I~ Tl&f>d IvfCt~Fd'.P3GiA,agffJR 'L1MfJ~tTHER CK71+"'~a!tf NuMiTfd lhlh:l f71 ~IiG]FtE::
<br />That tlhwi I~~m}n,~q'agpr uvtIIIN posy the $nr,'6e.}rte~Ynyiwa adi ~OaBltleirp~p~ry,rc hrxx}rirl ,
<br />;~ - That tfitl M'ortgagryr W Itlwl', aw~rWrr at nainl g:~,o7mpirvr6y in. free Wimrire and'. tors goarli rigl~rt and Yawfut authority to ::rWl arirS'
<br />rnnvey the sarrtE atld that the Same is,free and ricer of any lien ar ertctsmbrance; and tfrat Mortgagor w-~tl warren', and r}e{pot ;};a
<br />title to said premises agaitr~ the ctatma. of a!1 p~SOm.wttt>4rr_~a2ves•
<br />Tn pap irtimediate3y whenxlue and payable all~gege_'ial Lazes, specie[ taxes, speeial asses._mrnrs- water charges, sewer sere-
<br />ice charges, acrd ether razes artti charges against said property. and a31. taxes levied ors the debt aewred hereby. and to famish the
<br />Mortgagee, upan lvquest. -with the- oiiginal `at -duplicate- receipts therefor. The 4fortg'egrsr agrt«=s t}sat there ~t:a}} be added to
<br />- sac}*. monthly payment required hereunder ar under the rvidenccz of debt secured trereby an amount estimater3 by the bortgagee
<br />fo 6e sufficient to enable the Mortgagee to pay, as they become due, a}! Yaxes, assessments, and similar charges upon fhe prem-
<br />pppT~~~t i3ea subject theretr•; any deficiency }receusr of the rnsu~ciency of such additional pafmr-nt~ shall Ise forthwith deprzyited by the
<br />` s-i I~iortgagor with t.te Aortgagee upan demand by 6he 'clartgage e. Any driauit under this paragraph shall hs• do-erred a rlrfault in
<br />sVTQ, payment aI taxes, assessmenfac, or =imilar charges require. i hereunder.
<br />The Mortgagee 9gt~s that there shall a{--sa be added to each man[hiy payment of prircipa! and interest required here-
<br />under an amount c;timated 'oy the Mortgagee to Ise sufficient to «•nable the \lortgagee io pay, as it becomes dc;e. the rnsaranee
<br />t~ premium nn any insurance policy delivered to the of artgagee. Any deficiency }rrcau<e of the insufficiency of such additional pay-
<br />~ meals shall tse forthwith deposited by the Mortgagor w;fh the ?vortgagee upon demand by f}Ie Mortgagee. Any default under This
<br />`pa rahraph shall he deomed a default in the payment oC insu ranre premiums. if ffie policy o, polir•ies deposi u•d are such ae ftrrme-
<br />ownea or all risk ;xrlicies, and the d2pasrts err imutfirient !+• pay th.• r•a6re prumiurr:, the Martgagoe mac apply- the dnixrar! to
<br />pay premiums en risks rr-quireci to Ise ins-urrd by this mortgage
<br />Payments made by fhe Martgagor under the atx,ve paragraphs may- aY fh«• option of the "anrtgngee. t.r held by rt and
<br />commingled with other such £u ads nr its own funds for the pay-meat of such items, and until cs, applied, such pacmen [. err hr-rrFy
<br />_ pledged as security for the unpaid balance of the mortgage indebtedness.
<br />To procure, deliver t+ , and maintain for the benefit of fh+• \forigagee doctor: the life of this nortgage nrcginal pc:l;:.:.:-. and
<br />- - renewals thereof, delivered at 1~ e>t ten days hrfrrr> the expirat:.,n of ary such t>nlir;.•,- mcu r4ng ~x.~ainst fire and ut he•r hs, -.-: `~ir
<br />- hazards, casualties, and coatingencirs as theT.'}artgagee may require, in an amount equal: to the indebtedness secured by this
<br />hfortgage, and in c~~~mpanies an:eptab}r to t}sr, Mortgagee, wet: la5b payabi«• clause in favcu ,.f and .n foam acceptable !e. the 1Lsrtga-
<br />gee. In the event any pohcy rs ncrt rc-newer} un cr txdore tea says of its rx};irati::n, the a.r~agee may ,srrrure tasurance on the
<br />Improvements, pay the premium therefor, and such sum shall Fee ,me icrr.,rdiatrli- clue aril {sayable with rr:trr.--st at the rate wt
<br />forth .n said notes r-r~ti! „aid and she}I tx~ .s_°cured by this m.-- . a - ore - -rz -- - - '
<br />' - -., t: a"r ` ...u:.- t by pa-` .:f ti: Yr ~rrgagnr fn urntch <uci+ re~exa!s
<br />! as are herein required ur Fadure to pay any sums advanced hereunder shall, at the nptror. ofr[he S{nrtgagee- s:,.natttule a default
<br />under the terms of this mortgage. The delivery of such policies shall, rr, the event of rlrfault, constitute an assignment of the un-
<br />earned premium.
