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All rcpla�:enxnts and ;uiditions sha�also be cavetYd b;� this Scxurity <br /> t�t�t�uuti,sti(, All uf thc t:ireKUinK is reftrra� to in this S�urity I�utn►r►�.nt�s thz "Pro}x rty." <br /> dl:�3ibiUWhk l'UV�NAN 1'�thut kiurrua�u is 1�w1'aity.:eisal ut the cstYtc hcreby�nr�veyeii uxl h:�the right to�ranc anc! <br />: �x►���,r.�:yi�e Pnyk�ty w�;i ttwc thr Pm;x�i1}• iv une�cuniberaci, a�c�►t for encumhra��ces�f record. li.ur.,wer w�rrantc �nd will <br /> dt','tttai�;c�kriUy tlk�iN.tu�h�Pr����erty ay,uiast al!cl�ims ancl clen�aruls, subject ta arry encumbr;uu:es of rerord. <br />' 7'NIS Sk:�'Ultll'Y 1y57'RG'1v;i3h'S cambines uniform coveiunts fu� natian•rl u::e;utid no�i•wti�'orm eove��nts w•ith limitec: <br />.. �1{I'�ilii�iil�`iy�UI��{�l�.:ii(�i l'�iii:11111t�3$UIU�pPiii i2Cllilly i1CINYiIi.IiI�OV.:i'lii�(id�41I'A(12�i�. <br /> UNII�l1kM t`t►Vl:NAN'FS.&�rrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />: I. P�ry�arai uf Ptiarl�w) ypo lafercxi; Prepayu�e»t�uu]I.yie Chac��. &�rnrwcr sh:►H pmntptly paY whrn clue ti�c <br /> prl�kl�l uf uixl i�A�rc�t i�n thc debt cvidenccd b�•the Nate wul any prepaymenc aatid late churges duc under the Notc. <br />- �. F'uruir•Far 'iw��w�i fucuranca. Subj�t ta uppiicabtc law ar co a written waivcr by i�:nder. [3orrower shatl pay to <br /> I.ei�ler ui►thr�y i�wuuhly�puy�nxnta are duu undFr�:�c�te,until tt�e Nc�te is paid in fuU,a sum("Fun.i�")ti�r:(a)yearly taxes <br /> wu!�s.w»cntr whirl� nuy wttxin pricrity over this Sc�cwu�ty-6utn►ment as a lien on thc Propert}; (b)}�ear1} leasehold payments <br /> or uruu�xl rriu��u�tho Nn�erty,if uny;(c)yearly huza:d.�r prope�t}r inwr,uue premiwns;(d)yearly Flood insutnn�e preiniums, <br /> if u��y; �el}�c;:►rly i�xxt`t�e insur�utice prenuunu, if uny; an�yril atn� sums payabl� by Bc�nower to Lencier,in acconi�nce with <br /> IIIC F1il)VIk1111W UI ��iN��J�111 P. In li:u n£th»p�ym;.nt of rnartg�g�ir.surrn:,:.premlun�:.:he�r itru,s sur u+l3r:i"�u:row iccros." <br /> l.eixler nwy. :u cu�y d��x, cu11ec1 �uu) hal� Funds in an anwunt not to exeecci the maximum arnaunt a tender t:�r a F.-vlernlly <br /> rclatt�xl i�x�n�ule I�wi uuy r��yuire fur Rorrower's escrow account undes tAe fed�ral Real Estate S�cdernent i'►rce:lur.. 4ct of <br /> 1974 a.c cuncrKled from time tu time, 12 U.S.C. Scctian 2601 rt seq. ("RGSPA"), uNe,�.s suwther law ttsac apptirs to the�unds <br /> sets a Icsser �uinwnt. If k�, l.cixkr nwy, :u eny tin�e, oollcct and Ewld Fuc�ls in an sunount not to exca.d the lesser anwunt. <br /> Lcnder may eslin�atc the e��xwiu of Furvk duc on the busi9 of cutreni data a� reuon�lilo ptimates of e�x;nditunu of future <br /> Escniw Itcinti or uthcrwisc ln:u�cudtuke wiih applicable law. <br /> Thc Funds ctwll be tkW in uti itutlwdan whose deposits ure inaure.9 hy a fede:ul �cncy, ins�•rvti�,�.ntality, or e�uity <br /> (including l.ender, if LettJct i�.uuh su�tri►tituliai)or in uny Ac.3e;a1 iiorne I.uan Bank.Lender si3a11�p�+ly t1w fiun�s to pay the <br /> Etcrow Items. Lcnder��uy nat ctw�Yr&�rruw•cr far holding�a�7}ing she Funds,arutiaally analyzing the�~rav►account,or <br /> vuifyfn�thc Escrow Itenu,unlcss iw:�xkr p�yc Burrower iruerest oii the Funds an3 applicable law permits Lender to n�ake such <br /> p chargc. Hawevcr, I.cnder nwy rcyuirc&��rowcr ta pay a one-tim�.