11.. Futxate ;A~dvancea. Upon. re~ctt of Borr~crwer„ Lender„ at 1.ende's optio:a„ prior to relee~;;G~ of tlxaax
<br />Mortgage„ may make l~utx¢re Advazace~s tru l~orroa~~er. ~u~cfa l;"nkure xt~i-Dances„ eu,i#b i~aterr~sik trnere~rnr„ .sh,a'911
<br />he'~secured kW,yrtbi~s 'M~or~tg',age when. e+dden~c~l lazy ~,piromi~~rxry' nari:t~!i ata~,t~irlg fh~at~ d mites alert secrutr~rJk Nusrscili',^~
<br />egccept t&iat #lae i,~~erest mate an the e.ntilte unla~aid %ralanct»> and the term of f'he zrrigiaaal %rzan„ to the exteux#
<br />peztnitted by law, may be adjusted ss the parties hereto may agree. At na time shaII the principal aznaun*_
<br />of the indebtedness aecared by this Mortgage, not including sums advanced in accordance herewith tq pro-
<br />tect the security of this Mortgage, exceed the original amoant of the Note plus US $..2$x$94>.9t?....-..-...
<br />PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that prepayments of principal, as provided for in paragraph 22 that follows ere
<br />returned to Bomrwer or are made sbsalute non-withdrawable principal grepa_vments prior to advancing
<br />sums as perm=#ted within this paragraph.
<br />22 Savings Fund. Borrower may make prepayments of principal on any installment due date or
<br />immediately preceding said date to be effective on the due date fallowing and prepayment shall be applied
<br />to installments test to become due under this mortgage. Upon request of the undersigned or either of
<br />them, provided a default does net exist and they are the owners of the mortgaged property, t~ye lender
<br />agrees to furnish to the undersigned lOQ°jo of such principal prepayments, unless advancement is prohibited
<br />by the regulations of chartering and supervisory authorities then in effect. All such advancements shall be
<br />secnlred by this mortgage in the same manner and ef#ect as if no prepayments had been meas.
<br />23. Release. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall discharge this
<br />Mortgage, without charge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay all costs of recordation, if any.
<br />r~ '~ ~ ~i
<br />~" i C ~ c m ~ Q.
<br />m p m ~ o
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<br />`~., '„z ~ Ct3 ~
<br />IN WITNESS WHE6EOF, the Borrower has executed this Mortgage.
<br />n
<br />Property Address
<br />D
<br />--l
<br />D
<br />t'~
<br />~1
<br />- ~/l/mot-~,/`-rnt~
<br />War'~r~~e~~jH. Hou kir Borrower
<br />E21en Hou hkirk -Borrower
<br />._-.__ ......................_Grnnd-.Island.,.-Nebraska-__68801-
<br />STaTE of NEBaASKA ..-.-....3i~1.7~-------------------------------------County ss:
<br />Oa this ---------.1~ ............. day of ..__l~~~i.s~.....__....-.--, 19-7f--.., before me, the undersigned, a Notary
<br />Public in and far said County, gersanally came -.--.Fiarren.H.--.Houghkirk--and_Ellen.,&,_.134ughkirk,--
<br />--- ----husband- and- wipe> ..................... ..... ....-.
<br />personalty knovm to me to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the strove and #oregoing
<br />instrument, as mortgagors, and each acknowledged said instr->Iment ter be his or her voluntar}% act and did.
<br />Witness my hand sad notarial seal at ..._.Graztd..isl.and,..~tebzaskil_...._... the date last a'nove ~itfea,
<br />My Commission expires: /~1 i/Mtn!-OOMS~tIM!!!.b...---.~~~.~~ _ -~
<br />aoet~r a ruc~a+c ................................
<br />~~~ 4 Mir. ~ twg Note blic
<br />SPATE OF .......................................... .. .......1
<br />County .-_.......--• .. .. ..... .... ... ................ ..... ~ ss.
<br />Entered on numerical index and filed for record in the Register of Deeds O9ice of said County the
<br />-..... •-----...-... day of . ------• --- -------- - -- -.._.-., 13....-..., at .................-. o'clock and .............. minutes ...... --- M•~
<br />and recalled in Book -----•-..---------------- of Mortgages at gage ---......-----......_, as Instrument No..--°--.----.-.....-..
<br />Reg. of Deeds
<br />BY -- --- ----•----
<br />When recorded to be returned to the
<br />----.Deputy
<br />Strcet Address - Mailing Addross Phone
<br />["j 135 No. Cotner~8ivd;,_lincafn -. - PA: Box 5204, ~.IflCOIa, Ne. 58505 475.0521
<br />i,;,3 2I0i So._ 42nd $t.,,flrr>aha. _ _ P.fl. Box-6273, 0ma4a, Ne. 68106 554-8000
<br />~ 1812 ~txst 2z~d St.; Grand lstand' 1811 West trod St., Gmnd 1s1»nd, Ne. 68801 384.4433
<br />L`I -
<br />