<br />~'e /'eeord ec~
<br />IWO. 95T R, E. MORTGAGE (oeuaus ca„w,n sans,) na,xriu .uo r a•« ar o ~ . an,xr,n• saran«.
<br />I•-_.. .. - _._. __. __. .__.. ... ..
<br />-RERF.;CfSAi3ED _-
<br />~j I~
<br />yam' '~( }
<br />~j KYf~~~ .~1~~~~i~~~~r Made and Eaecuted this.-.-....-......---.-.._27±f1-_....dey of.-........1.UriB.--....---__..----A. D._..1-4~.~......__.._
<br />ii by and 6etwean.-..._....._-- ..............._LOPr~ MgC~f...UnRIQ[fIBL~_-..-_-__._. ... .. ,:
<br />... _ ........ .................. _..... _ ._ ...... - _. _ pazty of the first part,
<br />I~ aaa ---_-.-... -. .@ank_nf. Rayensw.nat... .. _. _ _ _ _
<br />i' .............. . ..--- ._.- -..__... -- - -_......._. _ . ... _..-.._ __- - --- _ _ _._..............._.._. _. - - - _ _ _....pa y o[ the eetond part.
<br />rt
<br />Ly~TN]aSSETH, that the sai arty of the first part, for and in consideration ot..._...__.........._._........_._ ..... ............_......_.._...._.............._ ~ i
<br />en ou~rnd and no~ 00°---°----°--_____ $l0 000.00 ------°' -. i;
<br />', .._.._ ...........................................__....------... ____........_____ -- --- ....~......r.._..... _...._~......._......._....DOLLAFta, paid by said part of the
<br />' ~ second pnrt, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bsrgained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents, dose gr qt, bar-
<br />', rain, sell and oonvey, unto said party of the second part, the following described roal property situate is the County of...........__..H4~(......_ f!
<br />I ~ and State of Arebraska, to-wLt: i'
<br />'i f Lot One-_.1 -_Island_Acres number-_E(gven 1~..i_n_the,.City.af._~rKtnd..I~fslmnd,._tiai ~ ;,
<br />t -~*.~...._......_ . _ _ ... - ~- ... .
<br />._ ..
<br />... _
<br />i~le~rtiaska.,_tns~ .. 'axtlarly..described.ns..fatlnints...__-.Beginning-.at.-th st.-cocrec-of--Lot-~Otie_.._
<br />! _fl~.,t~,iund-_A~.[~s_flstfrll~.~ ,_the.nce-..1N.est~rl._ nng..and--upon_the_Souih_line..af.l.ot.___ .
<br />{!, One.--{t.~,...~~~ar~i._A~.t:~s._flu.tt~it~.c..E1~.~!ea.. ce..... actheri.y.~arallel.-tn..fibs..distance_nf...152_Q3..faet,..
<br />i thence-_Easfier.ly_pa~itel t -.._...- . u.......i.i.oe..af._Lot.. n.... ..,jsland..AcP~s-.num4aer.Ele~n..p.l)y. a .._.._
<br />0
<br />
<br />.SEE__EXHIBIT-..."_A':.._E.4R..I+E.S.,A.L.._12ES.CAZET~Q.bl...f]E...REAL_.ES.TATE_........_............_..._ .............__.._.._..-....-.°--
<br />tog~therwith a1.1 the tenamente, hereditamtmte and appurtennincee to the ease belonging, and all 6he Mate, title, lower right of homestead,
<br />claxme and demands whatsoever of the said party of the first parE oE, in or to said prem[aea or any part, thereof; end said party of the @rst
<br />does bpreby covenant, that said party of the first Dart ie awfully seised of said premises, that said promleee are free from maumhranee
<br />Except 'tar First A+b e b le to 1st Federa L_Li ne_ _In. ,/. ~_,.. ,. ,.{,~•_~
<br />_......_.._ ..................._..._........._~~--.-~~._._.....---....._...•...---.-._._. .._.... P _EY~tM.~...i~'ier.n.aad that said party of the first part wilt
<br />warrrnt and dstnnd the title to said premises against the Inwful claims and demands of all pereom whomsoever... _... ___ ......_..._...._....... _
<br />F'RO'4''IDED AL~i'AYS, and these presents are upon these conditions:
<br />~HEFI,EAS, said party of the first part hse a:e+euted and delivered to the said party at the asaond part....nne _ .. .. _... - .... .
<br />pramiesary nn:~.----}?ok±able_in aCggr~gn~g- th~~in ~ln~_cn~_nnsl..tall- r~n~.vra.fst_rnodific~.t.ians.or_...__. .. __.._._._
<br />extensions thereof
<br />' if 31f 79, A~ __~~G.~l1E~IT. #..Z.9.~,....MQRTC&GI?---RECf1&L1S....L1F._.EIALI._CQ.[INTY __.._ .......
<br />rid wham, the party of the f=€tt p3rt !:~ ag~3 to keep the F+uildings. any, upon sai$ prami, itusired in saga ~arrsprny ar eamti~
<br />.,? t <i,g ~ _ ~ y=r. r t« es~ net toss than Fif? $~
<br />wt ,, XT. t~f.(~`.Q,,{i~.tk3}. ._.-..., _LL)i)LLAiIS,
<br />' matt dflis°rr t a tFai~party ,[ the t,c~ part th> twit ley ar pca[eiea antniteiud a ,°iattae weW the tvss payaoie to 3atn party pi tae t~pnd ptxrt •
<br />or assiKnn, tool Ilse agraeci to pay aU taxes and assessments against acid ~remiscs befvra the same, 6y tat[, became delinquent, and has nKt:eoci .
