<br />I "~~• .au 9iia t,
<br />That ChN;I~IR~~!r xrdl,paylthe indebtekincsw ae ¢q,erej~iyhtiore, ~fYrmided. ,~';' , ,~,
<br />That tree tI[e-'owner of said property in fee simple and has good right and lawful authority to sell and - - _
<br />convey the same and.that the same is free and clear of any lien err entxrmbrance; and -that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the ~-- ---
<br />title to said premises against tl[E -claiiYis of all perxans whorinstnevet.
<br />To pay immediately when dtie `and payable all general taxes, special taxes, sprcisl assessments, water charges, sewer sere-~--- ~"-~
<br />ice charges, and other taxes and charges against said property, and all.tazes levied on the debt secured hereby, and to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, upon renuesi; xhth -the original or duplicate receipts therefor. The Mortgagor agrees that. there shah he added to-°3€- --
<br />Each mnnthty payn.ent required hereunder or under the evidence of debt secntrevl hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee _
<br />to ire suflirient- to enabfe"the Mo'rtgegee to Pay, as they h€•come due, ail taxes, sssessments. and similar charges upon the prem•
<br />ices s€ibjfrt thereto; any- deficiency because of Ehe insutHcienry ut such additional payments shall Frr forthwith deposited by the
<br />Mortgagee with-the ,Mortgagee upon demand b}' the 3iortgage n. Any default under this paragraph ,hall tx deemed a default in
<br />payment-of taxes,""assessments, nr similar charges required hereunder.
<br />Rp~~ The Mortgagor agrees that there sha1L also 6e added to ea:~h monthly payment of principal and interest n~qui red here-
<br />~tyxa under an amr*urt estimated by the Mortgagee fu be taffieient to enable tl;r Mortgagr•r> to pay, as it hr-^ due. the insu ranee
<br />~•qe~I premium on any insurance pallet' delivered to the bfarigagee. :ins deficiency because of the insufficiency of such additional pay-
<br />1I ments shalt be forthwith deF~xiH•d by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee- Any default under this
<br />® paragraph shall be deemed a drtault in fhr• payment of insurance premiums. If the Fx:licy or policies deli-sited are such as hume~ -
<br />ownera or all risk tx>licic•s, and the deposits are insufficient to pay the entire F;remium• the blartgagee matt= apply the dr Fwsk to
<br />pay premiums on risks required to b+= insu reel by this mortgage.
<br />C!1 Payments made by the ySnrtgagor under the abnae paragraphs may, at the ~,ption of the Mortgagee, be head »y a and
<br />~ catnmingled with other s?:ch funds or its own funds for the payment of ;uch items, and uutll so applied, ouch payments err hr-n-ht'-
<br />plcdged as security far the unpaid balance of the: atortgage indebtedness.
<br />To prac-urr, deliver t: ,and maintain foe fhr t><'retit „f the Mortgagee during the life of Chi: mortgage original policies and
<br />renewals there<rt, de!=:emd at Irvast ten days ta~fore the ex piratinn of anc such poL-cirs, ipso ring against fire and other insurahce _
<br />hazards, casualties, and rontingencies as the Mortgagor may require, in an amount equal to the indehtedneas secured by this
<br />Mortgage, and in companies atcrptablr to fhr Mortyagoe, with Ic,s payable clause in favor <,f and to farm acceptable to the 4iartga-
<br />gee- in fn.. - enr - - p+ r- - _. - - ___.-.~rV c ~ -- rn.r ,_.- __ __ - o, ~.-. =Ri.i --rte - n. - kagr.• i ___ __ K -r. ~n~e ___-e ,n i rr -
<br />itnptr>vements, payathr~ p:<•mium th+•rrfr: r, unri <n:h ,umr,hal!rtu>ej,mr nnrnrdratr•l}~,rdur and pa }~ahlr a~tth ,mter€~t ate thr~ rate c..>t
<br />forth in said note until paui and ::hall Is+ .rcu red br- tht. mongng.• Pailu rr on thc* part of the Slartgagor to Furnish such renewah
<br />as are herein requited ur (silo re to pay any sums adeauced hereunder shalt, at the option of ih.~ Dterttgagee, cunsfitute- a default _
<br />under the terms of this murtgngr 'Fhr drlicrrc of suc=h ;rnhrir•s ch:dl, rn tke event of drtault, cansEr bete an assixnment of the un~
<br />earned premium.
<br />Any sums recerved by the 3l urtttae;rr by reason ~,( L.~...,. ... .iamage ipso reel against rosy i><_ retained t?v ihr Alortgagr•e
<br />and applied towaxi tlx uayment ,rf ih=- dept beret v secured- err. at the option of the Mortgagee- such ~~=um± either wh~lh~ •,r in ~ ~ '
<br />part may he- paid over to the Moe*.Kat;nr h. ter used to ri•pair .uch h,tii.tings err to hititd'new' huit.hnt;s in their place or fe:r any -
<br />athez pugwse or object satisfartury to the Mortgagee without atYe[•ting the lien on the- mortgage for the ful! amount secured he: r-
<br />6y lecture such payment ever texrk plsnte
<br />Tu prc>anptly repair, rraorr ur rebuild any hu ddirigs nr unproie•mrnts nc,a ,~r hr crafter on the premises which may he~
<br />crone damaged or destnry rvl; to keep said prnmise> in gxd anditinn and repair and free from any mechanic's lien err other tien err
<br />claim of lien nut rxprrash' sulxrrdiaa4•d to the lien herral. not Lr su$rr ur permit any unlawful use ut or any nuisance to exist on
<br />said p?'?rprrty n*r to prrmi[ c.. s ~.,,.: i,_.--.. ;..-'_..-_. _-• rt,~ _ - !riper act wh.-rrh.° tFir prop:~rty here•Fiv cr,.--~recfi .3[aSi F..=evm~
<br />u
<br />!r<xi .aiuahle, nt.r #t. ;,rrr3in ~i ,: . n-r -~~e .~x :a - - ~ : ~...; a: i :.; --.:.c : F--...:. .+; -.. ,-E - a.ih era .c..i ltr+-->n~..t :rt a-- x.=:.. r =~.