<br />Arty sums received by the Mortgagee by reason of loss ar damage iasurerl against may tee n~taiaF-d Fy the Siorigagee
<br />and applied toward the payment of the debt hereby secured, or. at the npiton of t}re '.14artgagee, such :umz either wholly or in
<br />part mac be paid over to the Mortgagor to tee used to repair such buildings ur to }solid-new txrildmgs in there irlacr nr tar any
<br />other purpose or object satisfaMory to the Mortgagee without affecting the hen an the mortgage far the full amount serunvi here
<br />by bef~,rv such payment ever tank p}aer.
<br />Ta pr •snp€iy repair, .-estore c r rebuild any buildings or rrntrr.:vv:rr-o+~ rr ~w «-. - „~, ~
<br />.., .:. r..- -„ .„ , _ cvhsrh may tx=.
<br />come damaged or destroyer.'-; to keep said premises in goad condi lion and repair and fee:-~trrm any mechanic =, tt._•n or of her lien ar
<br />claim of lien nut expressly scbcrdinated to the lien barest; not to suffer yr ;x•rmh any urilawful use of or any nuisance to exist an
<br />said FrcR=arty oar to }sermit we're or. said premises, nor to dv any other art whereby the property hereby corvPyrd shall txcome
<br />Bess valuable, our tv diminish or impair its value by any act or omission ht art, in oomph with all r.q uirements of law with res;sect
<br />t_ tt:e rrusrtFaged prensise£ and the use thereof.
<br />That should the premises ar any part thereot be taken yr damaged by reasose of an_,~ ;auhhc :mpruvement ur condemnation
<br />prrx~seeciing, at under th:~ right of eminent domain, or in any other manner, the Mr, rtgagre- .}raft }se entii{ed to a31 rnmpensations,
<br />awa:».'i. :nd a. s .her ; ..ant „ .. het th~rf-for. and sha:l t~-» entitle,.. -r itc option.. t~ commence- egtsear in and prvst+cute in its
<br />=mar _~=r~- arty _`'tr"n --- •-- :r:~dj.. _. ,- make an -.- - e:mi,~ ... ~-...r :rte... ,n ..,.. '-, - - -
<br />` - - -' -- 4.i[^ >ur_h ±aic,rg or damage- All such
<br />.•._++.,.~=a+,+ awn;4s, damages. right of action and~prvreeda era hereby-assiznerl to rfhe._4#c~rga _ho may: after d>~direting
<br />.t~.at~..ap :rg _n.. ..o..e..~ ~- ;;t~.eys w rah F : r"' i~ .,r e r.. the ---° t.n - - - _
<br />- a4'pa. - - .x.,,..s= ~t=cart nereny - r.Q Bart
<br />$agor agrees to execute such furthrrf assignments of any eompensatiun, award rdamage. and tteht ~ f act_e_rn as?d ~rrereerla ar_t-he
<br />Mortgagee may require.
<br />That in case of failure to fserform any of the covenants herein, the Mortgagee may du on the Mortgagor's behalf everything
<br />so covenanted; tlrnt the Mortgagee may also do any act it may deem nec~t.•ssary to lsrr,tect the lien thereof; that the Martgagor will
<br />repay upon demand any moneys paid or disbursed by the Mortgagee far any of the shave purposes. and such moneys together with
<br />interact thereon at fhe rate provided in said note shalt become so much addttionai indebtedness hereby secured and may he -in•
<br />eluded in any decree foreclosing this mortgage and be paid out of She rents ar proceeds of sale of said premises if not otherwise
<br />paid; that it shall not be obligatory upon fhe Mortgagee to irqu ve into the validity of any lien. e•ncumhranees. ar claim in ad-
<br />vancing-moneys as above authorized, but nothing herein contained shalt be construed as requiring the Mortgagee to advanee any
<br />moneys for any such purpose nos to des any act hereunder; and that Mortgagee shall not incur any personal ttahihty Fsecause of any-
<br />thinq it may tta ar omit to des hereunder.
<br />In the event of the default by Martgagor in the payment of any installment, as required by the Note seeurrd hereby', or
<br />in the performance of the obligation in this mortgage or in the Hate secured thereby, t}se Mortgagee shat} ter entitled trs declare: the
<br />dept secured hereby due and payable without notiee, and the Mortgagee shalt be entitled at its option, without notice, either by itself
<br />or by ~a receiver-"tp be.appainted by the court thereof, and without regard to fhe adequacy of any security Cor the indebtedness se•
<br />__ cured hereby, fa esker- upon 'and take- passeasian' oT the mortgaged premises, and to collect end receive the n:nts. -issues and profits
<br />thereof; artdapply the same, ,less costs of aperatiort and cotleetion, upan the indebtedness secured by this mortgage; sa?d'rentrr,
<br />issues and profify being hereby assigned o the Mortgagee as farther security for the payment of all indebtedness tterured'CtcrPhy:
<br />- - The Mortgagee s-hatl have the power to appoint any agent or agents ik may desire for the purpaee of reftairing said prem-
<br />isea; ran#ing the. same;,callectinS the rents, reyenuea and income, and it may pay out of said income all expenses incurred in rent-
<br />- ing and managing the same and of collecting the rentals therefrom.-The balance remaining, if-any, shad he applied toward the
<br />dixharge of fhe mortgage fnde6teilnesa. This assignment is to terminate and became null and void upon release of this mortgaq..
<br />w~.
<br />-
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