<br />=~..•t ;
<br />That the Mortgagor wilt pay the indebtedness as hereinbefore provided.
<br />That the Mortgagor is the dwner of said property in fee simple and has good light and lawful authority to sr{I and
<br />convey the same and, that the same. is tree and clear of any lien or encumbrance; and that Mortgagor will warrant and defend fhe
<br />title to said premises- against the claims pf aft persons whomsoever.
<br />To pay immediately when due and payable all general taxes, specie! taxes, special assrrsxments, water charges, sewer sere--
<br />ice charges, and o{her taxes and 'charges against said property, and al! taxes levied on the debt secured hereby. and to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, upon reyuesf,-with the original or duplicate receipts therefor. The Mortgago- agrees that t},ere shallbe added to
<br />eac#; monthly payment required hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured hereby au amount estimated by the 4lortgager
<br />to`tre su($rient W enable the Mortgagee to {hay, as they become due, all taxes, assessments, and similar charges upon the prem•
<br />Saes subjetK thereto; any deficiency trecauu• n( the insu$iciency of such additions) payments sha[I be forthwith deposited by the
<br />Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee- Any default under this paragraph shalt he deemrrf a default in
<br />payment of taxes, assessments, nr srmilar charges required hereunder.
<br />~~ Thr Mortgagor agrees that there shall also tee added to each monthly Payment of princifrat and intercKa required here-
<br />M under an arusunt caimatrd by the M1tnrtgagee to he suf6cirnt to enable the Morf g~rr to pay, as it becomes due, the =assurance
<br />- a r premium on art' Insurance pplecy delivered to the Afnrtgager. Any <lrficirncy because o[ the loser ffieicncy of such addition ~s pay-
<br />ments shall he forthwith drpcasited by the Mortgagor wit}t the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this
<br />paragraph shall t:c dremi-d u default in the payment of invnrance premiums. 1f the policy or pa]icier drposi±ed aFP suCh aS tn+me-
<br />owners or alt risk {>„Iirir•s, and Che <lr4nrsits are uuufficient to pay the enhrr premium, tt,c. Mortgagee rosy apply the detx>s94 to
<br />SAY Premiums on risks required to },«, ursurrri by this mortgage.
<br />~ Payments made by the M1lurtgagor under the aixxve paragraphs may, at the option nF the MrartgaKt'e. t>e held by it and
<br />A _- --agted :.~r = - __ _--a ,ur - ,_ - - ew- __r+-.ts fen- .<,- pa - .~ . rf such ;.~,..,..°.nd a„tit .n ., ..r:..a ..rt' i ..-........r beech.,
<br />-- apN..~.., a
<br />plr+lgrri as weeurttyc for the unpaid halam~x• nF`thr mortgage indebtedness. -
<br />- To procvn, deliver to, and maintain for the hem•fit .,f the Mortgagee during the life of this mortgage original polici.+s and
<br />renewals theruf, drtivercKi at bast ten days hr-fore rho rxpirath,n of any such p.dicie.<, insuring against fire and other inaurah#e
<br />hazard9, casualties, and contingencies as the Mortgagee may require, in an amount tyua7 to the indet,tednras secured by this
<br />141urtgage, and in companies aeceptahle to the Mortgagee, w+dr !ors payahh~ cleuso rn favor ,d and rrt form acrrptahle to th«• Mortga~
<br />gee. In the event env policy is not re•newrrl un ur be~forr ten days of its expiration, the Mortgagee may pnxrure insurance on the
<br />impraventents, pay the prrmeunx therr(ur. and such sum shall }+ra?me immorhately due and payahte with interest at the rate s«
<br />forth in said nat+u until pai_# and ~~hall h.- n•cuce•d h.~ tht, mortgage Endure on the part of the Mari~gr,r tc, furnisk such re ne ats
<br />ab are.+ herein rrx#uinal or failure to pay any sums advam,rd hereunder ,halt, at the option of the Siortgagre, constitute a default
<br />under the to rnvs of khrs mnrtgnge Thr uelivrrv of such pnhrirs chnll, to the event of default, roasshhne an assignment of the un-
<br />earned premrum.
<br />AnY Burns rrcervrd by the 4U,rtgagrr h. tea»un of loss or danurgr insun•d against may ire retarnrci by the \t,uiKager
<br />and appl ieel toward the pay mrnt «,£ the debt hrreri,y ,er~u rwrl, or- at the cptrmt of the Mortgagee- such -<um. rrther wh,ifly ur m
<br />part may !~ paid ewer t.: tt:e ~tattFagur t=, '=.+r u«# t~+ repair Baehr bait iings or t - build'new hui7thn~ cas rhei F t::«. .,r i..-.r any
<br />, r, .
