~'~-~- i®~~213 !Vl~3R~GAG~
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made this 9th day of Assguar 19..75_, by and between
<br />Norman 3. Kirschbaum and tfadeleine R. Kirschbaum, husband and wife, each in his and her
<br />own right and as spouse of the other,
<br />of Hall County, Nebraska, as mortgagor s , sad Grand Ieiaod Trust Compsny of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska with ire principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, ea mortgagee;
<br />W ITN ESSETH: That said mortgagor .~_ ,for and inconsideration of the sum of
<br />Seven Thousand Twelve and no/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Do ,012:0
<br />----- ~#~~ . ~ Q 1.
<br />the receipt of which fs hereby acknowledged, do - by these presents mortgage and warrant unto said rnortee''~ s_ ~ apd,a~esigns„
<br />a <+aD _ .
<br />forever, e11 the following described real estate, situated in the County of Ifal l
<br />Arai State of Nebraska, Co•wit:
<br />The West Sixty-Six feet (66') of the East One Hundred and Thirty-Two feet (132') of
<br />Block Seventeen (17} of Koehler Subdivision, Being a Part of the Southeast Quarter
<br />(SE's) of the Southwest Quarter (SW~) of Section Fifteen (15) and a Part of Lot Fourteen
<br />(14} of the County Subdivision of the West Half (tJ'~) of the Southwest Quarter (SWIt}
<br />of Section Fifteen (15), All being in Township Eleven (11} North, Range Nine (4), West
<br />of the Sixth (bth) P.I`f.
<br />Together with al! heating, air conditioning, lighting, end plumbing equipment and fixtures, including screens, awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors, sad window shades or blinds, used an or in wnnection with said property, whether the acme are now lomted on said proptaty or hereafter
<br />placed thereon.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with ell and singular the tenements, hereditamenta and appurtenances thereunto be
<br />~, or la say°wiaa appartataia,S, farts^ar. and Karrsnt tra Eit1a to flea :ma. Sand nsargagar 3_Aenty a,.ruaannt-with said
<br />rmrt,Ta~a shat -.~. be ~..__3T.E__.... at the deiiv®rJ -sareuf. rho tswful awnar._. i_ . ai the premier thous canveyad and daserib~i.
<br />and are ___aeiaad of a good and indefeasible estate of inheritance therein, free and clear at ati encumbrances, and that t l~' will
<br />a~E=a..c end defend r.~ uta tnaraio i~evsr agsmsi i~ c}aima ana a'emands of ai; p~€ans who~soevar-
<br />IrVII)F:17 AbSrtAYS, and this instrument is ercecuted and delivered to secure the payment of the sum of ... _ ._ _.._ ._._...._.__._..._ _.__ _-
<br />Seven Thousand 'T`welve and no1100 - - - - - - - - - - - - ~~ais _ 7,OI2.00
<br />-- !.
<br />wft}s mtar~at tirt~eon, together with ouch ciurgea and advances as may be due and payable w said tswrtgagee under the forme and aanditione
<br />of the promiaanry Hate ot" even date herewith and secured hereby, esecuced by said mortgagor . ~ _to said nxrrtgagee, Payable as exprsaaed
<br />® said rote, and w eaeuro the Parfomtanee of ell the terms and eondiciana rnnutined therein. T!w terms of acid Hate are hereby inca~pcuated
<br />herein by thle rof~ence.
<br />It is the intet:`.ian sad n$roemeat of the parties hereto abet this mortgage nhsil also secure any future advances made to said alartgagt=r
<br />by said mortgagee, and any a~w all iadebtedneea in addition to the amount above seated which said mortgagors, or any of [ham, may awe to
<br />acid mortgagee, however evidenced, whether by note, hook account or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in Futi force acrd effect between
<br />the parties heeW and their hairs. ~tsonn! r~rrea~tatives. successors and assigns, until all amounts secured hereunder, i~luding future
<br />advances, are paid in fuL' with intarese.
<br />The mortgagor ~~_, hereby assign .~ to said mortgagee all rears and income arising ac any and all Limas from said property and
<br />hereby authorise said aortgagee or its agent, et ire option, upon default, to take charge of said property and oollece all rents snd income
<br />therefrom and apply the satse to the payment of iatereak principal, insurance premiums. Caxeo, assessments. rnpaira or improvemetsts
<br />-aa,~eaary to k said y~ropsrty tai ter~atsble cvadituar, or io ether charges or paysnenta Provided For heroin or in the note hara+~F~ secured. This
<br />r+-rt w-ar~smo,.E ahdl ~ntinc-~ In fad unto the unpaid balance of said note is fully paid. TFa inking of passaaaion hcrn~runder shall in nu manner
<br />prevent or retard acid mortgages in the ~ of said soma by Foracloaura ad otherwise.
<br />The fedora of the mortgagee W assert any of ire rights hereunder at say time shall not 6e eanatruad as a waiver of its right Ga aseert,the
<br />same aE say lat,rr rims, and to insist upon and enforce stmt ~snplisure with ail she terms end mayieione of said note erld of this morr~ags,
<br />If said rriortur s shall catsee to ire paid to said sssortgaRaa rise satire amount due it hereunder, a~ under rise terms and provisions
<br />of said testa isaraby sacared, ineludirtg future advant~a, and say exteneioaa or renewals thereof in aceordssxe with tiro terms and provisions
<br />thereof, and if said mortgagor -3_._ ahaU omssply wins all the pmviskrns of Bald note and of s,hla mortgage, then theme Prasmsts shall be votd:
<br />otherwise W remain, ire f5ti1 force and affect, and acid mortgagee eha116a entitled to the poaeeseion of aU of said property, and may, at Ira option,
<br />dacLre the was of acid sots sad ap lndabtadnaee represented Iherrby to be immediately due and payabka, and may foreclose this mortgage
<br />or take arty ether Iagd action to prdact iG ri{dtt. Appnisemant waived.
<br />Th® a~rtg~-a sA:ll ba trirsEitng tcpcra a~ shall aura to the )renefit of the heirs, r~scutare. adrniniatratora. auccesaore and aaeigns of the
<br />reaP~tiva parties hereto.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Mortgagor s Imrte her~nw ~ their hand fthe day and year first above
<br />written. ~/
<br />- ,.e~l~~e~~
<br />rtnan cn aujn
<br />r
<br />Aiadeleine R. K rschbaum
<br />