<br />
<br />THIS INDENTCIIiE, made this 21st day of August 19' 9 by ami between
<br />Michael Galean and 3larilyn J. Galvan, husband and wife, each in his and her own right
<br />and as spouse of the other,,
<br />of Ifall _ County, Nebraska, u mortgagor s ,and Grand Island Trust Company of Grand IaLral, a corporation
<br />organized end rioting under the laws of Nebraska with its principal offoe sad place of business et Grand Island, Nebraska, ae mortgagee:
<br />W ITNESSETH: That said mortgagor a ,far and in consideration of the sum of __
<br />**Twenty-two Thousand Six Hundred Sixteen and NoJ100tha** DallaFag 22,616:00_ °I
<br />the receipt of which ie hereby acknowledged, do - by these presents mortgage and warrant onto said mortgagee, its sueceaeoro and, aepigae,
<br />forever, all the following described real estate, situated in the County of Hall ____ - _ -
<br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit: i
<br />Ali of Lot Nine (9) and Northerly Thirty-eight (38) Feet of Lot Ten (10)
<br />in Belmont Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />AND
<br />Let Six f6) in Block Firre t5) in Windalph's Addition to the City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall Cotmty, Nebraska.
<br />Together with als heating, sir conditioning, sighting, sad plumbing equipment and futures, including screens, awnings, storm windows end
<br />doors, end window shadem or blinds, used on or in coattection with said property, whether the same are now located on said property or herafter
<br />placed thsreoa.
<br />Tf} HAYE AND TQ HOLD THE SA,3tE, tagettter with ell and singular the tenemeata, hereditamoats and appurtenances the:ettato be•
<br />longing, or in anywise appertaining, forever, and warrant the tide tc the same. Said morgagor ~__ hereby covaoant _____ with said
<br />mort~apta that __e. ~ _ he ~! r are _~ . at the delivery hereof. the IawfuI owner_~___ of the ptetnista! above conveyed and dseribed,
<br />ana a,i: c __ aaitsti of a good anti iatiefeasioid asias~ u -- ---- :`..:..i:. _ s-a ^!~• ^! sii a+u~,.,.Amar,+a and that the Y_will
<br />warrant pod defend the titre thereto forever rgainat the claims and demands of nll peroons whomsoever.
<br />Pii{tYI73ED ALWAYS, sad thin instramattt is executed sad delivered to san!re the payment of the sum of _~ _ _ __ _
<br />~..~eeat5+-tea~o Thtatttattd Six Hundred Sixi=eon apd ~Ia110Qt4ta** I~rlwrots.._ ~',,~~~-00 i.
<br />_ T __ _ ________ _..... _ __.
<br />with intareat t;~rvan. tagethar tvtth such rtar3ss arul adv~t~s as may ha due sad ~ayabla ta a~ mom a tons tere'+s sad Y = =t-~^=
<br />of Eire pmraissary tsa;a of even date herewith arsd aa~ured grab>°, axaeutad by sakt rn*rtttgvr =__... tv acid mortgaxea. payable as sxprniaed
<br />is said ante, and to centre the performance of all the terms sad caadit~rsa rnntafned therein. Tits tartna of said noes are hereby itteorporated
<br />hes®hs by thin reference.
<br />It is tba inteatian sad agreement of the partisa berets that this mortgage ahasl also aecuro any future advatxea made ta aWtid taartgsgar _.~_
<br />by said morggrgee, end any and ail indebtedness in addition to the amount above stated which said mortgagors, or say of them, may owe to
<br />said mortgagee, however evidenced. whether by note, book account ar otherwise. Thin rru,~pite shall remain in tu!! k,ree sad affec4 between
<br />the partims hatoto and their heirs, parsanzl repreaetttatives, auecesaors sad assigns: until all amounW secured hareu,~ier, including future
<br />advaa~, ate paid its full with iatwest.
<br />The mortgrgor,~__ hereby assign ._-- to said mortgagee afi Hotta and income arming pt any and aU Limas from aaW property sad
<br />hereby authorise aaifi mortgagee or its agave, at its option, upon default. to take charge of said property and collect ai{ rents and income
<br />therehottt and apply the dams to the payment a! iateroet, principal, inaurnntx pretnsstms, taxes, assessmmtta, repairs ar Improvements
<br />necessary to kelp acid property in tenantable condition, or to other ehargea or payments provided for herein or in the note hereby secured. This
<br />rent assignment shall continua in fprce until the unpaid balance of said trots is fully paid. The taking of poaaeasion hereunder shau in no manner
<br />prevaa4 or retard said trmttgagee bs the tallsetion oP snit! soma by fFUecloauro w otherwise.
<br />The failure of the mortgagee to assert any of its rghte persuader at say Limo shau sot las conattved as t waiver o[ its right to arassF the
<br />eanne a4 any later time, sad to insist upon aaul eafontrs rcriet txFntpiLmx with a!t the terms and pmvieioas of said testa sad of tkG mortgage.
<br />If saki taortgrtgor s shall dose to be paid to said m6rtgagea the entire amount due it hereunder, and under the Penns sad provisions
<br />of said pis haraEty aacttred, ineludittg future advances, sad say erctsFasiaas ar wall tltareof to a~:ardaaea with the terms sad pttrvisiona
<br />thereat. and if said mortgagor _$_ shall comply with all the proviaiom of said note and of this mrutgage. ~ these pteeertte shall ire void;
<br />otherwise w tamale in fraB fords sad ef#ect, card said mortgagee shall be entitled to the possesuaa of all of said property, sad may, at !ta option,
<br />declare the whole of saki note sad aB iadsbtahFaes reptaeeatad thereby to ire irruoetliataly due std payable, and auy foreclaas this nmttgage
<br />or take any other legal acbioa to peataet Ira right. AppMleemeat waived.
<br />Thle tortgage shall ba biadirtg upon earl shalt enure to ties beae8t of the heiro, a:ecutoro, admiaiatretoro, auccesaoro and assigns of the
<br />respective partial hereto.
<br />1N 4YITNESB WHEREOF, said MortdageufL_..ha_YE..henunto set hand~_the day and year fret above
<br />written ~_...n~~ [~
<br />i ta~ Ga an i
<br />l~l;+n J. C- s-n
<br />