<br />A40RTGAGE
<br />~..~ __..~__.____._~_.~-~z._~_~_._.~.,-._-,,.--~ -__._ MORTfAGE _ .~
<br />LOAN No. L 23514
<br />KNOW ALLME}r'BYTHESEPRESENi'S:That Regency Construction, Inc. A Nebraska Corporation,
<br />-- Mortgagor, whether one or more, itr corttidcrat}on of the sttm of
<br />El?ven T_ ho__.___~~and_Eight Hundred and N91100---------__ ----------------------- ~~~
<br />}owned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Lawn Associatian of Crand Isturd, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon T 18 shares of atoll of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certifipte No. }, 1 , da hereby grant, rwnvey and mortgage auto the said ASSOCIATION the foBOVSiag
<br />described real estate, situated in }}all Cot~y~, Nebraska:
<br />togr:ther with ail the trnentents, hcreditameuu and appurtenances lhereunla belonging, including attached idoor ~roverirrgs, ail window sweeps,
<br />rrindow shades, blinds, Sturm windows, awnings, heating, air caudiLoaing, and plumbing ar-d wat=t cyuiprrtent Srtd actt:swries themta,purr,siovea,
<br />refrigerators, aid other textures and cyuiprnent now car hereafter attached to or caved in connection with said teak estate.
<br />And w}trrras the said mortgagor has agreed and dues herehy agree that the rrrurtgagur shall and will pay all taxes and astesstnenta lei~d or
<br />assesvrd upon said premises and upon this mortgage end the band secured thereby hcfurr the same shall became driiityueat; to fwnish spprovtd
<br />insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated in the sum of S 1 1. ROO OO payable to sail ASSO('Ir'tT1ON and to deliver W said
<br />ASSSOCIATION the dx>ficies fur said insurance; and no: to coconut car pernuP 3'ny v3asie on or about said premises;
<br />in case cat default in the performance of any of fire terms and txmditions of this nwrtgage or the 6ontt secured hereby, [!re mtutpgee tdtadl,
<br />on demand, tee entitled to inu!trdiate possession of the martgaged premrscs and the rtxrrtgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to ehe
<br />mortgagee alI the rerun, revenues and inrurrrc to be derived from the ntartgaged premises druirtg such timt as the mortgage itdebtedriers shag temtin
<br />unpaid; and the mrxtgsgee shall have the power to appoint any agent ar agents it rosy desire for the purpose of repairing said premises wad ranting
<br />tip rime and ealhctirtg the rents, revenrrrs and income, and it pray pay out of said income ilk expenses of rcpairitrg said premises and Y
<br />commissions weld expertaes incurred in renting and managing the same and of arlleGing remals therefrom; the ba4nce rcrruindrtg, K any, to be
<br />t fled toward the discharge of said nx7rtgage indebtedness; [hest righu of the marigagee may bt exeretxd at any tittle during [be t of wsh
<br />.:_~,st:, ' .°a~.-tivF .if sz;u ice'-,'r.?s<vsrv- w~rvzr ref the wrne-
<br />sT~~ F'er~:ris, tu~svrs•r, are upon t}te fonditian, "!}rat iT the said Mortgagor shalt repay said loan can rat beforo the r~surity of sad sttares'.r}r
<br />payrri<trt: pay rtarnthiy tt. said AtisCK'dATION aC ihr sum specified in the ilrnd secured hereby as interest and principal on 3aad kran, un ar beftxe
<br />the Twauieth der of each and estn ntunth, mui4 iii} loan is fully paid; pay all to:es a,id ~~~,ts Lv~d:.;; itt~ aid fx_. ~;i;~ ~ (},~ ,z~•,~
