<br />1•°THEREAS, the undersigned Snelts-Schulte Lumber Co. of
<br />f;rand Island filed its slat and dedication of Snelts-Schultz
<br />Industrial Subdi~%ision, in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska in the office of the Re¢ister of Deeds of Hall
<br />County, Nebraska on Jane 29, 1979, recoraed as Bocument
<br />No, 79-004912, and
<br />41HEREA5, there is an error i_n the "legal descrint_ion"
<br />which appears on Page 2 of said plat and dedication, and
<br />IIHEREAS, the correct "legal description" nn said plat
<br />and dedication should read as follows:
<br />"A tract of land comprising a Hart of the Southeast
<br />Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE~:NEx,} of Section
<br />T-~aenty Four (24), Township Eleven f11) North, Ranee Ten
<br />(10) West of the 6th P,M, in t},e City of grand Island,
<br />Hall C,oianty, Nebraska, more oarticularly descr.ihed as
<br />follows:
<br />Beginning at the northeast corner of said Southeast
<br />Quarter of the Northeast Quarter fSE~;NE~;); thence
<br />southerly clone r_he east line of said Section Twenty
<br />Faur f24), a distance of Thirty Three f33.0) feet;
<br />thence westerly parallel to the north line of said
<br />Southeast Quarter or' the Northeast Quarter (SE'k.NE~:i, a
<br />distance of Qne Hundred Thirr_v Three (133.0} feet;
<br />thence southerly parallel to the east line of said
<br />Section Twenty Four (24), a distance of Two Hundred
<br />Eighty and Four Tenths f28O.4} feet; thence easterly
<br />parallel to the north line of said Southeast fhiarter of
<br />the Nc,rr_heast Quarter (SE~NE~:), a distance of One
<br />Nttndr_ed Thirty Three fI33.0) feet, to the east line of
<br />said Section Twenty Four. t24); thence southerly alone
<br />the easi: line of said Section t~erty Four (24}, a
<br />d-_stanre of Ft?rtV {?ne f47 r5i feag3 ~-~,~,-;c= _rt,}i.._~,~«_ '__
<br />~r~=
<br />a`.atte a line Four Hrxndred Eighty (_4130.05 fepr nnrth-
<br />westeriv from and naraliel to the northwesterly _-_-
<br />ria;zt-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad, a
<br />distance of One Thousand One Hundred and Fifty and
<br />Seven Hundredths (1,150.07) feet; thence deflecting
<br />left 90°00' and running southeasterly, a distance of
<br />Two Hundred Eighty (280,0} feet; thence deflecting
<br />xieht 90°00' and running southwesterly, a distance of
<br />Four Hundred Fifty f450.Q1 feet, to the easterly
<br />right-of-way line of U. S. Highway Nn. 281; thence
<br />deflecting right 119°5~i' and running northerly along
<br />said highway right-of-way line, a distance of Eight
<br />Hundred Forte and Th.i.rty Six Hundredths (A40.361 feet;
<br />thence deflecting right 04°54' and running northeast
<br />erly along said highway right-of-way line, a distance
<br />of Two Hundred Fifty and Eivhr_ Tenths (250,8) feet;
<br />thence deflecting right 39°47'20" and running north-
<br />easterly along said highway right-of-way line, a
<br />distance of Four Hundred Sixty and Forte Four Hun-
<br />dredths C460.44} feet, to the north line of laic;
<br />Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE~NE~:);
<br />thence easterly along the north line of said Southeast
<br />Quarter at the- Northeast Quarter fSE~NE~;), a distance
<br />of Nine Ht<nclred Seven and Six Hundredths (907.06) feet,
<br />to the Wises of beeinning and contain.ine 20.929 acres
<br />znorp or less", and
<br />WHEREAS, the undersigned ownex desires to enrrect said
<br />erroc~ecus "legal description" and to ratify and confirm the
<br />ded~.cation csf such land by execution of this corrected ded-
<br />icatian ~shich ecntains the correct Iegai description.
<br />