79-~ ~1~
<br />1. The City of Grand Island, Nebraska, by action cf its City Council
<br />on June 25, 1979. enacted Ordinance No. 6455 which directed the conveyance
<br />of the real estate described below and the manner and terms thereof.
<br />2, Ordinance No. 6455 was published in the Grand Island Daily
<br />Independent, a legal newspaper published in and of general circulation
<br />in such City on July 2, 1979, and immediately thereafter, notice of such
<br />sale and the terms thereof were published in the Grand Island Daily Inde-
<br />pendent for three consecutive weeks, on July 2, 1979, July 4, 1979, and
<br />July 16, 1979, all as required by Section 16-202, R.R.S. 1943.
<br />3. No remonstrance against such sale was filed with the City Council
<br />of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, within thirty days cf the passage
<br />and publication of such Ordinance No. 6455.
<br />4. Section 5 of Ordinance No. 6455 provides that if no remonstrance
<br />be filed against such conveyance, the Mayor and City Clerk-Finance Director
<br />shall. make, execute, and deliver to the Grantees a quitclaim deed for said
<br />real estate, and the execution of such quitclaim deed is hereby authoria.ed
<br />without further action on behalf of the City Council.
<br />NOW, '1HEREFOP.E, the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, a municipal
<br />corporation in Hall County, Nebraska, as Grantor, in consideration of
<br />Five Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($5,200.00) does hereby quitclaim, grant,
<br />barga~., ell, convey, and confirm unto
<br />E. N. ROE and MERLENF. ROE,
<br />tenants in Gammon, herein Balled the Grantees, the fallowing described
<br />real pzoperty in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />That part of Frontage Road in Commercial Industrial Park Second
<br />Subdivision, vacated by Ordinance No. 6450, more particularly
<br />described as that part of Frontage Road abutting upon the East
<br />50 feet, or 15.240 meters, of Lot 2 and all of Lot 3, Commercial
<br />Industrial Park Second Subdivision in the City of Grand Island,
<br />provided, that the City of Grand Island reserves a sixteen feet
<br />c s.. ,.t I.iC3 ,-~11 ~1
<br />wide sanitary Sewer c''33ement, the Centerlxtie vi ivicl.i.xc i=~~.~....-..
<br />to and 15.4 feet, or 4.69!± meters, North of the North line of
<br />Lot 2 a.nd the East prolongation of the North line of Lot 2 of
<br />said sub~?i~=i5 ion and extendin; from the West line of vacated
<br />Frontage Road to the East line of vacated Frontage Road, together
<br />with ri~*ht;> of inKress and egress through and across such ease=
<br />meat, all <_s shoc~•n on the drawing marked Exhibit "A" dated at 13;79
<br />attached hereto and incorporated herein bw reference.
<br />To have anc± to hold the above described premises, together with all
<br />tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the
<br />Grantees and to Grantees' heirs and assigns forever.
<br />Dated 3 Aur,~uST nTq .
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