<br />and tdtt= ddtutd uv:trred thereby, }s<fcx~ drlinyuc-nk.; furnish apprti,¢d atsuranre upan the bw}dingt thereon in tits sum of S ~ 1 i €OO.OQ , P+t
<br />to said ASSQCIA7itl.`:; repay t:,,u~ ~C;=iC}ATiLtAi upon detr~.and aii nxtney by it paEst iix suE't '~zzs, ~n#s ara# r.~rartta wiui tst#er~ at
<br />the maximum IeKal me thereon from date of payment all of whsch Alorigagrrr hereby agrees to pay;ptrmdt nu waste arr~id p,-4~ti~=k~ap ~d tY
<br />with atl the agteenxnts and rxtm}itir_x_rs of r~ dir!ud Curt ] 1 t$OO, OO this day give-n by tt~ said Mott~ur h~ mid AS~Si3('.LAT`FON, sad ctarn~t
<br />witrt adi fire royurremeufis cat flee cunstirufiian and By-laws cat said ASSt![`tATt(JN: [hen t}trse pre°srnts s}udl freaume nuN stud vwd, o#herwuc they
<br />shag remain m fu13 kxr~e nerd pray be furrciacd at the optian of flee saki ASStlClA7'dON attar failure fof theca trrtuiths to make any of ~}
<br />paytttants car f>e thter mouths rn arrears is nwking said uwnthty oayrnents, or to keep and comply with the agrr~rnrtnts and a»itdittana of sand Board;
<br />arvi Martgagcrr aareas to have a trrxrver appuirttesd farthwith in such t'urxlrsure praceedings.
<br />it" there is any changt in ownership cat the real esUte trx>rtgyged herein, by ssk or atherwise, t}ren the rntiw renwrning ittdebtedrtaa }tcrcby
<br />secured slut}, at the optian of Thr Equitable Budding and L.rran Asserciatiwr of (;rand Ishmd.Ncitrasks, became irnrrtediately dot and payable vritdwut
<br />furtlsn notice, and the amount rentnining due under said btrrud, and any other bond for any additional advattoes made thereunder, shah, frtrm flee
<br />date trd' exercise of said option, bear interest at the maximum kg$i cafe, and this nrrut~e axay t}vatt be fc~ec~n! to aatiad'y i}x srttu;rst drsr oa zdd
<br />b~tl,ard any other band far addi~onal advances, ttrgethrr with all stout paid by said '}`fee kquitabk Building std loran Asarx~tirm r~Cramd Ishsrd,
<br />Nebraska fur iowrantY, taxes and assessnrents, and abstracting eztemdtxr ctrarges. write Sttetetl thereon, from dstr of payrrtrnt at the maximum
<br />}~ rate.
<br />As Qrorided in the Band secured herrhy, while this nxutgagc remains car effect the nnartgagrr may hereafter advance additional wma W the
<br />tt~krrs od said Bond, their assigns ar sucrrssurs in irt[erest, whx~h sums shad he within the recuriry of this rtxutgage titre same as the funds ari6inauy
<br />ct~ureti thereby, flee itrtai amrwnt u[ prirxipal rdrbfi nai to extxrti at any is:ere tfre original xnraurrt of tttit rtxrttgr~e.
<br />gated this 15th way at August A d>., ds 79
<br />R s ~~T_~.E~IAN, .IN~__-------
<br />J-~I.~_r~sv~r t 1 ~ _ ~ ~~
<br />Roger .Loft, Pres d t
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, ~ ~ (ln chic 15th day of AugUSt }9 ~4 , betrxe rrx,
<br />t:(n}NT~ at: }IALI.
<br />ttx undt,a~;rted, a Notary Yrrb}ic in and tar raid county, perwtr+tltY carat
<br />Roger W, Loft, President, ~~~! Ganstruction, Inc., a Nebraska Corporation
<br />~~ ~-' C(~,r woo i S pcrwnatdy known to
<br />nw to lee the ddenGral person ~ `~ 9~gigeE k~~`! affaad to the abotm inArurtxnt as truxtgagtrr anal he
<br />acknowlsdged the said irtstrrwent dt~ ; ~ t~rJTr,RY ~ act and deed.
<br />VYITNE,S5 my aro# Nt>~iadt9t~{ptte rcsaid. ~,
<br />My Commiuian ~ t }'fir ~ /
<br />. `r ~~' Nata Public
<br />~'1 ,
<br />