<br />That ti}e Mot"lgagfor, will pay the indobtedrye~, as hereinhefore prr» cded. ~ ~~
<br />That the Mortgagor is 'the owner of said property in Fee 'si~mpte and has good right anti lawful authority to sell arid •- '
<br />convey the same apd thak:tbe same is free and c}ear of any :ten or encumbrance; and that Mortgagor will warrant anti defend tite<
<br />title to said premises akainal :the claims of a$' persons wlioriisosver_
<br />To pay ittimediately when due andpayable all general taxis; special taxes, special assessments, water charges, sewer sere- '-
<br />ice charges. and other taxes and charger. against said pmperfy, and all taxes tevied un the debt secured hereby, and to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, upon rregtiestt. with the,rrriginal tar duplacate_ receipts therefor. The Aortgagor agrees that there stroll he added 'to ~--
<br />each monthly payment required hereunder nr uacfer the evidence of deM secured hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee
<br />to be sufficient tti enable the INfortgagee to pav, tus they become due, alt taxes, assessments, and similar charges upon the prem• _
<br />ices subject thereto; any defieienry tx'cause of the insufficiency of such additional payments sha}i 1m frxthsaith deposited by the -
<br />Mortgagor with fhr }14ortgagee upon demand b} the Mortgagor Any default unrier this paragraph sha^ br rlremed a default in
<br />payment-of taxPS, assessment, nr similar charges required hereunder.
<br />The Mortgagor agrees that there shalt also he added Eo each m::nffily payment of principa} and iatarest required here-
<br />under an amount estimated M• the bfurtgagee tr be suffcient to ~ noble the Mortgagoe to pay, as it beeomrs due, the msa ranee
<br />premium on any insurance policy delivered to the Mortgagor Any de$ctrncy because of tho insufficiency of such additional pay-
<br />rr{ents shalt Fx= forthwith deposited by the \4urtgakor with the Mortgagee upon demand by Yh^ }tfiortgag[=a^- Any default under this
<br />paragraph shall be deemed a default i- the payment of insu ranee pmmimns If the lxltic.~ or policies deposited are such as }x~me-
<br />owners ur all risk {x)licir•s. and [he delx>sits air insufficient to lea}' rn<~ tuft u~ nrm)ium, th+' ~lurtgagee may apply the delxro-~i£ to
<br />pay premiums on risks required to Le insurch~t by this martage
<br />~ Pa}-meets made by the Mortgagor under the abo}'e paragraphs r::ag. of the npUOn of the Dtorieagee=- fx~ hel[l by tt anti
<br />commingled with other such (ands n: its own funds for the ira_.-mint +•f wrh itetn~. rmd nrdil so applied, such payments are hereby
<br />pledged as security foe the unpaid balance o[ the mort;;age indchtrdn[•+c
<br />To procure, [icliver to, and maintain tar the tr•nrht •.t tt;z- it+,: t~agrw de:'+n~ eF.e life of this mortgage original txthc=.-= a d
<br />renewals thereof, delivered at. )tact fen days ta•Cnre the expiratn•n „f arrt sorb poline:. msa rind a;;ainst fire and other insu r:;; =•
<br />hazards, casualties, and cantingenc'ies as the Mortgagor- may require, in an amount [goal to the indebtedness secured by this
<br />Afortgage, and in Coen ponies accep[ablr to the Murig,a~rr. v.ifl~ ;;.~~+ pave};lo clause rn L,u,r •:f and in form accaptahla to the'.ytortga-
<br />gec. In the event an} p[,1 ii t' i.c nut renru~cKl nn nr txdorr t.~:: ~iac= ,~f ;ts ea~ptrahru. the 4iortKagre )nay pr,x'u re insurance un the
<br />improvements, pay the };remiurn therefor, and such sun: ~}.,ill h:-..m ~mFae[Land: dui an+i na}'able with intrust at the rate -set
<br />forth m said note until paid and shalt tw .r;tu r«-d M !h:. ,n , - +I•x,iia r.- •:n tb+• par; of the 'rtortgagor to &:rnLsh such rrnrwa}s
<br />as are herein required c,r failure to pay s:ly sates a+l~.r n;.,. ,,.-r. :, r,; ~>. ,.:a'l, at thr• +,;;trnr. +Ft the Mortgagee, canstituh• a default
<br />under the terms u[ this mortkut-r. The d[4i~[•r} :if tea,?: p.:!:. :.-_ ~ha?;. :r, ttu- .-t (•nt •,l default, :nns4ituf_.• sn assignment of the itn-
<br />earneri Premium.
<br />Any surnv rreri}'a'd by the Dttcr[gor;rr ht cr.ra:~n ,:t L..,: ,:r damszc- u~=d r:vi aarainst ma}' be rriau}.-al by the Rf t.nrag[~
<br />obit applied toward the paymm~t of ti:e dr 6t h~.,-rr'hi _uar'.l ~ , t t},[' , it-ac ~.; th. ~S i.rtgag[=.- Bach mums eFther wh+llly ++r in
<br />Dart may ter paid over to the Mortgagor tot u-.ed t? replrr -r h hu;+dings nr t[, ..hit+{ n[,u- buildings to thr(r place nr fur any
<br />okhei purpose or object satisfactory to the Mortgagoe u(7tt,:u: eft<n tint the hr-n :In the m,:rtgagr for the Cull amount .<rcu red hrrr-
<br />by before such payment ever i«ck place.
