<br /> �•�
<br /> _''-.�.� , � _-- . =--= - . ----.__.. _ '. . -' __-- :=�..�t:,` -
<br /> --- - -- -
<br /> -- - ��,.�......�.�.� _ ._.._�,. - �-,...:— ------_------
<br /> .•,.,.;s,r,�.�.:�..�,�rs•_�� _..._� ..._ - �._.___.__
<br /> prinaF►xl K�n�oum d ttw Irx�abia�d+�ass�cur�d bY etw Daed uf liwt.11W MICIUdM1O tUtils��A�1CY�'�W Pfd�Ct�W�1(�I OI W�D�ii�OI
<br /> Tnu1.�os�ct tha oi�i4ir�at PrN�c1P+d amoaW sW�d MrNn,a S ,wi�wr�a pr�ater. � =
<br /> 16.W�i�v��w�i P�wt.fEw�a. _ _
<br /> (p)lWrrowN'I�t 1e�Nas�d.�xianaic+.�w�.a�'tM!�r r�SKn�!►!er��C�1+n!�M tw►ir+rttsat�nn ni ttw s�u r•acut�by . _
<br /> Dwd of Tnss2 pranlsd by Lender to u�y sua�saex In k►txast af Borro►t�at thaH not opsrnta ro rolw�,i�o wty��KU�cwe,tfN G:�:a- _
<br /> ry o!tha ai�lr►�I Bormw�r and 8orrow�r'�suaytf�on In{nt�t�l.L�:thsll not bi rpulnd W conur►�x.w p
<br /> �palntt wd� wooMtaor oc nius�W�x�d dme lor paYmsnt or othana'ic�nwiiity anwrtlzatlon uf dw cunw cacurednx��
<br /> Wici W Tna..Gy r.::ar�w��y da.T�.�m,c+.�by lhe o�t�a1 Hcxrow�r utid 6orrow�r�wGCeswn In Int�;yst. a _
<br /> (b)L�ti�r'�Pa�rrri.W w'tt�ui r�tt�:tb��tha tiab��ty ot�sy o�r pessars Usble lor tha peYstwn!Qf�ny ui�l�:stlon twr� a�
<br /> tior��d,uxf w+thout aftacW�q tiw It�n or ctw�e ot this Oeed of T�ual upon eny portlo+'i o�the Pro�perry rtot thw�or tt�ealalor�Q
<br /> nlwwe u s.auity cor atie ruu amoun�d W unp+ld o b'�t i a�c,La+�d�Cr may,trom t;m.w tirne and w�wt notk�(►)�al�ts��
<br /> �nY Pasa►w Ilabi��lR)�xt�nd tM rruturity o�adu any nf ttw umw ot any wch aW�Wtbns.(u+)�nus!c�e�or M�dulpw�ow,(iJ�
<br /> roasa or�:,.�vsy, or cAU:e ta ba reieas�d ar reQOnwY�d at any Bma at Lander'�optbn tny parul� po�lla+►w all ol tha
<br /> P�opertl►.(v)take cr reioaso any other or addltlar�a�secu�ity or reconveyed at eny tlme at Lenders optlon any parc:al,Poilwn ar
<br /> aU d tha Proaerty.lvl)take or release eny oUwr a aol�iUonal cac++�Y tor any obltpaUcn heret�m�nitonad.or(v!1)nnalce oompo- _
<br /> citlons o1 otf�ar arrangeme�te with deWors In raiation therato.