<br />_c._.:f __ia r aa._ ran p=~ a ..,.a ..._..:do ~::rx •.._,.__ : __ ""
<br />~. [~ s ;: ~_r ..F__ ...,_ z.: t .~: ^f, ur.a[.s La 3x.-r aa.,`. thus ao n aart<,u` iaa seamed ty3rt, iur
<br />~, h.~idMr hereof„ spay pav such maurrarae anrljtaxea; yr eiiher of than, and all a.no[.n+s ,: pxtd by said party of ih_ s~ csnd part shalt f[aar in-
<br />-~rast xt h>v r Nta:>f ume t~eraer.6 ter annum from the dot+e of payment, and;h en, rt~at, h il.tand a3 °_+eeu:ity tlterator, end safd tsyn gay
<br />pa etiaed to t,tgtn amount o the rnuRgage debt, and the rums re~vvereti as a part iheru t. law, if the said party of the first pars shalt watt
<br />-~.. t~~ fat ~.r =_ar~ _ .~„3
<br />3 _,,._ ~..-~ the aatd s:um of marsev .t, ~ttd n rr.. - «,~, ~atd. ~ - e _ ,~€ thareen a_ejzrsi...~; =a tae laser ~sd ~ ut
<br />of said seta and eha14 ~ :p eatd buildings insured as aforesaid, and shall keep a]! texas anil aaeessmenta paid, and shalt duly keep, nod _
<br />- p.:rfr±rm rl* ti .+ atiiar cr4aita..ts arzd a~raeinants herein caatanad, then these prese~ta r, L•.z null and void. Hut it slid sum of money ar any -
<br />part thereat, or any ia,tara~it iheraan, to not paid when the same [s due, ar is snuff buildings shalt net ba kept inaurod as afaroaaid, or it the
<br />taaps and «nu,«n,aente tytaiusL said promises ere unt paid at or betore the time the same heaoma by law dalhiqutmt, or if said party ~ the
<br />Rnt part ehaU fail to keep and }terfartn any covennrtte heroin contained, the balder hareot shall hate the option to declare the whole of said
<br />fadabtedaeea cue and payable at any Lima after scab tailors ar deiautt, and may maintsin an ae-lien rt law or equity io raapver the same,
<br />tmd the cammmeement o[ aurh Hellas shell be the only uotiar, of the esaraisa o~ aai~! option required. '
<br />ANL) lT 1S F'UXTLiF:R PRO't`IDEl'. AND AGLLEED, That tha said Mortgagee shatI and wilt par ati taxeK levied apps dais wort- '
<br />gtixa or the debt assured thereby together with and other taatxa or tisaeestuanta which may 6e levied under the taws of tiebraska, against the
<br />Lard hlartgtsgae or the legat ha der of the said principal cote .... an aceawit of this indabtednam
<br />~~. ~e~tttti0~p ~~}t1~4~, ..-...-...-_ ±..-... .-harewta oet...._.mY_..-... hand the .tats abava written. '
<br />tN PRF.9EN{'F, OF'
<br />._.. .- _ .....Y .... ... - .
<br />~,_f revs ;
<br />'' 6TA'f'E; nF NELitA~A:) --
<br />,. _
<br />s3
<br />- - .~.`~. }a. t?n this ........ ..~.~ r=Fy.......day of ~~ .
<br />Catmty pf,~._ .-. -. , ..
<br />~ j hetoro me, s Notary Public iii sad far the said Goup~$ peraanaUy Dame the above namad......r.
<br />t, ---- _.- _._---._......_......_._.... .............._.._....-.._...-----_---............,........_........,............._.____........
<br />`: C4'~AtD tf. g~SCH
<br />i ~----~--..,__ .......___._-,_,......._._........-.._.._.....-_._..,...._......whp._ ..................._ mpnail known to me
<br />i; GENERAL ft1C?TAkY .. - - pe y
<br />} State of I~brasko to be the idantiesi
<br />petma.i_ whaee Hama...~_..___..._.._._._-._....tid'iaed to the shoes imertimeot ,
<br />j MY Copeniasbr ,lees asgrratpt__....sad.~'fi~`~_~_...........__.ackpowlad
<br />~; Novan>ber 12, 191c act and deed. - gad tis[d instnimant to be.._"~__.....voluntary ,.
<br />~ i WITNESS my hand and Notariaj-#7enl the date ! t aforear}~t ' ~
<br />i'. ~~ r ~ /' /~ 7
<br />` "Notary Publfe.
<br />/' ~ /
<br />~Nk
<br />. - - ~>
<br />My amnmtsaicn sapless an thc_..___-.__~.....e....___..~.cs.~~......day a7____ ...__.?K=~`.-t~,cu<,:±~-.'~~.ey:'-:-~:... ._-:1. L).~.,?....:?_.~
<br />GI _._..- -. ._.---- ---
<br />