<br />R.~~t~~~
<br />~~~~~)
<br />This mortgage made sad catered into this 14th ~Y of August,
<br />14 7g , by and between Frank A. Wright and Carol A. Wright, husband and wife
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) end Cottattercial National Bank tv Trust Co.
<br />(hereinafur referred to ae
<br />mortgagee), who maintains an office and place of business at 424 West Third Street, Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska fi8803
<br />` lY~tnt=ssiE'rH, t}tat for the ceaeideration hereinafter elated, receipt of which is hereby aekaowledged. the
<br />mortgagor does hereby mortgage, Bell, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, hie successors and assigns, all
<br />of the following described property situated and being in the Cotmty of Hall
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />Lot Thirty -Six (36) in Bu`enavista Subdivision, an addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska. ~ ,
<br />!,
<br />t
<br />
<br />`I`ogethP.r with ami in 'uding all huildin~, n!I ficturc5 including but a+;t -imited to all plumbing, heating, !6phting,
<br />ventilating, refrigrr€.ting, }ttrinPratiug, air conditioning appunttu~, and elevatorx (the mortgagor hereby d€•Pial•ing chat
<br />it : ..;tr;~dr€I that the it€~mx her€•i€, esamerat:•d +ha!! b€^ elrcn€rd !o l:a4c been }zerssane•nlly installed a_4 part ..l' tb+• rraltyl.
<br />and all Imp(FIYPme, ntn nON' al hrrra7irr rli8iiin#t ihPiRSn; llle hr[e•diiatnc ais anti aPpartCaaal'l"+ sad al! [Yiher n".~+h t. •hrrr
<br />unto 6eloagt _g, or in aaywtae appertaining, and the revers}oa and reverHioner. remainder and rrma}ndere. all rtgittN of
<br />redeiaptloa, sad the reati>i, lar+uer3, sad proi'tt[s of Ihr above dcr~cribrd property- (pn~eidrd, ho.+ever, thnt the mortgagor
<br />shall he entitled to th ~..~c~.oR of aaaid ;r'u}te~. and to s-oiled nu€I retain tltP rent-: t +ar+, and ttmfitw until dcfauit
<br />h~,e..,,dcr} Ts L..ave- ~ d to ~.Id .~ a.G on..€ th. ~ °.:d th. ~.icY~ti iti i--t-._~... f .h .a_.€~ ~< f.revrr
<br />3. .rs~ae~s' .. ._~ D•
<br />in fee r3imple nr s+ach other state, if any, a+ i+: eluted herein.
<br />The mortgagor ttov®nattta that hr. u tawfuily seised and possessed of and, has the right to sell and convey said
<br />property; that the saran is free tram all encumbrances exceQt as here}nalaove recited: and that he hereby binds
<br />hiaaaelf and hiw netec~ara in iatrrest to watrant and defend the title aforesaid thereta and every part thereof against
<br />the claims o,° al! persoae whomsoever.
<br />Guarani: of Frank A. r mot, and Carol A. Wright
<br />This ittsttumaat id given to securei ahefptiyraem ~f a pmmterory no~e +~trTt<eti August 14, 1979
<br />is 4he principal sum of S 6p; U94.QD • si~t~ by President and Secretary-Treasurer
<br />in behalf of Shaetm,atal ~phcialty Company, Inc.
<br />
<br />