not extend or pastpo~~ne fire clue date's r.~ti the manthty inatnlhttents reft~rtrri to in !4aragrs{~)lx ] :zn.:l Z hEr~aaof ;at•
<br />change rite azmotutt of such installments.
<br />1Ci. Borraw~r Not Released. Extension of tb+; titer: for payment m• ntadiScatiort of atttort-izat,ioru of t~ltes suatros
<br />secured by this ~iulortgage granted by I,eniier t,o any successor in interest of $orrower ~sltatl not. operate to ra;ieasar,
<br />in any manner, the liability of the original Borrower and Borrotyrr's successors in interest. bender shall not be
<br />required to commence proceedings against such successor m• refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify
<br />amortization of the sums seeured by this Mortgage Iro reason of any demand made iiy the original $orrower sod
<br />Borrower's successors in interest..
<br />12. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by bender in exercising an}• right or remedy
<br />hereunder, or ot.hcrwise afforded by applicable law, shall not he a of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br />or remedy hereunder, The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxi's or other liens or charges by bender
<br />shall not be a waiver at Lenders right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this '_loetgage.
<br />12. Remedies Cumulative. 311 remedies provided in 'this .ltortgagc arc distinct and cumulative to any ether
<br />right or remedy under this -lIortgage ar afforded by late or cyuity, and may hr exercised concurrcntiy. independ-
<br />ently or successively.
<br />13. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability: Captions. •I'he cat enants and agreements
<br />herein eontaiaed sha}1 bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to. the respectiz•r successors and assigns of Lender
<br />and $orrower, subject to the provisions of paragraph I; hereof.:111 covenants au~i agreentrnts of $orrower shall
<br />{"~ , be joint and ceyeral. The captious and headings of the paragraphs of this \loetgage err i~r roncenience onh• and
<br />are net to be used to interpret m• define. the provisions hereof.
<br />Q 14. Notice. Ar.}• notice to Borrower provided iur in this Aloetgage shall he given ley mailing such native by
<br />certified mail addressed to Borrower at tl4c Yropertc .lddre=s stated below, except for um- notice rrquirod under
<br />~ paragraph 18 hereof io he given to Borrower u: the manner {>rescribed by apl~licablc hnv. :\n}~ native provided
<br />~ for in this \loetgage shall iu• deemed to have been givcu to Borrower when given in the manner riesiguate~I herein.
<br />i5. Uniform Mortgage: Governing Law; Severability. •Chis form of mortgage combines uniforn; ron•nants
<br />for national use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations b}- jurisdiction to constitute a uniform seeu-
<br />ri6y instrument covering real property. 'I'bis \loetgage shall i~c got•erned by the late of the jurisfiiciion in e~l:icii
<br />the Property is located. In the event that any ltroyision or clause of this \loetgage. or the Note conl3iets wiih
<br />applicable late, such cant3ick shall oat sft•ect other provisions of this Aloetgage or the Note which can be given
<br />effect withant the cauflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of the Mortgage and the 2vTOte are declared
<br />to be severable.
<br />iv. nvirvwer'S ~"..opy. narfvwer shall hr- 'i nt-itished tt ranfarnted co[)}• of Lh1S .tlartgagc AC t_hC [late of eXCCU-
<br />tion or after retardation lzereoi.
<br />17. Transfer of the Property; Assumption. If nli ur any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br />or transferred by I3orrowee without Lender's prier written consent, excluding ta> the creation of a Lion a encum-
<br />6rance suiwrdinatc to this 1lortgugc, tbt the creation of a purchase mono} security interest for houselrold appli-
<br />ances, ic) a transfer b}• di:.yise, descent nr h}- operation ui hta~ upou the death of a joint tenant or !dl the grant of
<br />:my leasehold interest of three years or less not containing a^ option to purchase, Lender may.:zt Lender's option.
<br />declare all the runes seeured 6y chi: \lartgsge to he immediately der attri paysblr. Lender s}tadl have waiyefl such
<br />option to accelerate if. prior to then sale or trsn,-fer, Lender and the person ht whom fhr Prauertc is to be sold or
<br />transferred reach agreement in writing that the credit ui reel: person is satisfactory to Lender :md that the interest
<br />payable on the sums seeered by this Oortgage shall be at such rate as lender shall request. ti Lender ltas waiveii
<br />the option to accelerate provided in thts paragraph 17 and ti Borroa~er'> au•cesor m iuterc•st has executed :z :writ-
<br />ten assumption agreemmut accepted in writing by leniia, I-ender shall release- Borrmccr Iron; all abligatio[ts under
<br />[hie ;torgage and the Nate.
<br />•r
<br />1t Lsni:rrr ex~ ei:rs .,.... opttot: tfi s...-:crate, l.~n~rr stta:.:ai ~orro:vrr oat:;°F n..-.~rrat;- ~ in azooraan,~
<br />.; -t<1 ~ s --rt. ]~ 4tereGl. t,nt. sli ~-ids' x ,--..cs_I -z: .4 l ~~:~: f(s:tt: ,ttt ~:t r-. e.:-^- ~°.,~ ....,i .l;c ..t+..3ic3 i~
<br />ntailef2 within-witkle Iior_rewet tea}• {*ati' the =ums drriand due. Ii 13arratt-~~r ta.i- t~ ,=t}° ~t~e:: nut=:z peter to the
<br />expiration of such pe:•iod: lender u4ay• without further eerier or ,{t•uuzud on I;urrotn•r. invoke any rntaetli~ :»r-
<br />imtteft bF para};Papll t'313ePE at.