<br />to fhr marfgageti premise; anti she use thrre.r# .
<br />'1'ha€ slrc,uid tine r . ... m_a i 2:. __ -: z< t~icy;, r >rn,at! r, •r • n •~t .r ~~,# r- at -r .v[r;we
<br />prracc~~[ting. or under the r-tiht tot eminent dontsin• ,.,r is any other manner. tfn• A1r,rtgag..-.• ,h.att ~h,• rnti[I.r[ir,tu ail :~smpeosatior[a. - - -
<br />awards, and any other payment .,r relief therefor. anti abaft to entitled, err ifs e:piiorr, #a rrmrrs-rm~..:jspra; is art.-1 lare~~rte ire its
<br />---- -- - .,. rz3t. ,:- :.r :-. t a.. - d~,° :<s; ;sr:::::::::' ,ter =:c[[l~mr€rt e~ A- n. -r>[€ with . ~ , =a~rng •-- - maKa, Ae#~sir=h -
<br />uwn €[~mS cent' ~ s••n p - _; "••"`• ~• -
<br />i-itirtS~.~atE#tr,-asr%a+~is. ila.°na~. right tr# a~t~u ansi n~.Nts are. her~hy a~tiftu.•.! t.± t__Fw Murtgat€€re- wt~r,. rr~.y- alter,ttr_+3 -
<br />therefrom all its expenses release any marteyssa r[=c°eivrd by ik c:r atrply the same rn any imlt•6ir<, secure-d hereby. Ttie l~ort»
<br />gegar agrees fo ty[meute such further astsignrnent» nt ttny can[Ix-nsattun. awards, damay{ra, and nghta of action an+i t?r:neerls as t}re
<br />Mortgagee may rtit;.fire.
<br />That in case ui faihtrr tr. la•rfr.rm soy •rf the rn~rnao>,. herrrn. the ~4ortgagrr may do nrt fhr Mortgagors irehati r•servlhinti
<br />sa rnvenanted; that file Mart~agre may also du any nc[ It mss deem nrer•seKiry Fu pn.tert the tiro ther:•etf that •hr \t artxaxor will ~. --
<br />repay open demand any moneys paid or disbur:u>d fry the Mortgagee tar any of the ah€we purlxrar.. and such moneys tagetlier wish ~ ~,~.
<br />inferaa't tharear, at fhr• rain prcxic!ed in ±•faid mote =_hr!tl become =a ntur~h addiiinnat inlr6trcineat. hereby srcurr€i and may he in-
<br />cluded in any deeree farerlaaing this mortgage and frr paid out of the €ents err prrur•rxta of sals ai said l?nmiza•+ if nut atherwiae
<br />paid; that it shall not Ixr abligatory uVnn the 'tiiortgagrr 2+r infuire inter the validity of any hen. rnrnmhratu-e* ,.r r~taim in ad~
<br />vanefng moneys sa alwva autiwriaed, but nothing herein contained shall he• construed as requiring fhr Mortga{ter r., a<Fvance any
<br />maneya for any auoh purpuan nor to do any e:t hereunder: and that Mortgagee shalt oat incur any prraatwl liatritity k,rc'ausr of aay-
<br />thirg_ it fares do o[• remit to flu berastaefue.
<br />In the event of fhr default try A`lartgagur rn flu twyment of any rn»tallmrnt. as rryuire>d try the bfotr secured hereby. err -- -
<br />in the perlnrtifance of the abligsiion in this martgagr err in the pate atrured thete'hv, the Atarfgagee shall hr entitled to deelarn the
<br />tttecuru[I hereby due anti, payable without potter, and rho :4iartgagre shat! be entitled at its, option, without puttee. either t?y itself
<br />deb
<br />t
<br />}
<br />~'
<br />ii-r- +.i $ r*<~';'txicr ii= is w}F"i~t`tPi~ k }!ws ~:~~t sue, r~~T - -d .ti4~ am=t to th° ~€~~€r3fY r"f 9nY ~r.'rSr?ty f'~'S il?€ [?ld~E~+i~r?C~& a£-
<br />rtTri}. -fir enii''i inarr~i :tic ~ sin ezt fhf ., c.,~~~~d r*. _..,~ sevt t~ tl •t ant _~'<_ __: fir lrf~, 4.'- aRtl u__rrSf{I t~
<br />curerl h@
<br />_
<br />Ehereaf, atfd-apply file same, less coats of irkration and ttrgav`tinn, upon the indebirdne~a aecuted by this mortgage; said rents,
<br />ittatrea amt proRta Ming hereby araigrrtut to tFie Mortgagee as further security ter the payment of alt irrdebte€iness secured teereby.
<br />The Mnttgag[w shalt have the power to appoint any agent err agenic it may denim far fhr purpose of repairing said pmm-
<br />iaes; renting the asrrte; eallertiag the rents, revenuca arx! incamr. and it may pay out at said irurame all expenses inatrrecl in rent•
<br />itiQ and managing the same and al coilerting the rentals therelram- The balance remaining, it any, shall hr• applieri Toward the
<br />Aischarge of the t7soKtgag€ irtdr!Iftedneaa. T' asaigrunent is to terminate and become null and veld open release of this mortgage.
<br />
<br />