�rf�srge for an independent real estute tax reportin,g service <br /> used by Lender in cor�nection with this� Ic�an. unless applicable law provides otherwise. Untess an agrten�n2 is made or <br /> applicable!aw requires intemt to be puid. Luxkr shall nat be rzqui�to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Fwtids. <br /> Borrowex;u�d Lcndcr�nuy u�nx in wriUn�, hc►wevcr,that interest sh�i1 bc paid on thc Funds. L.endcr shall givc to Barr�aar. <br /> without charge, nn �nnu�l acecwiuin�of'the Fuods, showing credi:s�debits to the Funds and the purpo,�for wluch�R <br /> dtbit w the Futxls was nude. The Fut��pWdled as idditional security for�Il wms secured by this Secw'sty ln;trumc:ut. <br /> if the Funds held by Len:kr ezcuad the wixwnts permitta�ta be held by applicable law.Lcixler shall a.:ciwnt tn Sa�riuu•u <br /> for the excess�unds In s�ccor�c with thc rcyuiremcntF of applicable law. If the amount af the Funds t� L.e�ier a2 anu <br /> time ia not wf'P'�cient to pay thr Escrow Icenu when due,i.ender mzy so notify Borrower;n wiidng,ard, in su�h ca.c�Born�wer <br /> �� pay�o t.ender�he aa,ouru�tioce�►.ry c��nwkc up�ne deru�eocy.Borrower shaU make up the defi�ienc}•in nv mone tt�n <br /> tw�{ve monthlY paYmmts,�t[.er�der'►►ole dlurcllots. <br /> Upon payment in full of�ll wnu ,cocural by this S�+ccurity i�uuument. Lender shall promptly t�fund to Boaovres any <br /> F1u�ds heW by Lerdar.If,under p;v,�rnph 21.L.eaWcr ahall ncquire or sell the�c►perty.Lender,prior to rth�acquisirion or salc <br /> t•L�lf�..��r.. L..0��....�..C....J_L_I.l 6..�_..J"_'��' ��''c-'-••. . . �_ r.. . <br /> v�w�v.�arEn..��.«.«�a�r Ny�•War��w u�a�www�r�s u�o i�u�c va a�a�ulSiiiimi w Sito fai i ua�ia a�auui ii1C 01ut�s bot�liiW DY .. - <br /> tbis Sccurity Instruirnnt. <br /> 3.Applk�tbw ot PAyweWa.Unlcsb u�l{cibk law prnvides othcrwise.all payments received by Lender utuler paragraphs <br /> 1 and 2 shall bc apnliod:first. ta anY P�Y���F� �undcr the Note: amounu papable under paragraph 2: <br /> inurat due:fourth,to principrl due:wx1 any late chsuges duo uruier the Note. <br /> 4.Char�a; L�C.Borrowu sluill�ss►y all wxep.Ac�essments, charges. fines and impositions uuibutable to the Properry <br /> which rnay attain priority ovcr this Socurity Insirument. and I,.asehold pa��x�.aas or ground rents. if any. Borrowu shall pay <br /> these obli�atior�in tbe rtwu�er providod in pua�rs�h 2,or if nat paid in.that�naru�er.Borrower shall pay tlxm on time dirrctl�r <br /> to the pecson ownd payment, Barrowu slu�l! promplly fumish to l.tnder all notices of atnounts ta be ptid vrxka this par�gr�s. • <br /> If Borraw�r malcts tt�ae payments diratly. Borrowcr slwll proa�ptly furaish to Lender n�x;ots evidoncir►g tbe�}�meats. <br /> Borrowu st►all promptly dlscharge any lien which f�ptioriry ovu this Security lnstaument unless BeNrower. (a)agn�ars nn <br /> writin�ta the payment at thc obli�utlon securod by the liu�in o r►�nner acoeptable to Ieai3er:(b)contests ia good fai;h t@ie t:e�s <br /> by. or defends againu enfwcement oP thc Ikn in, leQd pnicoalin�s whlch in the i,ea�er's opinioa opesau to provent the <br /> enforcunent of the tien; or(c) securec ftam the holder of tAe lien on aQrocnxa�t s�tisfaccory to I.ender subordinating the liw to <br /> this Security Instrument. lf Lender detennines that any�rt of She Property is subject to a I�a wAich may atsa:a priority over <br /> this S�urity instrument. l.ender roay�ive B�ur�we��iwtiu�klaulfyiaa tba liea.Bo�zv,wu sh:�:1 s�tisfy the L�ea or:ake one or • <br /> u�of We actioati set fott6 abovo wiUsia 10 d�yc of tbc�ivic��f'aotux. � <br /> Fona 302s 9�► <br /> �w�w� , <br /> a �•.�.. <br />