oFtTGAGE fCorp) With Tax Giauaa fftevtsed 14E2) lye Rouen Geaaxl Harppiy Huuss, Lincoln, 2MSdrr
<br />~ 58-A-REAL. gESTATE M
<br />'] Cp~'°° i
<br />KNtSW' ALI. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Mi.d-COritlrient Enterprises , IriC .
<br />a rnrporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska in f
<br />conaiderationof the sum of Fifty thousand & noj100 ($50, 000.00) ------------- TXaT.LARS
<br />~ in hand paid, does hereby SELL and CONVEY unto
<br />Commercial National Bank & Trust Company
<br />of Hall County, state of Nebraska the following described premises situated
<br />in Hall County, and state of Nebraska . to-wit: `s
<br />Lot One (1), Block ieven (7), Unit Oner
<br />Continental Gardens, An Addition to the
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />In the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or contracted !
<br />to be transferred, from the undersaid for any reason or by any method
<br />whatsoever, the entire principal sum and accrued interest shall at once
<br />become due and payable at the election of the holder hereof. Failure toy
<br />exercise this option because of transfer of title as above stated in one
<br />instance shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same ~
<br />in the event o~ any subsequent transfer. 1
<br />i
<br />The intcrttion bring to convey hereby an absolute title in fee simple.
<br />'I`O HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging ants the mirt ~
<br />Commercial National Bank & Trust Companv (
<br />and to j tS heirs and assigns tarsus,, Provided always, and these presents are upon the ezpres9 rnaaition that 3f the
<br />said Mid-Continent Enterprises, Inc.
<br />or assigns ahail pay or cause to be paid to the said I_
<br />Commercial National Bank & Trust Company its j
<br />heirs, executore, administrators ar aavigna, the sum of Flfty thOUSand & nOj100----^-- ~1~+'0. f+aY~e1fOC(
<br />ftdt9~!ll~dn'7[1C:
<br />l4XRifC~DF X • ~{
<br />~ikFXJ~ICI~1E XS~ • ~$C I
<br />ROCi~D4X Xi~l32flE • ]~C !
<br />R4C~f[X XIa7i~AfX Y7L~ 1
<br />cxrot#x !fit X7tsi i
<br />with interest thereon dLX {i6xY'A~XT.Wt7difAli~fF Nayable acturding to the tenor and effect
<br />a certa,a~.a~..,...,,,.r ,.;~t~l„v„~„~,,,~_ .a~,,a~,t,~,~ ar notes of said Mid- `
<br />Go~ineat Enterprses€ Ins. iiated~ i~j~15j-79 or as suettt note or notes may be
<br />iFS~i ~ +~te~~tth~'t~ p~k~~il~~ s~~~~lY~~fer~'~i&KS~~s~te atul a!! ether taz~,
<br />levies and aseaasmenta levied upan thin mortttatty or the note which this mortgage is given to secure, before the alma hecrnnee j
<br />daiuxquent, artd karp fhe buildings utt said pr~rnises ir~ured €or ttse sum sf ~ 50 r 000.00 , lit, i# aav. payalil8 to th,s
<br />sad 'nnrtgagee, then these pr~n#a to be vs=aid, ntharw~ to bu arui remain in fail ferc~. l
<br />1'I~ fS FU~Ct`EIEK Af;REED, ti) That ii the said mortgagar ahail fait to pay such ta:ea or prucurr suctt ituntrance, tfte {
<br />- ~ mart-~,.~~r= rap paY earls taxes attd Pr+a°+tre au4h inrurarse~: and the sum :~. adsann+d, with intcr~st si 1~.0 ~r
<br />- ~ttT diati-he repaid t+y said mortgagor, ahd this mortgage atullt atatsd as ae~curity for earns, tai 'T`hat a taifure ta: pay any of
<br />acid money, either principal or interest when the name home dur, or a failure tr. cntaply with any of the faresoins agr+x-
<br />tnests, shat cause the whole sum of money herein setv~ti to became due and eolln:tible at ontxt at the aptian of the snrrtgagea.
<br />IN Wi'1'NESS WHEREOF, the xaid Mid-Continent Enterprises, Inc.
<br />hsw hetwunto chased its cua7xsrate seat to be affixed and those preaenta to be signed by ire Ares iden t
<br />this 15thday at August . !s 7g
<br />Signed, sealed and deliverrd in presence of ~
<br />..... .. ..... ....... f M~ _ e.S,.. ~i1~
<br />rsfr--~ - d-. ~ ta. t ,~x~.
<br />.. .. .. .~ ...... ...... ... >3Y _.. ~ ..._..
<br />~.... . ;
<br />- ,
<br />STAB$r'_t`k~.-.:.t~'~~1~.A.$.~~. ,County of-...Fldt~.~. ,
<br />~ Mare tne, a_,pt><nry public quatifiad im said tvsunty, pereonallycame Milan D. Bi6h ,
<br />~•
<br />I' ,~. Preaideat ~ '
<br />it ! .~°~ Mi$'=Co:~tirtent Enterprises, Inc. ,acarparat~n z
<br />f ~i
<br />Tttto~to mt?ta } tn8 ~taaiaent attd i[tentteal raan wha at~tt.xt the tat~gi,iag instrument, atxl acknowiedged the ezeanuan
<br />} ~ier~s ~ Ts~.try s~t,snai daen ~~~~ ttw vaivntsr} ~~ sad did of mid earptrratian and `shat its wr
<br />' tmr~te i~sl~ thereto , -y its aut~ ~c • _ '
<br />~~?t"ixtleas n~ye artd * sealG'~! ~'t~ N~j ~l~ t.,. ~5 ... ..........r~r............... i9 - .. 7 9 ~ rr
<br />~ _ ~~~ ...
<br />~s ,
<br />;~ 1 My ca>9s~h'ezptre~u-~-.~ .. " J ( Ri t of ..'.o..e-~«fwrR'!t`r-~:tt:.~... .. ."«.~../ .......NatarY Pabitc ~t
<br />ra t7 a, ~y $~ ,,r' ; ~
<br />it r ~
<br />,~t.~ § $'!`ATE QT+' ..................................................................... ~ Entered on nurnerieal index and filed far record I `!
<br />~j j t'~wtnty .._........._ .............................................._......_..... ~ in ttre Aegiater of Deeds t?@ice of said County the ~ ,
<br />t+ 1
<br />~j ~ ........................day of........................................_......, i8......._..•, at....................:_........o'cioclt attd_............................minutes ....._...............M•, r
<br />~.
<br />3# t add recorded in Book......,....._.........._ ................of......_..._..................-°---°at page...........................__........_....
<br />,~ `
<br />,; ~
<br />+i s
<br />......._ .......................................................... '- ----.....Reg. of Deeds
<br />' I '
<br />i! ;
<br />