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<br />_ - _ Mo~TGAGe yQ~ NU. L 235 i O MGI C
<br />XNUwALLMENBYT'tiFSEPRESENTS:T'hat David Janky, a single person
<br />Mortgagor, whether oru or more, in ootatitkration of the sum of
<br />Thirty Seven Thousand Eight Hundred and_ Noj100----------------------------------~~~
<br />laanetl to acid mnr+,6agor by T1x Fgtritable BuiWirtg and Loan Ass~iatian of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 3 TB abates of stocJc of
<br />aid ASSUCIATI(Hd, Certit`icate No. L 2351 O MGIC , da hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the aid ASSOCIATTUN the following
<br />dearribed real estate, situated in Halt County, Nebraska:
<br />togetlttt with ati the senertrenix, hereditsrteents and appurtenances [hereunto belaagiag, inr:ltedirtg attar-hod Hoot wyerings, a.,lt prindoxtr ,
<br />window shades, 6iinds, storm windows, awnirrgs, Freatireg, air conditbning, and pltunbing and water equipment amt accessories thereto, purstlu, #ovcs,
<br />refrigerotrn, and ether irxtures and eytripttrent now or hereafter attadud to or used in connection with said rml estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor bas agreed and does 6creby agree that ttx tnvrtgagu; seta!! and will pay aU taxes and asmt~senu Ir~ed of
<br />ssxssrd upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured tfwrehx etefore the same sMB become delvtyuent; to Cureris3t approved
<br />iasutancc open tare buildings on said prerttises situatc9 b the sum of S 3T, BOO , OQ payable to aid ASSOCiA77(7N and to deliver to and
<br />ASS~IATTUN the policies for said instuana: and trot to catnmit or permit any waste on t>{ about slid premixa;
<br />to cox of default in the perfarmana of any of the [ers!ts annl caxsditiaes of this rtmrtga~ or the hood secetrtd hereby, the taa~rtgrgyee obeli,
<br />on demand, be entitled to immediate posaessbn vi the nwrtyged premises and the mortgs~gw hereby assigns, [ratssfers and rats over to tlse
<br />trortgagee aB the rents, revrntses and iriaonte ao be derived from Ilse mortgaged premixx during such tune as the mortgage indebtedness stiaB remain
<br />t:ngeid; and the nwrtgagtt shill have the power to appoint any sgeat or agents it rmy desire for the ptupo: of regiiri~ aid pra~ea and rsns~
<br />the same and atdlecting the rents, reventxs and income, and it may pay out of aid income all expenses of repairing said psemiaes and neaeamy
<br />cmntmiasions and expenses incurred in renting and rruttaging the sane arw! of a>Ilecting rentals therefrom; the balance
<br />~ rG~rd lire ::-=-~ a€ s rr~rsrt ird~ttda«; three gets of the ruoregagee may be extrdmd at any rims dz~~-eas~c~o,€atuis
<br />~tautr, itrespe~ive of arty trrnporiry waives of tl~ .
