/~~°`' ~'ify~~.s~® - CONDITI~~,I. ASSIG`IP -
<br />FOR T,7r'1I,i7E RECEIG~D, the ur~ersigned, Arthur E. Matthys and
<br />Donna u. Matthvs
<br />do hereby sell, assign and transfer unto Tf~; OJF~ItLArID bATIOrAL. BANK OF
<br />GR~J ISL~A'D, Grand Island, Nebraska, all _ right, title and interest
<br />i_, and to a certain lease dated August 1, 1979 with
<br />Plywood cii.nnesota, Inc. , Lessee,
<br />c.~ich lease convcss a certain tract of land in the County of Pall, State of
<br />Nel~rask~, described as:
<br />A tract of land canprisirx:; all of Lot Ztao
<br />This Assigl~.nt is given to secure the pa}mlent of. a cP_stain note t~
<br />the undersigned to The Ouerland National Bank of Grarri Islam and shall
<br />remain in effect until the entire iru?ebtedness owed The Overland National
<br />Bank of Grand Island has been gold in full.
<br />It is further agreed that this Assignment shall be binding upon the
<br />successors arri assicros of the Assignor (s} .
<br />Dated this 1st day of August 1979.
<br />,~ ^ ~ ~~~
<br />~_,. <. ,.._ -.- Cnnv -State of Nx~r. ~T
<br />'?iFY N11cCOEG
<br />} Ss:
<br />COtRvfiY OF HAT.d. )
<br />Before me, a Notary Public qualified for said County, personally
<br />c~ie Arthur E. inatth s and Donna M. P9atthys knoE,m ~ ;re
<br />to be identical persons wYm sign the ..ore~izxr irtstrum~t and
<br />ac,:iux=nn;iedgea vne exe4-ution tt~secf to ire his arri heP='ofunt1~ act a_nd d€.
<br />~`7 i-n~gg my }Mitt'! atlt~i ~Y~f ar}_~i C~7 G~f? Il;Mm~~~ 1 16'70
<br />ate: r_ . t? /1 .s: ~ i
<br />- 1^,-w°Ylj.~~.,.: x 1Feu : rI e :E - f 7 L ~ r tt '~ 1~-- if:- L - f-i
<br />NOtaxv~~v[S,ric ~1~~--
<br />CONS'F~*I' ~ ASSICC~]61E3~T OF II',A.SE:
<br />LdIlERF11S, under date of p,~ ,~t_ly 1x79 the urc?ts-
<br />signed, Ply,? hSii~.~~;rn.. Tom- ~ ~v~-__.-u
<br />entered into a lease with _-.. AYr+h„~,~ - d Ma}t ,r
<br />leasing the premises as descr~.becl in the of o nq ~riditional assigrunent;
<br />t~~REAS, on August 1..~~ , Pl~n~ood tSinr~~ta_,_jnG.,R_._--
<br />gave tq The Werlanc: National Dank of
<br />Grand Island, Grand Tsland, AIebraska, an executed assizn~nt of a cextain
<br />l~s€ as sei-uricy for a pair r~tr.;
<br />THERE;E1pRE, FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the urxTersiyned does hereby agree to
<br />such assic~unent, the same, to ranain effective until the hereinabove
<br />referred irx]el~tedness has been satisfied.
<br />Dated this 1st day of August 19 79
<br />PI~WOOD ~ r
<br />- _`~,f
<br />