<br />19ltil~'fM~`,itK~s
<br />_._..__._...... _.__,._.._,..._w =~ ~ ~.._~,-_.._~,~~n:~w~.,-.~:~~~~:~~:~,~,~,~::~~~a~~~~r:~,~::~rv,-~~~:,:~_:,~,~~--ur,.r~,:,~~~,~~~:~pd~m7:_,n~,~~,~~a~~~~~,~w~~,m~~wLL~,~
<br />Mf.}RTGAGE LfIAN lam. L 23485 _
<br />l~towAi-t-~f1;NB`; T~s~l~z~ss:'f'hat 'rlalton. P. Brown and Margaret L. Brown, eac'r, ir, his an~I
<br />her artn right, and as spouse Of each Other
<br />Mortgagq, whether orse ~ more, k ooaaiderafiaa of the store of
<br />SovantPPn Th4<u~and Five Hundred and NQ/1Q(I~---------------------------------------DDI3.AKS
<br />loaned to sad me rtgagor by The Eotntable Bui#3ing aml Lean Association of Grand Ldand, Nebr~ka., Marigages, upon i ~ 5 states d'stodr of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate Na. L , do hereby grant, wavrf and mortg~g unto the aid ASSOCIATIt)PI the fo@ncving
<br />a~rtt.zul real estate, situated in Hall Cotmty, Nebraska:
<br />together wi[6 all the tenements, he:edi[aments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attae6ed floor mverinp, ad window screens,
<br />widow shades, blinds, storm windows, awntn~, heating, air conditioning and plumbing and water equiprneat and uxssoriea thereto, ptanps,atosss,
<br />refrigerators, and other fixtnres and equipment now or hereafter attached to or rased in awrtnection with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said atortgagor has agrced and does hereby agrce than the mortgagor shall sod will pay all taxes and assessments levied or
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon this nmortggge and the bond secured thereby befeee *~ same shall become detiagrsertt; to furnish approsed
<br />insurance upon the batildirtgs on said premises sitesaied in the sum of 5 j ~ , SDQ. QD payable to saw ASSOCIATION a~ to deriver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for aid insuaance; and not to mmmit or permit any waste on or about aid premises;
<br />In case of default m [he performance of any of the teettss and conditions of this mortgage or the bond secured tteteby, the mottgsgne sdeaAl,
<br />on demand, be entitled to unmediate possession of the mortgaged premises and the ntortgsgw hereby assigns, ttatesfers and sets over to the•
<br />mortgagee all the rents, revenues sod ineome to be derived from the mortgaged premises durhtg such time u the toortggese iadebtedaea stall reemin
<br />un{>`•td; and the mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agrnt a agents it may desire for the purpox of repairing said premises a~ renting
<br />the sate and oollectiag fhe rests, revenues attd incoate, and it may pay out of said income all expeosu of tepaitiag said premixs and rtecesay
<br />commissions and expenses incurred le renting and managing the sane sad of collecting rrntals therefrom; the balance remaining, ff say, to be
<br />applisd towazd the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness; these rights of the mortgages may be taerased at say time during the existence of sttdt
<br />defadt, irre~ect»e of any tetr!porery waiter of tl>r txstae.
<br />"€':~~ $res~ris, `~~.~r, aa-e u~,r its Cor~:i":~3, Tts3t if tht l ~cxtcsr ~,alF repay ~,# kran oa ar bzfore il-~ taaiwiiy of raid stares ~y
<br />psya~at: pay moatld_v to slid ASSOCIATION of the sum specific! err the Band secured hereby as interest and principal on said loan, on or before
<br />the Twentieth dry of each and every month, until said loan is fully paid: pay al} taxes and assessments levied against said premises and oa this Mortgage
<br />a$d the Bond secured thereby, before delittqueacy- furnish approved insurance apace the buildings ttrreon is the sum of 3 ~ ~ ~ ~QQ, ~Q payable
<br />_ai s - - . .£~1 to ~~ ~~-~^.f'LATIL'?: t, •d}~.~ all r.y 'vy it ~ fez; s~ taco. asa~rts -~ ~ with ~t s
<br />the straxnntem legal rate thereon frora~ data of paymetst all of whieh Mortgagor hereby egrets to pay; permit no waste on said premises; keep and comply
<br />with ail rite agreements and conditions of the Hood for i ] 7 } ~ Q QQ this day given by the said Mortgagor to aid ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />wire all the requiresr~nes of the Cotsstitution and Hy-Laws of A5St5CIAT[ON; then these gresersts shalt 6e~tne null and void, otherwix they
<br />shall ree»airt in full fora and may be foreclosed at tlu option of the said ASSOCIATION after failtue for three months to make any of said
<br />paytcents or be three months in arrears in making said monthly payenen[s, or to keep and comply with the agreements and conditions of aid Bond;
<br />and Mortgagor xgrezs to have a retxivec appointed forthwith N such forecbsute proceedings.
<br />It there is any change in ownership of the real estate mortgaged herein, by sale or otherwise, then the entire remaining indebtedness hetet»r
<br />secured shall, at the option of The F,gtritabk BuildiQg sad Loan Assaxaatian of Grand Island, Nebraska, beentue imrrtediately dtx a~ payalsk without
<br />further rwtioe, and the aaxrunt remaining due ands said bard, aced any other bond for any additional advances made theretatder, sahall, from tht
<br />date of exercise of said option, brat interest at the maximwn legal rate, and this mortgage may then be toredos~ to satisfy the amount due ao seed
<br />bond, sad any other bond for additional advsrices, together with aB sasrm paid by said The Egtdhbk Budding and Loan Assocktion of Grand lsJasd,
<br />Nebradta for insurance, taxes and asatssmrnu, and abstracting exteraaon charges, with intsxest thereon, from dau of payment at the nnttisnum
<br />legal rate.
<br />As provided in the Bond severed hereby, while this moAgage remains in effect the mortgagee away hereafter sdvaace additional sums to the
<br />makers of said Bond, their assigns a successors in interest, whleh sailor shall be within the axcraity of this ttrortpge the same as the ftmds originally
<br />secuued thereby, the total amount of principal debt taut to exceed at any time the origvuvl amount of this martga~.
<br />(fDJated this $th ~5J day,,,of AugUSt A. D., 29 J9
<br />~~f~e~ ~ i~~~L~
<br />ton P, B~Owm n
<br />~ ,~
<br />Margar t L._BrOwn
<br />srATEC~flF~bIEQ~AS~ , ~ a: cht Chia 8th ~y °f August l9 ] g , before ate,
<br />the ustdersigned, a Notary Public is std for said Cotmty, persottaBy cause
<br />k'alto€2 P. Brown and t~rgaret L. Brown, each in his and her Own right and as sp0u~e~of~e~ac~
<br />Other- w>» are
<br />ms to be the irkntical perm 5 whose ttameS dre affixed to the shove' a~s »wrtgagor5 and the severally
<br />a~nowkdgad the said instcutaeat to be their ~mstary aU aced dace ! ~
<br />~TNTSS my hand std Idotasial Seas the date afaresaid.
<br />My Commission expiry r;
<br />L3 U
<br />Notary Public
<br />iP:~t °t E2 A aEkEgA1 !t±s?k?Y . aye ~,yavr' , l
<br />My Gomm. Exp. Nov, 12. 1979
<br />e --- - ---~.._;
<br />