<br />TYresse Preaett!s, ita~rCr, ire upr}n the f'vrrdithttt, 3itat i€ ilu silo Mottgagtir sltaEi repay said ban on ar before the tttattuity of sand rx+rs b3
<br />ptyment: pay monthly tv aid ASSUCIAT7UN of the urrrt specified in the Band xcured Isereby as interest and prit!ssrsl tm said ~rm ~r t~
<br />Eiit ileth day =t€ each and every €tnsttrts, untsl ka~r; is itrlty pint; pay ail taxes snit °°~°~^~•=+~ts ltvicd
<br />against still prey and an
<br />and ttr tend stcttred tx~,rairy, before ~tirrgtntte:y: furnish appr:s-~d irt~rrrstis'>: upon the buildittas tha.txxn in ~!sa sttm of $ .~T, 'til,
<br />to said ASSt7ClATlUN; repay to said ASSf)LIAI'{UN upon demand all money by it paid for such taxes, a~esffittenla asxl ~.tra.~ in!~ it
<br />tn~isettrrre ! roes tia:rcan from date of psyn;ent aPi of which ktarigagor heretry agr~s to paY: permit no waste an add premises: kmp and cverpty
<br />with ill the sgreet:~:nts and zond:tK,res of [ore Bend for S 3T , X00.00 this day given by the ~ tdortgagor to aid ASSUt`IA'nUN, and
<br />with all itte requirements ut the t eutstitution end Byd.aws of said A.SSOCtATIUN; then thex presents shag beanrae Holt ash void, otdtm'+viae ~s'Y
<br />afiaB remain in full fnrcti attd may be iarecbsed st the option of the said ASSUCIAT7UN after failure for three racxtths to radte any of ®iA
<br />payments ur be three months b arrears in making said ttxmthly payrrxnts, or to keep artd wmply with t3se agreemenu amt cwrtditiosxi of said Band:
<br />anti Mortgagor sgtees to have a ret~iver appointed forthwith in suu'i foreclosure- protvxtlings.
<br />If tlxre is any change in owrxrship of the rut csttte mwtga~d herein, by sale ur otherwise, then the entire tsrnaanirg indahteds~ns h~Y
<br />secured salt, at the option of Tire 8quitable Buildirsg and i.osn Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, beeotne imasediately dire and payable vrithaut
<br />fw'ther noticx, amt the arttouni rerrraiuirtg duo under srA bomt, and any other bond for anY additiooa! advartcea made theteun¢cr, atafS fmaq t§s
<br />date of exercne of aid option, bear intcreat at the nnximtun legal rate, and thffi rtxxtgage may then be fared to rfatisfy the amotntt dos on aid
<br />bond, and any other band for additw~nal advances, tagetlter with all sums paid 6y said TFte tigsdtable ttan7ding and loan Aaociatisxi of Grand lsltnd,
<br />Nebroaka for irswrnnce, taxes and assesartenu, and abstratxirsg extendou charges, with interest ttsereon, from date of payrrxnt at Ilse maximum
<br />legal rote.
<br />As provided ur the t3ond sas:ured hereby, while this ttwrtgagn mrnains b effect the mortgagee may hereafter adransx additional satin to the
<br />rttakara rri sakl Bona,, it,eir assigns ae bus b interest, tvitieft stuns shat) be within the security ai this tmrigage the same u the foods originally
<br />xcu~...t ttx;Yby, L^n t..ta; as.~rt,-.t of p:irrsipa; debt Hui is czwzd et any limn the original anmunt of this mortgtge.
<br />j~tmd thk - 10th a:y of August A. D., l4 T9
<br />~av~d''=, ,~Ankv ~
<br />- ,~ ~ ~
<br />sTA'I'E a~ NEBRASKA, ~ ~. t)n tits 10th sty ar August 1y79 , berorc me,
<br />covx~v op ttAti~
<br />the undersigrtad, a Notary Ptsbtie in and far said Cotw!Y, peraanally ame
<br />Dievfid Janky, a single person -~ who 1S petaonaByknownto
<br />roe to 6e tl yrsdentimi permn whose Hams 1 S affued to the above instrument as mrufgagor and hG ~a'~X
<br />aticnowtaiigetl the said htstrutrtent to 6e n i S raluatary act and deed. ~ I
<br />~IT1d1vS !!!Y hand a~ Notarial Seal the date aforeaid. ~- '.
<br />M?"y'''Co~mmi~sioneapires _ ~.,-r :r~ i" J
<br />~- dg SEAERAt kttTa&Y - State cl Ne9raska ~ -.~ "tom ~~-~ ` ~ ' ~` t- ~~r
<br />»raass at ~ ~ JOY M. BEAZLEY, ._ f/ Not r'yntle
<br />My Csmm. Fxp. Sspt.1,1981 ~ ~
<br />