<br />.~a :r
<br />That-#tte Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as-hereinbefa,re ptatEided.
<br />That for Mortgagor is the owner of said property in fee simple and hats gprrd,. right and lawful authority Co self and
<br />convey the semis,and tltei-the same is tree and dear of any lien oi- encumbrance; grid fhat~ ltf`drtgagor witt warrant -slid deferid fire -- -
<br />titte to said premises against file claims of all parsons whtmtaoever.
<br />To pay ia"Sitiei-liately when due and }reyable alt general taxes, special taxes, special assessments, waif>r charges, sewer serv-
<br />ice charges, and other taxes and charges aga_iust said pro{sorry, and all taxes }evird on the. debt secured hereby. arxl.tu furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, upomYet{uest, with'the tiriginal~ot duplicate iereiptd Itterctur. Thr• Mort~agnr agrees that ttrere shalt he added to
<br />each monfh[y payment required hereunder nr under the outdone, of debt secured hr-reby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee
<br />to tae sutTiciertt to errabte'the Mortgagee to pay. as Yhry become due, a!t taxes, assessments, and =#mi:ar charges upon the prom- -
<br />ises subject thereto; miydeficiency lx>causc of the insufficiency of such additional payments shall he forthwith deposited try the
<br />Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand 6y the \tortgage.e. Any default under this paragraph shall be ;tcx:med a default in
<br />payment of~taxes, assessments, nr s'ttnilar charges required hereiuxier.
<br />i
<br />The Mortgagor agrees that there shall also be added to each cnnnthly payment „( principak and interest required here-
<br />under an amount e•slimatud by the Mortgagee t.u be sufficient to enable the }L.rt{;:+go.• tr, pav, as it tu•nrmes due. ih,- insurance
<br />premium un any insurance {xdicy delivered to the Mortgagee. Any deticp•ncy be.:au.e ..f the ,mutficirncy of such a~.ld„~.••nat pay-
<br />ment_s shalt hr forthwith drp~ited b}• the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee u{wn cSe-mares by the ~-tnrtgaKer. Any default un;r:r this
<br />paragraph shall tae deemed a default in the payment of insurance premiums. t€ the ~,lir: c,r p::k:,-irs dr{xrsited are such r= !se,mr-
<br />1 owners or all risk policies, and the deposits are insufficient te> pay the enhrr promote-. t.,,• A9~>ritaKeY mag apply- She d.•(~,~it to
<br />gay premiums an risks requrred to be insured by this mortgage.
<br />f Pay'mt-ntc mado by the Mortgagor under the above paragraphs may. at tbr- a,i'•~.n ~d the ~S+,rtgag,•v. h+• held by it and
<br />commingled with other such funds or its awn funds &ar the payment of such item=. amt .;etii sa applied, sr„-h pavmrnts err hereby
<br />plrcfgeil as security for the unpaid balance of the mortgage indebtedm•~
<br />•I'o proc•urr, deliver tn, and maintain for She benefit of the Mortgagee daring ihr life r,F thts mortgage r,rtgsnal perlic•ie> and
<br />renewals thereraf, dehvrreati a± (cast ten days kx•fore the irxpiration of any such ;xrlicVrs, insunng against fire and other insurable
<br />l+aizards, casualties, and contingencies as the Mortgagor may require, in an amount equal to the indebtedness secured by this
<br />Mortgage, t+nd in companies acceptable w the Mortgagee, with kas:r payable clause in favor of gird m farm aceeptahlr to the 1lurtga-
<br />gr'e. ter the event any p+•ri<y is not renewfKl on or tx:fure ten days of its ezpiratinn. the :14ortgagre may prex•+crr imur,.+ne-e un the
<br />improvements, pay the premium therefor, and such sum shalt becoate immediately due and pRyabk• wnNr +nten•st at the rata art
<br />forth in said note unfit paid and shalt tx ,feared by ttris m,+rtgaRf'~ failure on the part of the 4turigagor to turmsh such rrn,•walt
<br />as are herein [squired ur failure Ur pay any sums advanced her+'under .bait, aC the opison of N;.• 3lozigagor. constitute a =k•fault
<br />udder the terms of this mortgage. The delivery of sac}: {.nhcic•s shall, in the even*. <,t riefnutt. :•,,nt+tuu• an assignment of the un-
<br />earned premium.
<br />Any sums ree•rived by the 'titurtgagee by reason ut Ins ur damage- msur•d against may hr retained by the AtortRagee
<br />amt applied Toward the payment of the debt hereby secured, or. at ihr oplton of ihr Alortgsgee, such sums rrthrr wholly cr in
<br />par4 may tw pam over rn the iviortgagur iu tae useri u. repair ,:,.1, , .:_.... __ ..; +...: a.r~~..,.. a,„e. r,...,_ t _ eh,.lr .,t~:~.. ,,r f:~r
<br />outer uurtxase or a6~ev.•t sutistacfory to [he h{,xtgngee without atirrUng ihr isen un the mortgage tar ihr (uB amount secured hca•rr
<br />hp tx•fore such payment ever tcxak trlace.