<br /> (c)Forb�arutia by L�ttd�r Not�W�(v�./lny lo�t�esvance by Le�dar In oxercisir►0 anY�ht or remedy hareunder.or oth-
<br /> erw�sa aflorrled by appucabla law.s�na be a wai�er W or prsck�de the ewQr�ir,�ot any cudi nQht or ren�ady.l�ha procuro-
<br /> n W�U Oi 1�lSalf�lCs3 Oi S,'W pa)'i�ia�:Of 43xwa Or c�ii�Ftt fir��i cl�Gil:iryVtr Gj(LiB."t::t G±'::�«��P!L3�2Ywc Ot LYildvri i1�1t i0�OOW�-
<br />: W�U1a ma3tuiry Ot th�f�NAC�'1ASS S4C+ls�d by tt�ta GT'ev�t Oi Trust
<br /> (d)5++a�sa+n e�9 f�s6�ns B�cu�+.Sofe�i�fi^�.r+�l LJabiNtY:CapNoi'+ra,lf�ri cove+�ts eend e�eem.�t;�he�vin oo�-
<br /> � �snau air�d. anct cn���wre�e�xla►sr�a;a n���t h._+he nsae�.�+we sua�u�r,o�a,ss�x�ot ae�;fi�'t 4n,smi. na
<br />� a�'����!aQraei+�w*Cs ot Tn2sR�r g"�aY be jan!an.�c�o;t�,1.lYw�captiona a�,c5�-,4ia;9;r►ps oU tha Para�rapt�;�i tP�is Dwd o1
<br /> T;us3�e lar ca�ve�ar�,'�'o+�tf►arKf wr�n.�b be useN to iniarprei�rar�ne the provisions FwrsoF.
<br />� lQ)�le���rert!or No�.wr.Ttw F�►'.9ias f w�by re3uas�tttiat a a�iq:r any naica of cbfautt hereur►der and a oopy d any rr�rsr,�
<br /> p4�a!e ikire:xxiar be.+�+�iiac9 to��pariy to this i7+�l�1 a�Tcusi at t�w�ddress sot forih above in the matux►r prasCa��`b/
<br /> a��ti.�bta taw.Exaa�xl9or-�rn cWo�r n��tequire��wnciar applicabie law to be given io another marxw�,any noboe���cl tar =.
<br /> fn u�ls LSa��d rn,st sh;,ill ba g�vcw v��r++sidlrg surti m,�ice by certiaad mai�addressod w she othe�paruas.A3 tr�e,�►�a sae ,
<br /> torih aL�cva.Jlny noUce provida�d�u,in tihis Deed oP Trust shall ba�attective upon�Railin�in tl�a maruwr das�;>�o�Ai�i hrerein. }!
<br /> Trustor ia rmore tt�an one person,nay�.srx►1 w ttw acidrese set to���It�uve shall be notice W a11 s�r�+persor�a.
<br /> (i}Icup�cdon•L,en,'ier may mafca ar cause to ba rtuide re�►son�;�'�1�ent�ies upon and k�s��'c�i�na d the Properry�Protn,.�rd
<br /> that l.onder shaN yive Tnrsta•nctjce D�1or to any such tr►sPection spa�iryinD reasa�Ws cause L�aiot rNatad W Lsndorc icxi�:-
<br /> est In ttw ProQerty.
<br /> (0)R�eanvyn�nc�.UPon PeYment ot aY swna secured by Mls Daed ot Trt�;.�ue�.ie►shall re4uest Tn�aa�W�vey the
<br /> Property and shall surre�xier t,`►Is Deod ot Trus1 and aU notes evlde�cing ies�a'plwineas secu.^od bY thi�ri4iad of Trust to
<br /> TnuEe�.Tnistee shaH�eocx►vey tl�e�ropartN.witFiaui warranty►end without ds�c�a 7�the person iasa�h►entidsa tfw�ab,T�uskx
<br /> tt�aM Wu9 a�ll oosts or rscordation,�any.