<br />~- w`.~ r;». ~ - -. .-...:, : ~-.-. r __}..._. t.: t:.. ,.-..~~~r -x-. ~.:: , ~ ~-` ,. -t.e ..r<, _ ...r r`Sr.r .,3r f.. -ir ..}: ~-.. -- ~. sr: ~ ~ ~. _ -
<br />- by b+=fr,rr such psYmat.t e. tr t~>•=:?e pSacr
<br />,o pr=k-ntitSy r~#*~.. r. r. zit+€c= .,- .-°t,...:=f a+-; .-..i3.t:.z«,-• --: cnz#-•=,s~r;-:rni~ n=au =.r Berea. ter :•n fief` premL-~r. hn;rS::nay !>£
<br />ettaee danrag._xi err c#.~tr+~y.-+7. f., }- -_ + said {. rrmi.Yra t _' w,ri r`:,u,litt~.n 1n<i r.•par: and [rrt• fr€im env mFChanir's hen or other Firn nr
<br />e#aim of lien not expressly e.,tis,r+[inate-d in the ti.•n hrreor, rot to suffer +r permit ny r maafu# use of or an. m.csan~ to exi31 nn
<br />ssrsd p. pert' r t,. t ~;. ~a3 z .,,, ~;., t,r~r:~3, n.r ,:.:{_- a.._ ;,... :s:. s..r ., - ... -.tract : i:ter, by ;_..s. S : haiS h?t~:r:€
<br />- less valuatrle, char tc; .#;t~rtnvs#:.,- .mr.asr i.. .ah., ter .i t~ ~rf :. n. -x L, _ __: ~ - ,...m, S_ _:*_h .tit r.s#,~ .errmrnt-5~;+•t tav~ w~iih r..sp-mot
<br />to t}re morkgagcd prrmrsrs andcthe use thereof
<br />- That shouhl fhe {xe-mires or any part thereof tr• taken nr darnagc4l by r-rtrvon u( any publu' ir~nprcwrmrnt ur ri+ndnntnatum
<br />practxding, or undor the right of rmsnrnt. dcm+ain, or ir. any other manner, the 'ti<rrigager sluail Iw~ rntlt#ed to all re+nxprnsalrWV'w,
<br />" awards, and any other payment pr relict tilrrrft,r, and shalt be entiilrri, al ils option. In commence, aptu,ar in an<i prarreutr in its
<br />own natnr- any action ar per's-tiding, ur to make any n,mprexniar or srtth•meut en Bonn+v~tiun with sur`h taku,g err damage- Aii such
<br />cwmpettsation, awards, damagcsr, right u[ action and proceeds err trrreby assigned to the Mortgagee, whn mav, after da:rlucting
<br />ihzrafrc>ftt a~ttta a:ps:t€es, release asst' mruseys so receiv~i by tt or apply the satm• :.n any inrirt±tedneas srcureci teeretty. Tlrr Mort-
<br />gagor agrees to exe~ttte such further a~Sgnments of anY eom{~nsattun. awards, clamagea, amt rights of action an.# prW`r€a1+ as the
<br />Martgagcw malt rrttuire.
<br />That in case u[ failure to 7k•r&rrm env of tln° rovrnants hrreur, tier Mc,rtgsgec may do on the Mortgagor's tx^half rs rrpthing :~~'-,
<br />err ~3veuattted: that the Mvrtgaeer may also do nnY act it mays drum nrct•ssary to protect the Iirn thereuL that the Mnrtgagrr wtli
<br />re.'-ay urxv_c dRmartd say moneys paid or disbur.+rri by the Mnrtgagrr for any nt the shove purtu*u•. and such moneys engrttier with ,~.1
<br />- interest thertwn at the rata provided in said note shaft become an much additional indebtedness hrrehv secured and may-be in- '~'
<br />eluded in any decree foreclosing this mortgage and 6r paid out of the rents or prrxxe~avts of sale pf said Isrnmisew if not ptherwise
<br />paid; that it shall not be obligatory operas the Ikiortgagee to inquire into the validity of any lien, rncumhrancrs. or ctaim in ad-
<br />v'"~nr ~~-i~ya ~ g~e~ su~o3• but - cathdn;i berets cu+ttait+*tE sh>±Ei be erinstrued as reotri tine the R~#urieaeer io advance ;inv
<br />~,z...srss.t~-~} ~-h. w..~= r.n~ t...drz. en .t i_~.r«reursrler= and that Mort~a~ec?~ ral.all opt incur arty peraarnaf titbi)itY treeauzr of ant- -
<br />thitxg it maY do err omit to du herauador, _ - _
<br />~.- _ In th.~ avant of fhe default tr} Mortgagor ix} 4hr payment of any insfal4naent, as requirxt t>y ths• Nutr se4urr<I hereby, er
<br />in the performance of ihr obligation in this mortgage pr Sn khe note secured thereby, the Mortgagee shall br rntitle:t to declatr ihP
<br />dtabL ttrcurrrd hereby due soil payable.- withou6 rwtice, ant the 141otigagte shall br etttitleei at its optiprr, without notice, either by itarll
<br />pr by a res-rlsr•r to 6e appointed t9y ttie c:`~trt thereof, and w7thpui. regard to the adequacy cf any security for the indeh#erlnt,ss er
<br />cured he{ehy. to enter upon. and take ~xr~dsinh~ 07 the mortgaied'A>'emises, and-tiz eoHect and receive the rents, issnes and profits
<br />tttet{eof ttnd apjrty the same; 2tsaa coats pt e)peratiori and eofieetion, upon the sndebtedatesa secured by this mortgage; said rents.
<br />issttes'snd »treifite being hareliy rtsaigried to the Mortgagee as Further security for the payment of alt indebtedness secured hereby.
<br />The Mortgagee strsll have fhe-power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire fur the purpose of repairing said prem-
<br />isea; renting the came; eutlecdint{ flue note, revenues acrd income, and it may pay out of said income all expenses incurred in rent-
<br />- ing and managing the same drat of gnttectiag the rentals therefrom. The balance remaining. if any, shall 6e applied toward the
<br />discharge o[ the mortgage indabtedn~s., This assignment is to trrminatr and become null and void upon rel,•asr of this mortgngP.
<br />
<br />