicirv shall, in the event of default, constitute an assignment of th~• un~
<br />earned premium.
<br />Any sums recewed 6y the Mortgagee by reason of loss nr rlatnage insurer! against may tic retain.-:! by the ~turtgagea -
<br />arxd applied toward the pavmenK ut the dept herehv secured, oq at the option of the MartgaKea, such sums either whrliy or in
<br />part may tee paid os°zr to the ;vlortgagor to Ire usNd to r.'pair such tuildings et to huiid~naw t;uiidurgs in their plaza ur fe,€ ,:nv
<br />orbs-r purix>se or rrhjret sali~faMory to the Mortgagee without afleriing the lien on [he mortgage for the trill arnouni ~aeurail here-
<br />by tx lure such payment ever ttx;k place.
<br />Tu promptly repair. resWce ur rebuild au}• buildings nr improvements now ur hereafter vn Use premiers which may he~
<br />come damaKrd or drstnayerF; h> keep said premises in gtx,tl condition and repair and tear frwn any mechanic's lien nr other lien ur -
<br />claint of lien not expressly subordinated to lha lien hen•of; not to suffer ur {x•rmit anp ~nlawtul use of ar any nuisance to exist on
<br />4airi pruirrr iy n , «_~ ir. unit wunir up ..e .: p.e ,.,<.. ,,.,, .....,, .,..,~, ~u ..,,r. „« pwtx• - oar -~ currveyrr: site{{ ieti ~nu•
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<br />:-: :i r:Y a; t e,r rri i.•+*-,nn i. -i:'f. f., i -.n.-t: ii-iti, ar: t :-1 E., Tr: €E'E-.:ice { 1.15x' .#ii} €-.=i,e':f
<br />ic. .l.m1[ii3}: --r Eriitxt:€ :~ 13 Ei -
<br />1tirS+ :`ai[tahie, nca€
<br />to the mottgaKr«i prftntarx and the use the Fea4t.
<br />That should rite prem4+r- nt ant' (tart titer ~c,f Fet• Fakro 4E!' ddixla~'ed by t«'- _ i .if ar ~ I+EIPitC ~inpri:vPrllrtYt E?C rexit!1-t'inari'.n
<br />pruceerfm$, OC ltndel 4he right txf eminent domain, eel ill arty nihf'F manR[ F, rite '11e•Ftgagai• =fiali M- hnlitle.cl tie all rilrn{1en38t1tinS,
<br />aVVarll9, alto any nth«-r pS7rrent i;r ir't1r{ fFii•FefcFi, Li iid SF,all F+e entrtleii, at It-ti C?~ttit'rri. {i: rZ~itR-ft~F, e3fi~R'iF m ai'+d firf~F:4YttY iii 1tR -
<br />fi?'f{i names aHny ariit~n tar t:f '.1'Y?`r.4nk`, L•C Fn rP-3~E` aP=y rnr'lpr€'-rxlr-sr r5>* -±~eti4 --1.=4-x i - r} ;.r#.cin verb .56C^ '~kari~ €ae ~arrr~~r~- Vii} skl~~ri -
<br />- tgrnpe-itsatiori. -awards, damages, right ~' artiotr and pru<~eadx err Firrrby as_sivtt~r•al to the Mcr~ag-~x•. whc nra.•_ ait~r- Jarlurting --
<br />ihtrefrom all ire axpensea, rzirat;r any mntirya ria care tees{ by ii ur apply the same eui soy ittdrhtrrtttess sea:urrtl hereby. `ThN Mort=
<br />gtr;or agrees to execttin stick further a+laignmrnta of any r•nmtx•nartftun, awards, <tamayea, and eighty r-f action atsd prvcrtxls as the
<br />MoKgagea* {nay require
<br />~'`
<br /> ~rt
<br />l'hat in case of failure to {x•rfurm any ui the covenants herrus, tht• Mortgagee may du .+n the MartgaKur'n M•half everything :~;
<br />so covenantrci; that the Mortgagee rosy also de any art it may de«•m n«ah•wsary to protest the ;:en thereof thnt the Mortgagor will ~;-
<br />repay upim demand at>_y moneys paid or distniraed by the Morigaga«• for ant, of the aM>vr purp.xs«.,.- and each moneys t<,grtber with -'
<br />~~
<br />intet~t thereon at the rate pnxisirrt in said tiara shall hekome so much arlrfitional inrirtroirdrw.:f* hereby secured and may Fa: in-
<br />eluded in any decree forrclastng this murtgaKa qnd Ftr paid out of the retstw nr prcr:rada e>E seta of said i+reniixeY if not uthetwixe.
<br />paid: that it shall net Fir vhliltatosy upon the Mortgagee to inquire into tfir validity of ant hen. enrumhrances, ur maim an ad-
<br />vattdng moneys as shwa autharixed, but nothing herein contained ahail be cunstrusai as ittquinng the Murtttagcr fu advaaee any
<br />rttoneyr flu arty ouch puaywrra nor to do any tin lnrreander; and that Mortgagee shag met incur any personal liahitity 1„-cause of any- -
<br />thiny it may du or emit in du hdreut_tdar,
<br />to the event of the default by Mortgagee in the payment a[ any inntaUment, as required by the Nate secured hereby. itr
<br />in the perfot:l.anco o[ the erbligation io this mortgage yr in the note secured {hereby, the A-lortgager shat) ba rntitfed to dx.tarr the
<br />d~bt< ttecitred hereby due and payable without notim. and the Mortgagee shall be rntiUed at ire aptivn, without notice. either by {reel{
<br />::=-'-a giver t.-~'l~ a~r,f°=titod-hF t:*a ri"=irt f'i~r=~.:~,1 •xethos~t mggid io the adegttaey of any security tear iFtr ituleh*edne~s ~-
<br />ud h°c-z~vy. ° :tom. i.i,.,.: •,d t.~~t? t=€". }~.5--3..:~ s~ tt`~` _,.-:!{.°sax~.a7 nrum _ anti to «!lF~'€t ar!d rN'!'elYw !hp wnf ~inei sod Ftl<
<br />therreof, and--apply the name„lere» tmata of t>;trratlan anc+ collection, upon the indehtecinesa aecu,red by this martgage: said rcnfs,
<br />issues and prolib being' hereby assigned to the Mortgagee as further avtwrity for the lraymenl of all indehtrdness wrurerl henehy
<br />The Mortgagee attell }Lave iho paver to appoint any agent oc agentq it rosy desire ter the purpvae of repairing acid prom, -
<br />isas; ranting the {fame; culleetirag fhe reels, revenues and hicpme, and it may pay out of said income all expenses incurred in rent-
<br />ing and rnariai{ing the tunic and of cwllecting Fhe rrntiils therefrom. The balance remaining, if any, shalt he applied Inward the
<br />diecitprge of fire r;nnrt(tage intiabttsdneas. 1`his assignment is to ,terminate and become null and void upon release of this mortgage.
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