8~tl--ligxeamessT tas VJarrantp Decd rna tt,~tt~,nn annnrnl SuDDir x4nn6. Lincoln, xnbr.
<br />.. .-~~S r~CR~~.._.___ __ .. _
<br />NT, made this 30th dnY of July tq 7g , L•ctwecn
<br />WENDELL E. WOLLES and NORMA F. WOI,T.ES, Husband and Wife beret>safter refcrr^ed to
<br />as the seller(s) and LUCINDA A. SAUNDERS and R.hYMOND M. SAUNDERS, Wife and Husband and
<br />GEORGE R. BOLEY and MARY L. BOLEY, Husband one Wift+
<br />hercinaftcr referred to as the Luyrr(s).
<br />WITNRSSF_TH, that the seller(s) hereby covenant(s) and agree(s) that if the buyerl's) shall first snake !ha pay-
<br />ment(s) and parfartra the covenants hereinafter ntentinned on his, her or !heir part !o be nmde and performed, tht said
<br />seller(s) agree(s) to furnish b:rycr(s) n good and sujfscient abstract of title shoxoing a tnerchontnble title of record fo
<br />the premises hereinafter described in the seller(s), and zvi/l convey and assure to the buyer(s), in fee simple, clear of alt
<br />encusxbrancas except ns .rtnlcd herein, by good and su~cient ii'arranty Decd, the folloxc=ind tat, puce and parcel of
<br />ground, to wit: A tract of land situated in the west Half of the Southwest Quarter {W3gSt~)
<br />o£ Section Four (4) Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9} West of the Sixth P.M.
<br />commencing at an iron stake which is located at a point located as follows: beginning
<br />at a point on the North line of the Southwest Quarter of Sectlon Four (4}, said point
<br />being located 40.0 Feet east of the Northwest Corner of Said Southwest Quarter of Sec-
<br />tion 4, running thence South parallel with the West line of said Southwest Quarter
<br />377.8 Feet, which is the place of beginning, running thence East parallel with the
<br />North line of Rains Subdivision 289.0 feet, rumiing thence North Parallel with the Wast
<br />line of said Southwest Quarter (SW%} 151.0 Feet running thence West parallel with the
<br />North line of trains Subdivision 2$9.0 feet, running thence South parallel with the West
<br />line of said Southwest Quarter (SWty) 151.0 feet to the place of beginning excepting
<br />therefrom the Northerly Forty (40) feet thereof and the Easterly Fifty {50} feet tt:ereof.
<br />,4nd the said buyer(s) rovennnt('s) and agree(s) to pay to said seller(s), the sure of
<br />in the manntr follotainy: as below
<br />D°vilu~a, ias h "" hRnd j==ci d, rite r"opt xinerev'f 45 riireiy aY nazi te-a'g~d, a""~l iii e- bahrnie y'ayabfc',
<br />Payable with the signing of this agreement .....517,812.50
<br />Balance to be carried by the sellers ........... 53,437.50
<br />TOTAL ..........................................571,250.00
<br />The 553,437.50 to be carried by the sellers wtth interest at the rate of
<br />lOX with mar.thly payments of principal and interesC at $515.34 with the first payment
<br />to be due September 17,1979 and a like amount due the 17th of each month thereafter
<br />until August 17,1989 at which time the total unpaid principal balance plus interest
<br />will be due in a balloon payment. The buyers agree to pay the taxes an the property
<br />when they become due and pay for bath the fire and liability insurance an the property
<br />naming the sellers as title holder on the insurance policy. It is hereby agreed that
<br />this contract will not be prepaid far the first 5 _years of this agreement without
<br />written consent bf the sellers. After the first 5•'etirs,~~..con>rtact can be paid in
<br />full withou€ any pre•-pa',~ent pe:;41€y. I;tclu+ied i~~,€~~_~ ~~ X13 the perstl
<br />its ?.rhich make ap the F.4tty Foad14 parlor wE+i>Ln t:~ a:rw ~w.~~ ....~'~~.t;~t~~ 1 tr
<br />setters. It is hereby agreed that a copy of ehis agrc~€:atent for died will be reearded
<br />Fh~ ne8i- °: of ~~Ja Office g .d _~ . ty =Jaed ,:ill ke s+g «+ an.i put in z4z.~-..
<br />along with the abstract of title at DaxLyFRealty nr any otheri~place agreed on by both
<br />the boyars and the sellers.
<br />with irtteresi Gt the rate tEl lU der cent par an+uun~ payable ras above on t1r,- whale r~tlr rr«kns-
<br />ing from time to time unpaid, axaf to pay alt genera! taros, that may ba lc.7ally !<~~ied sr imposed upon said fund, sttb-
<br />saquan! to the year 8/1,7/79 and aIt installments of spceutl a,ssessntr'nts or special tares becoming due ur deliu~uent
<br />after 8J1~ 79 ar:d keep the buildings in a reasnncrf~le state of repair and insured
<br />for $ 54,000.00 I( there i.s et ntortgagc^ on said prnparty, pay ivte~rest and tares thereon up to 867/79
<br />It is mutually ag,eed that time is an essenti<tl Ef+°mcnt in this canira~t_ ;Ind it ix fnrtA€r
<br />agreed that in rasa of any pay+nent, either of principal or interest, rrntaining wnpaid fnr- a space of 60 days
<br />ajar the saana shvlt bacorne clue, and is case of jai~rue or the said buyer(s,) lc utakr any of the afc-=resaid payments
<br />pracndtd for herein ar the hrc=aett of env vtber cox=rru»tt contained lu-rein. th& eontrctet shall at the upti=.n of the s.°fl,~r(s),
<br />6e farfaited and delerntined and the bur,°r(s) siutlt forte°it alJ pnvuu•nts made hernrndcr, and snrh E'er++o,^nts shall be
<br />raftsined by the seltar(sl as liquidated darttages in fall satis(aclion of all the darnnttrs sustained, and soli,-,~sJ sh,.it have
<br />the gyp; t to re-enter and tetra posse'ssiou crf satc'+ prcmirrs aforesasd.
<br />That this agraerne•nt slt;all rust be assigned bV huyrr(sj uxlhout the :rritten r<~nsent czf !l;e s,•tler(sl.
<br />Jt is mutemfly agreed that all the roe°rnants a»d nyrecmants herein contained shall rstrnd to ana ha obllgatary
<br />wean the heirs, executors, arintiuistratvors and assigns of the rrspeetise parties.
<br />!N WITNCt`SS WHRI4F_Dh, the parties of these presrnts !tar=e hereunto set their hands and seats the ttav and veer
<br />ftCst above written. n n -
<br />Signed, sealed and dalit~cred in the presence of ~ n ' ~ ~~Co _(L. S.)
<br />Millt+]NII~IIIIatt~Mr+r ~'~;}~'i3•r,..;/~,, ILiU:G~E,x..J. __.(L. S,)
<br />i11sM101~d~1A
<br />Ow- saw 4 M~!
<br />_..__.f._ ~ ~~ ..... _.
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<br />? l.C1K_FiC« (I. SJ
<br />il. C.l
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