2?,'I-PdECSiFiT!ITt;'8 LIEN
<br />The F[uH.man Cicncral Supply Sio¢°e, L3¢c¢In, Nebr.
<br />- ___---
<br />Lien clAimed by:
<br />OZ-'4Tes ~°`^fii'r'c.:' St-ree~-.
<br />Address..~T3mnd Islandr ?'ebraska 68801
<br />79
<br />r9............
<br />Against:A.~.G~..`a~Y..~'Y.t~t°°°-----°° •----°° ..................
<br />201.1 Garces Drive
<br />~..~'irag~sco,- .Califgrnia..~L}132--------------
<br />Dr. Cr.
<br />~~ It8 02
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<br />State of,-T&]~S.fl,......._.,-...._.._~ '
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<br />.................1:~~.......-...-..... Gounty
<br />,q~nN, Gr~~gry..Scott.-Eisic~:,a..;~ssistant f!Itt3:a~;er.--.3herw..u sliliitz:ri:a Oo:~roa:.sy ................. bring first [
<br />duly sworn, on his oath says that the foregoing itemiaed accou»t of e~xill ............................._...............-..-•---.....,
<br />materials, a~Yp~ISlrilris true and correct: that saxna ware done and prrfar»ard and furnished by tht undorsigned
<br />' !
<br />for the said..Gv7,der T fiaxldysat~.n,-. r-~ '
<br />under ax n~1...ct'.A.rg~ ............................ ....... tax,tract....~,.~~j}a..c¢s,--t3a.ch..fah..complr~ti.col..,........-°--..................... j
<br />for tho°..Ji~~?tai;Vince..re.F:~'r....-----° ..................................of a .~~.~~1~~{~~..i..~~1~. ~:~-a..'.:~'............. I
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<br />i. n at..Ha1.£-.,~._,. est,-~--~~s<tx--~--~. Bltac,~. ` ~ 1 toztr~ t ;,
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<br />hat at th€ timra€ said : r~ntraet zz :s xnad€ ~Y1111id that€ria!s f urnixh.€d rnd d€liz~r€d tk€v€»nd€r-------------•-----,-
<br />-..t...>~:..u .......Y ..............................u.•as the ozcmer of caul promises
<br />~.p~~,i-~:t~-~.c~.:::ur....l..:ism:;ly:,au:.,..~aS...thfl...GCU:.yrs.,~s~r..cox,.sax~:..??1~:~:E..~.i3S.b:,.. BCt'_*?n £ox t.`:~ i ~:i
<br />That thr date of tAr Jarst item furnished and deiiuered u~as-.l;:i~c..~rr..li,~.~....-.. .-• ....... ....................... and tho ~ '
<br />date of th~• last item ze~as..~y..1oy....19.:'? .-......._.-.... - ............................................._.._..._........_.. - ;
<br />rl~aant fnrthrr states xxaateriafs uarr furnished far, delizjrrva6 at, and used in {
<br />said Pnitdixxa, ar preruises vra and h_~tzz~e€n the dates sprrified.
<br />That the pric=*s tiaarged th€rrfarr are fair and rtaso»ablr, and Haut tlaerr is n;au~ due on said aeevunt the sum of
<br />{lSi~..~+I?TFtirt±~l,.:~ld".a~?.~+.'{ LF_o, ~:i~.i..I.ax'3._~._~i 2~~11.ti:i....._.~.+.........« r......_°...Datlars, that Said' i !1
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<br />~- F
<br />.--.--_-.ctaixas a lien en tlx€ snot pretnises fee !hs f~ amount of i 1
<br />t ~;
<br />said account, to-roil; The scam of $.122.2~ ...................................._-.-.-.together udth intrust thereon at fhe legal rata, i i~
<br />~ „
<br />from the...~ .................day vf...p,tt~~.ia. ............................. ,..----- .........._.. tQ...f.~...., and furthrr affiant says not. 1 I?
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