<br />52 A R~'AL ESTATE tuRORTGAGE-(With Tax~Ciausey (Revised 1952;1 The t3affru f7enerul Supply House, Lusxsta, Nelsr
<br />' (SNOW ALL MEN 8Y TI-fESE PRESENTS: 't`hat ~/2.-w,~-ctC- t~ l '.~'Q.=~k%'~-
<br />~.
<br />of ~/ ~ Cp~nty, and S to of "'~-~~E ~""z-r~.~z--~-~ in consideration of the sum of i
<br />~T~-Q,~ (5"JCf. 'mil u.f[..Cc-u..dC `b~~+C. t~~i-~--~'G>j R$
<br />~,_ /~ ~~r--~~
<br />win hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto ~_<<_c-tt.,t-ei 7>2.Ge--sc,-oc_~
<br />j of ~L/ ~ r?(' County, State of r- e~ the following described premi»es situated
<br />in ~ ~`~ r` Cotutty, and State of ~~_~ • L~_`j , to-wit: -,
<br />i ~~ (~„~ ~
<br />~.
<br />-~ ~ -~ Z~-e~~~
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<br />~~f~ ~fLzc~ ~!~ t:c_cr~ i
<br />~{pr ~^
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<br />- The intention being con •ey hereb Tan absolute title in fee simple, including iGt the rights of homestead anti dower, __
<br />~ ! TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the promises a}rwe described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the aatd
<br />moriga~e(sy and to his, her or their heirs and asaigrts forever, provided always, and these presents are upon the express ~ ._
<br />~uttdiiion that if the said mvrtgagor(sy, his, her or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause to be
<br />paid fu the said mortgagee(s), iti+, her or Lhrir heirs, executvra, administrators or assigns, the principal sum of S
<br />papable as follows, to wit:
<br />~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~
<br />j With interest atxx~rdinx kts Tht tc°xe:ar and etTrcY xsf ttrt rncsrtgagu rs written pramiavory note fx-nrinl; turn dots? with these preatnta
<br />st5d uhaii ~~ all -v~-o u. ,- .. ," ,.. :. ~.. , -.~ , ar.d all cths r tax.-s, 1i-'v:~~s an.r. a~c5srn(-61.~ :;~ie~ aiR~tt his _
<br />_ y mortgage ur the n~,ic s h,°h t3-.~ .....:r:,,~,~ ..~ ~:~_ . .. .,~.-u`f?. ~tvr• the= ~:tnc+ hac~rm.:.-; tlthr.ttuc:nt, and keep the lsuif$ings are
<br />sand p-eeeuriaes irwurtcl for ter x;m r. "` ~ew.• z' ~' e'rs, if any, payable io tht said martgage.2--. Lhea ths=ae pr~rztta - -.
<br />ft* be void, rthar~~... _- ..~ _ __. --
<br />- f`f' TS FL'-f:`f'4t;ufi .-°~Ul.__~~s ~z.~. .. :#.r ~aii. ~.v.,.ga fi;r 3121 .ail to fray ~,~t.. ta~~ ~ t.r-.R-urn= seat-2, meat-f~..~: t - -- -
<br />~. said mnrtHaxt+t: may par szach taxx~si„itd lut,t~re str.t: inauranir, and the awn M~ advanced, with inten•at at /j ps^r
<br />i sent, shall be ripaicf by ,sill zrzt,rtgagaxr, a~i shia na,rtga;,,r shall stamf as i;erurity fur the same. (_°y That a failure to lea>• any -
<br />of said tnrsneS`. either princ~tl>ai or tnterr•st, whaset ttx• wrnr [arumt~s due. or a failuro tee tuttt,tti~ with any of the foregouyt
<br />-- Agreements, ahAll cause tl::• w-}±ut~~ suru ~ mcrs,.,r hrnart >u•rurcd to ix^c,uno due and collsrtihl,• at ,uuo at the option of the
<br />mortgagee - _
<br />Signed thre 3 "1 ~+1Y duy t ~,~ L ~"G~L..._ t!i ~ -5~ sd/~f~a/..~.+- ,
<br />- ~f(~n.,pitac-rr.-r c,f ~,..f '~-'~'~t/' -,. ~:,r~.~ Q~E°~u-!#....-.
<br />f` i
<br />I ..... ~ .
<br />i STA'T'E ©F ....................V.'.Lt..~F~.-- ..._._..., County cf 1` - „~ ~:
<br />- Before nae, a notary public gttalificc! for said county. y~rs • amts f -
<br />~ i ICnowIS tG mB lO -tfe tTte identft~al fx r~on or persona whir >~Ti €[l ~.he [~TC~izng iinst~SnenC anaY acxn6R~irdged the ~xe~a'4frnn -
<br />thetwf to bo-his. her or their voluntary act and deed. fr ti Ir ~ ~- EIF
<br />s.
<br />' VVitxteax my hand ate notarial seal an.......... ........,,.
<br />s; ~ My eammiseion exptras ... ..f..~. `'~''.. lfi._..~. ~~~
<br />4 ? r~ ~.
<br />as.
<br />s"?
<br />i. .......................day of._........_...._.__.._...._..........._.._, f9..._......., at.._.._...........
<br />i, i attd recorded in Book......,._ ............._._.....--._.of..........._~...._.....
<br />Ear ~ -- --__. ._ -..-...
<br />i
<br />T'ttblic.
<br />t Y~d an numerical index anti filed for record
<br />zs,:
<br />in the Register of Deeds flit'tce of said County the
<br />o'clock attd .................._ .........minutts ..._.._........._.M.,
<br />page.--_ ...............°. - - ° -.-. .
<br />...........__........._ .............._.........._..... .. ___ ..Reg. of Ueeds
<br />Hy........ ................_.. _.._.. .. _..... . _. .Deputy
<br />