<br />To prtamptly re}:=air, rekh: rr e,r rehuilci any huvl:fings +:r ten i.re:. rrnrnts n:,w :,r hereafter +an the premises which arse he-
<br />ccros- ;lanceted ar destroy c.Yl: t:+ ke_•{! sail ptrerrises itt ;:ex,d iorrdlti!an and rr(rair and tree Erum any mc•chanic•s keen or other lien <nr
<br />*I:~m of lien n+?t eaptrysty auFx,rditwt+vi to the hen taErrvi, n,~t tr. svfTrr +•r {wreant ant uaiawtrri use +d err an) nuisantt+ to exist on
<br />said prcrfrer:, ...,. .. +='r~:sr ~ o..t_ .. :1i•i {•r=r=i-,- . r-!r € - ,i•, ana ,. t r .r c t , .,, ~°rfv trerehv , ed ShRt:' txenme
<br />lase valuable, n+•r t„ dmu mst, „r ampere its ,slue by any art ur umis.,nm n. act n, t,»nt~la sorb all regw n•mrnta ,.t law with rwspect
<br />to the martgaKrd prerrsisa--, .+~. ihr= usr° ihrr ..t
<br />That should the premt.sra ,u any part thrre.rt tar taken or damage-d Fy cease-~n of an puhl;c +mprov.•mrnt or ~en;iemr;atttrn
<br />prixeeding, nr under ibr righE of emenent domain, or m any otber maonrr, the 41+•rtgagee shall tx• entithv! !n :ill a,mp.•rtatians,
<br />awards, and any other payrnrnt ur rrhe•t thrre(ur, anal shalt be entitled, at its nptior+, tr, commoner' Rptx•ar in and pet, vtr~ttt.• in its
<br />nwtt name any action ur pr<xwrrtnig, r~r to maws= any compreamtsr or setllrrnent ur ronnerttrar wuh ,uch taking or rtamage. Atl such
<br />campertsation, awards, damagrn, right a:[ action atui proceeds err hereby assigned to the Mortgagee. wh+, may, stir+t deducting
<br />thPretrwn alt its exp€nsrs, release any momrys srr rt~irivrd by it ur a;r{a!y the same x:n eery in:irt,tr+lns-:s +r-+~,ara•:! h,•ret.y 1Yri- \4,ut~
<br />gagor agrees to execute such furthrr assignments of any comtn>nsatiun. awards. damages.. soli raghts of ,xue,n and pn,cw.xfs as rho
<br />MSOrtgagee may nx{uire.
<br />That in case a( failure to per(unn any of the aroveerants herein, ihr Mortgagee may rid un the MortgaKr.r-=~ hchali everything
<br />so invenanted; that the Mortgagee may also •iu any act it may deem necessary to protect the hen thereof. Neat ft,r~ Mortgagor will •
<br />repEfy upon ciemand any moneys paid or disbursed by ihr MartgaRe+' for any of the atwve purpcrsrs, and such rnnneys together with
<br />inter at thereon at the rate tar. _•idxui in said note shat! taecorne au much additional indehtrcin?s+ hereby sei'urfKt and may he in- -,:
<br />rtudeci in any darrP tom}asing this mortgage and iZ• ;raid out of ihr rents nr pnrceeds ~>T s9!e of said premi_~ if oat otherwise ~'
<br />paid; that it shall cwt be ohligatary u{ron the Martgager to inquire iota the validity of any lien, encumbrances, ur dahn in ad- ,_~,
<br />vaticing moaetys sa above aathar±xod, but nothing herein contained shall hie construed as requiring the hfurtgagee to advance any
<br />rnartaYe tar any such purtwsa oar to des any act hereunder; and that Mortgagee shall cwt incur any perstmai fiatrility because of any-
<br />.»~ it-, r.'~ der a-r ismit- #;: des haretirrder.
<br />In the avant of the 3sFault by Mortgagor in trio paymenk at any installment, as requirevl by for Note recur. d h.•rr-h.• .~ ,
<br />in.ihe pertarmartse of the otrligatian in this mnrtsagc or.ir._ttfu.nolr aiocuced.tlwreby. the Mortgagee shalt tee entitled to declare the
<br />daL~ seettred h&ceby duestnd_paynliP without native, and-tha_Mattga~tto ~h~lF br entitled at ifs uptian, withauk notice, either by itself
<br />ar by 'a n+tcaiver ko be appointed by trio court thereof, anti without regard to the adequacy of any secit city for the in<tebtedness se•
<br />r4te'et hereby; to, 'enter upon and take pos9erPsion aT.thc~mirrtgaged premises, and !o relhrr and reveler the rents, issues snit profits
<br />thereo>: and` sppty the same, Jess ccxsfs •.f af~retion and ro{{ertian, upon the- indehtcdite3s secured hp this mortgage; said rents,
<br />issues and pra5ta lieing~hereby assa~ned to €heMortgagee asfurther security for the payment of all indrhtrdness serui•ed heretry.
<br />The Mortgagee shall have_ttre power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpixxe of repairing said prem~
<br />'tees; renting the same; collecting thtt rents, revenues and income, and it may pay nut of said inrnme all expenses incurred in rent-
<br />ing and managing the same and of collecting the rentals therefrom. The balance remaining, if any, shall he applied toward the
<br />discharge of the mortgage indebtedness. This .assignment iR to terminate and become null and void upon reieaw ut this mortgage.
<br />
<br />