<br />To promptly repair, instate or rebuild any puddings nr improvement, rt~t ,~r hrmafter nn the prumi>ee which may he~
<br />come damaged or destroyed: to keep said premises in g:xad condition and repair erd fn'c• fmm any mochanids lien or other Ben ur
<br />claim of hen eat expmssly sutx:rriirated ti! the Len hruof. n„t to suQer or perm!! n~;-, uu}au fu} axe of ar nay nuisance to ax Gt on
<br />_virt -, _ t.. _,__ . g6• .., _- i+7 ..n..., c nor t., do nthrr ,art u-M-r.-h. the nronerri' herrbv tanveyed shall }x come
<br />i°a;: valuable, nar'to (hmF lkti nr fmi atC Ilk vailte t!v crn 1 it u>n .'-'t<![} t<_i :t,'t- t,+ ,:,: =It} }}Ith aft Fet;plremeniS of taw with [t•sp.>ct
<br />to the murtgageJ prWmise9 and the use their-..t.
<br />That should the prrnrtss nr any part therrot R• !akin -:r n.,an:y -;t .-y ... .., ;,n-, -,white Fmpr:.eemrnt .-r .-ondemnation
<br />-dtng. _,• L•nds° eh[. rig})r [;f ,~nsrnr-:nt +_+. _._r_I.i::, :>- .n s_rv_ u'_her :tars!:•r. tt:r- \t;; rt_r_r:- ha}! ts.• rntttiE`rl to :311 _um_~un~ua[rs,
<br />awards, nett airy other payment o r~.}ref t},[ n~tur, and short tees entitled, at its outien to rnmmenc~_ appear in amt prnser'ute in its
<br />own rtanie any notion u - ue+.r:-~:3iur':..r i+, trrai.r an; ;-.,[„I,r. nti_.~ ,.r .aft).-m, zt..o:::, ~ h ,uclt taking ::r da;na2r Al: =u::h
<br />ewsrperrsalion, awa>xl, darnaees, right of action and pnx•ee[ts are hereby assiwned ur the Mortgagee, who tray, after dvYlucttns
<br />therefrom nit its expenses. release a~iy moneys sc. r--•trived txv Ft or apply the .same ..n any in<ietaedness secured hereby, The Mort-
<br />gagor agr€ea to ezerette such ft:rtt:er aidirtxsnents r*t any E•._,n.pensatiun. ats~ardt damages. =itxt rights of scti[)n and pres^teds a_s khe
<br />Mortgagee may require.
<br />TitNt Ill l`a-W' of tai1U[(' to {Yerlcarnt art}' (,f tht' t'[r}'e iianta ht'r[•I r1 lbe 11 i:rlgat;vf InAV d:r (•n ftl(' ~tU r[ga~:,t -ti behalf Pt'rrVt}ttnt,+
<br />so covenanted; that the Mortgagee may also do nny act it may da*rm nrcessar} f.. pnatrct thi' hen rhrrruf. that the hfurtgaSUr wd} '_$
<br />repay upon demand any moneys paid or disbursed by the Mortgagee fur any of the above pu rlx+!ces. and such moneys together with a, ,c
<br />interESt thereon at the rate provided in said note shalt become so much additional indebte•dnes, hereby sc=cured and may he in- t~~,=
<br />eSuded in any decree foreaktsing this ntorEgage and tat paid out of the cents ur proceeds u! sale ~[ sairi pretmxes if nut atherwiae
<br />paid; that it shall not Ixe obtigat[ary ulx>tt the Martgsger to inquire into the validity of any hen, encumbranx~es. <;r claim in ad- ,~-
<br />vancing morEeys as above authorized, but nothing herein container) abaft tx construed as requiring the Mortgagee to advance any
<br />moneys for any such putaose nor to do any act hereuntle r, and that Mortgagee shall not incur any persvnat tiabthty 1><•causr of any-
<br />thing it may da or arnit to do hereunder.
<br />In the event of the detour! t,}' .''vtorigagae in the payment [;f any instatlmeat, as requimi by the Note sera re'd hereby, or
<br />in fair performance rrt khe ot>hgatiun in aria mortgage or in the note secured thereby, the Mortgagee abort br entitieKi to declare the
<br />debt sCCrteed hemby due and payable without notice, and the Mortgagee s},atl be entitled at its option. without notice, eikher by iisetf
<br />or by-a t'eceiver to be appointers by the court fhereoP, and without regard to the adequacy of any security far the indebtedness se-
<br />ctstrad t:ar,^.by, to enter upon and take pos-Sess'ian of the mortgaged Sremises, artd to collect and receive the tx'nts, issues and profiles
<br />thereof, -akfd aPNll' the same; .teas costa of operatiatt and cr>tiection, upon the indebtarine€c secured by this mortgage; -said -rents,
<br />iasueaand profits being-h2ratsy-osxigrtad fo the Mortgagee ax further security for tFu. f>_nyment of alt indebtedness sstcured hereby.
<br />The Mortgagee steal! )rave the power to appoint any agent ur agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said prem•
<br />ices; renting t}ttt same; cat~eMing the rents, nvenuea and inecxtre, and i[ may pay out of said inc'r)me all expense's incurred in rent•
<br />ing and managing the same and of cossecling the rentals therefrom. The balance remaining, if any, shall be applied toward the
<br />discharge pf the mortgage, indo6kedness. This assignment is to terminate and become null and void upon release of this morfRage.
<br />i
<br />