<br />- - -- IAORTGAf:E L.OANNa. L 23502
<br />YNO~°ALLINENBYTHFSEFRESEN'l'S:That Harold C. Kyhn and Jean M. Kyhn, each in his and her
<br />own right and as souse of each other,
<br />I~'ongagor, wbetlrcr orre as mote, in wasideratian d the sum of
<br />Twenty Thousand Three Hundred and No/140---------------------------------
<br />_ _____ --l)OLL.ARS
<br />kneed io said mari;,'agor by The Equitable Builditsg and L~rt Associstbn of grand tsFsrtd, Nebradca, tAorFgagee, upoa 243 shares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certifinte No. L ~, ~~5 , do hereby grant, convey and rttirrtgage unto tht said ASSOCIATCikt tha foQowi~
<br />described teal estate, situated b tiaU Cann a:
<br />together with all the Eerrements, hereditatr~nts and appurtenances thereunto bebriging, iricludir~ attached foot meetings, all window screens,
<br />window shades, b'tirtds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning., and plumbing and water equipment grid asassories thereto, pampa, stouts,
<br />refrigtreta:s, and other s;xtures and equipment now at hereafter attached to or used rn eannesion wfth said rea! estate.
<br />And vrhtreas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agrce that the tnart$agor shall and wr'll pay a!1 taxes and assessments levied or
<br />assesrtl upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond severed the.et~• ' fore the same shall become deiingttent; to fimtis6 approved
<br />hrarrsnce igton the buildings on said prenises situated in the wen of S 24 > 344.0 payable to acid ASSOCIATION and to deliver to aid
<br />ASSSOCIAT[ON the pansies Cor said insurance; and nut to commit or permit any waste on of about aid premixs;
<br />in case oC defauh b the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this mortgpge yr the bond sestred hereby, the ttrnrtgtgae shoo,
<br />on demand, be entitled to immediate possession of the mortgaged premises utd the mortgagor hereby assigns, trusfers and sett over to the
<br />e ail the rents, reeerrues and inoorne to be derived from the mortgaged premises during sash tithe u the mortgage indebtedness shalt remain
<br />unpatl; and the mortgagee dull have the power io appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of ropairmg said prtmises acid renting
<br />the same sad caflectitig Ehe rents, resenucs and income, and it t:ay pay out of ~ incotm all experaes of repairing said premises and rte~ty
<br />conuoistions and expenses insured in renting and ntartaging the same and oC sstkctir>b rrntats therefrom; the balsna remaittitig, if any, to be
<br />apg~d toward the disr#tar~ of acid ntartgags indebtedness; them rights of the mortgagee may be tatrrastd at aay time during tlx .,,;~..,..,. of such
<br />default, irrespedive oC any temporary waiver of t$e same.
<br />These Presents, however, are upon the Condition, That iC tier saiE Atorigagor shall repay said ban on or before ttx maturity of said dta[ts by
<br />payment: pay monthly to ;aid ASSOCIATION of the sum specified k the Bond secured hereby u inttzes[ acrd priasiptt an said ban. on or before
<br />.,6 , .....,.,..th d.°y of T .i a.°~:: -.':: y . ry.:h, u::tii o,d 1. ~n is fully paid: wY aL' tax : a,=t.-~' a~ss.:zrrta ~9~ :.~::~ ~iti prernnsW :xl ~t tts'r'o.-tom
<br />~~ .lam sari,td a. red eh-fir,v, h~ are ,.rr.,,~t~.a.~-;,; h~m:dt ao'3ro: c >_ns=~~nee +.!;±n_!t the b~brs tyre=n ;,, rht =sm of i 9~5 9 ~f5rl tUl ~~~
<br />to said ASSOCIA i lf"i~.'; :rpay to said Fs3a~lATl()N upvr. demand all rmney bq it paid {or surit faxes, assezantnts ara iristnanx with itsteresi at
<br />&a ~..-.. ao ~t rate .h„r~zn Erato cage of Qay.n!..._ _. of whMh l!f~:_g~r txr ~Y was to iny; ~.,,,.. ,.m ~~toa ~:"--.: `-=T a~>y
<br />with ail rite agreerttenis and conriitioas of the Bond fur 3 24, 344.40 this day given by the said Ittartgagor to mid AiAitt~l, arid Y
<br />with all the requirements of the Cansiitution and BY-laws of said ASSOCIATION; then these presents shall become null and veld, otherwise they
<br />shall retrain in full force a~ may be forecload at the option of the said ASSOCIATION after failttrc for thta months to mate any of Bahl
<br />payments or be three months in arrears in making said monthly payments, or to kcep and samply with the agreements and conditions of said Band;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwith b wch foreclosure proceedings.
<br />tf there is any change in ownership of the real orate mortgaged herein, by sale or othervriat, tlmst the entire rersuitti~ indebtedrraa ~TebY
<br />secured shall, at the option oC The Equitable Budding and Loan Aswciatian of Grand Islu:d, Nebraska, becoroe imrrtedistely dire and payable without
<br />further twtitx, and the amount remaining due under said bond, and aay other bond for any additional advances made thereunder, dull, from the
<br />date of exercise of said option, bear interest at the tmximum legal rate, and the rnortgagt may then be foreclosed to satisfy the amotmt due m aid
<br />bald, and any other bond for additional advances, together with all morns paid by said The Equitable BuOdiog std S.am Agsociation of Gnatd lahad,
<br />Nebtaaka for inaerra~ce, taxes arut aaaessmrnta, and abstracting extension cturges, with interest thereon, from date of paytrtertt at the m®tw
<br />legal rate.
<br />As provided in the Bond secured hereby, while this mortgage renuins in effect the mortgagee may hereatfter advance additonal sums to the
<br />tuakars of said Band, Hirir ssdgne or suceessora in interesl, which sums shall be within tIm security of this trtortgage [he same as the fumk originally
<br />setatred thereby, the total amount of principal debt Prot to exceed at any time ttx original atnowtt of this mortgage.
<br />i)ae d this 1st day al: August A. o., tv 79
<br />Haro~ Kyhn
<br />~-oan ~ y n E ~
<br />STA'L2 OF NEBRASKA, ~ as. On this 1st say of August 19 79 , befrire roe,
<br />eouN1'Y OI: Ila[ l .
<br />Harold C . Kyhn and Joan M. Kyhn, each i n `h"'~`' a Notary Publu in and ft,r aid county' ptrsonaBy r
<br />his and her own right and as souse of each other, who are peraansuyknawnta
<br />to to be the identical person S whose eumr: S dre afI'rxed to the about instrtm~efit u mort~ r S and th@y severaDy
<br />ao2rtowledged the said irtstrtineni to be their voluntary ad arcd dad.
<br />t;'LTNES.S m,{'..:ahtl °an„a Ncta=:el Seal the d.-te a.°3tesaid. ~ ~. ~~
<br />My Comittisffion expires .-""'~ ~ ' ~~
<br />l ~ A r`";:~tn:1':dRi - Stare vi 9seras&a ~ / / o ,pe
<br />assaa at ~ 3t3Y M_ HElSZIf~ -~ /" ,~~ /
<br />MY Coffin. Exp. Sept. !,1981 y/
<br />