<br /> (h) Wrsor�l Prop�rty:Security Ilproanent.As a8ditior�al securidyr t�r t�e;�aYmor►t of the t�ote,Trustor Iwroty�a,r.r�.�
<br /> L�fd��ur�ttN Nebra�ke UNbrm C�nrtwt+aial God��t�cu�ity inl�set(rr artl�f,+�,'r�w.Mu�P+��•�rid otf�I�*�P�"'�
<br /> uaad in cautsction with tiw real eststa or knPro�►�►ta lOCSted tFwreoc�,atxi�x��akaotwiss dedared ot ci��'wr�4a+tia a V�"t d
<br /> the roal�tah cecured hereby.Tl�is inatnxnertt slu�il be construed a�a 5cac.a'�:p�reament under said Ca�,r�r+►�+�e 'l�1ai�
<br /> shaA h�,r�all the ri�hm and rame�ies d a s�ecurod party under sai�'i v:kie In addition to the�ts and e�ne�ir.�wdar tt�s
<br /> �����Gxrw��and ln rw way a 4muauon oo.�zr��r's ripnts and remedies iu�der any oa�s�a+�il1�
<br /> (!)LiWw�nd EncwnlNanoM.Trustor hersby wairant9 eMl represents tt�at there Is no dNwlt under 1sra�tt�risio�W t�nY
<br /> pn�t�ax conatitWn9��or�ap�wt��Y�Dort�ot�ProPe+N(�oo�ecU�1�' I.�'I. 'a�astkp�cf ths
<br /> ds�of tNs Dnd d Tnut and that am►and aM�xl�np��ne ranain unrtwdlied except as d�isdos�d u.Latide►in TnistoPs writ-
<br /> tan d3�t�o�ssro o!liens and encwmbiarfas provid�d for t�roin.Tn�tOr sflalt tim�ly Psrfarm aii ai i rusoars oo"wysiw��:. .
<br /> oo+law�a.reprsssntauons and w.rrantl�s undw ony and w.xialirg and nAu�s uona.:heN prompty eawara to LeedK copiN
<br /> of aN noflCe6 d dsfault ssn!(n oonneclioo wdh any 8nd aN�xiAtin�or futtxs L.iens.�nd:ftaM not witlfoW L�uM�s pdor wkMn
<br /> con9MSt in any rtfsrnM tiiodify the prorriaions Ot or albw�uty fuGu�advanceo undat any exlstinp or tuWts fisn6.
<br /> W�oPM�+�a Payen�ts.lk�s ottwrwke nquirod b�►taw.sixns paid w t��cle�►herwuxtar.inctu�rq wittwut frr�ita•
<br /> tion payrtwnb of prYiclpaf�nd ku�t,inwrar�ce proaed��oondert�slion Pr'x�da and�snb and prol'�ts,ahsll b��ppWed bY
<br /> LetnMt b tfi�u�wunts due and owit►q tran Tiu�tor and borrowar b wch ot�as Ler�in Ks aoM cl�pNion dsert�s ds�r-
<br /> �bM.
<br /> (k�S�r�bYttY•It any►P��d tl�Dsad af Tnut oonflicts w�h yfplicabis law or is docts�d irvaiid or otl�xwiss ut�-
<br /> fo�cMbie� wcA confikt a k►vali�fily sA�ll not dhct tt�e other provido�s of this Desd d T�si a 1hs tVa1e wf�ich can W�i►�n
<br /> Mtoct�wiltwul ths oonl�ctirg prc�on,and b tNs md ths proviebnt oQ 1Ns Gaf d Ttu�t and th�NoM irs d�c�are�d lu a s�v-
<br /> acabla.
<br /> �I)Tinets.Th�brtns'Trustof and"Bortow�r thaN IncMida bo3A sie►yuter�nd Pi�ual,and wNen 1M Trustor ivai 8orra�+er�
<br /> tlw tanw p�nor�(s)�thoce tetms as ussd fn ttfi�D�ed W Tn�st shoN Ds tnts�+ctwg�t�W�.
<br /> (m)m�.nWw�w.m�o.ed a r�sn��s�,��►n»�aws a�s�a o�erea��.
<br /> Trustor t��r.a::�snd this DQeC of T' �n�'1[►e V����t', ~�tq+►�• I
<br /> = 6'SI�AIi'MG1.Yl��xt�=s•�:t
<br /> .�,.,-.�....-r......
<br /> • o . �:�� Tn�Mor
<br /> - �Np� Trt�fot
<br /> .
<br /> . ,
<br />