<br />\oa-I'stH•raHrt t_'oye:~asrs. f3ort•uwor and Lf'uder tltrtiu•r rf4cettttut ±zutl a=rrf•~• -tom t•~,11„tc.
<br />1$. ArrAierrstien: R~ai~dies. 1':x~•c sxs ,rt~t'i~!.~l tta ~ ,° t;":.•t, 1: ls:€•z ISr>r,cth '~r~°- -
<br />! I~.. ,... .. ~:. st=y
<br />covenant c,r a~;rrrttli~ta „f Rurrau`er in thi~<~Jlortgng,~. ;nrlu,l;nt; tht em<•n,tnts t,~, Isc..;vi4~•n ,tu.~ s;n .a;;s~ we, u~at
<br />by tht, 1lartgage. Lender pruu to arredvrst4unhall afar! uaur,~ to ltin-rmcrr a> Ini>tt~i~~i r, !~atn~;.api: t# i;f-rr,i
<br />specifying. I[i the breach; I?: the :u•ti~•n rcyut, r,i it, rtu'e reel; In-carl:- iii :~ ,i~uc uo[ less tl~;w thirty dav+
<br />leant tlu• +hue fhr nutter i:- tuailr,l to Kurrott~•r. Lt' trhieh ouch hrr;u•il alert h~~ rtu~~•~l.:uu°, ~-t: th;~t iatlurr to cure
<br />,neh breach on o: brfere fhr date sprcitied of fhr uutree tus~y re,,uU ut acceh•rau~s: ~, ,.rt,• ~e•t•un~1 Fr this
<br />\Cort~agc;md sale of the Prepert}• If fhr bread; ;, ntu cured un or before the date spcotti~~,i rn ;0~• nutu•e, Lr•ndrr
<br />art Lenders option ma}- declare all of the -.uu=. se~eurrd by tit;. AIuetgesge to i,t~ .,•,-,-i~~l~;tt,•;y :.... ;;,;:1 payable
<br />eeithct,t lurtF,er.lewa:xl and nary iareclu_.±• this `torte t~ ~ by >u~hcrt! Itrr~credu;t; ix t. lee -1fx11 !_t ,.. .,,1 to roltet~t
<br />to st:clt pracreding all expenses of fotech;~iu-r, uu•Iu,iutg, !ant oot heated to. ,ostx ut duet;u:r•i~sa-rc <•c;dt•nrr,
<br />ah.+uatrtw and titli• reports.
<br />13. Borrowrae'g Righf to R+~inatate. Aonvnhst:uxitng I.~=ncirr's aerrleranon of the .ants secnr.~~i in• this
<br />Llort~age, finrrawer AhaPi have fhr right to beer any prucreding-, hrt;nn h~• 1-~-osier to en7arrr this Aloetgage dis-
<br />coatinuex3 at any titxe prtos~ to entry of a •iudgmeut ento~utt; this Alortgacge iF ~:r Born)tver gays Lender alt
<br />runts which would t~ then doe tinder this \Iartgagr. the :~orr atmi aster .eenring Futueo Advances, if an}•, had no
<br />acceleration txcurtt•d; tbl Barrawer cures all hrearhe; of anti' otltrt ru.onutt> or agtt•e=ntetrt, of Borrower eatt-
<br />ruin~.~ -t tai=-~s'~~a-~=• ~ u- " __ -~1 ., E;4...=i{~. ,. ~...-. .,, .41' .. .1.. .,,,, r,- ~ t - ,.u: rnan`T
<br />a;~ u~'e~:r~n•~ ;t }~,r°r~^wcr °~, r ~tn~ci tot ctsr;t tt,t .r e°ufare'tn;; t cndrr'~ ri-tnceiirs as itraz~uicei in naea-
<br />graph 18 herc~ri, innhtding, but snot. limited ta, reasanal)le attorney= tee.. and tdt liorttetcrr take:: such action a
<br />Lender may retzsanably require to assure that t-hr lieu of thi-~ ~lortt;age. Lrndc~r's nuert-st in tlu• Praherty earl
<br />Borrower's ob#igation to pay the sumo seeurt~rt t)y this jiorrgare shad connaue unimpaired. I`hon ,neh payment
<br />and cure by $orrower, this loetgage and the abligaticns secured heeeb}- shall remain in full ft~trcc and rfi'ect as if
<br />na acceleration had ocenrr~ci.
<br />2rJ. Astagarrteut o! Ratsta: Apgoiatmaat of Receiver: Lender in Possession. As tzdditianal security here-
<br />under, Borrower hereby assigns to J ender the rents of tltc Prapern•, providcvl that Borrower shall, prior to acceler-
<br />ation under paragraph 18 hereof or abandantnent of the Property, have the right to collect and retain such rents
<br />as they become doe and payable.
<br />L'--pan acceleration under paragraph 18 henwt or abandonment ai the }'rai)ert}•, Lender, in person, by agent
<br />or k,y judicially appointed receiver shall tae entitlezl to enter upon, take pessrssion of and manage the Property
<br />and to calleet thin rents of the Property, including, those past dzte.:111 roots collected by I.cndcr m• the rereivcr
<br />shaEl be applied first to payment of the casts of management of the: Properly and collection of rent_t, including, but
<br />.,r.,, ee~ ,,.cc..,er , .....
<br />not $=t:;ttir! ta,^ ~,ver's f , ltremitttn:: c:,t t.. ,, s l;arnl: 1 t~=asonahir ,ttiorney •s fees. turd then io the sums
<br />seeured by this ortgage. Lender and the receiver shall hr liable to account only for those rents actually received.
<br />