<br />6dOIS'Tt;AG'li
<br />----_6P~~ !aos~TCACii I.oAN Na_ i 23503
<br />~ia~AI.~,M~es~r~r~rxErarsa~"fs:~ttat Nicki,e J, Ka71os and Rosie K.a77os, each i:~ his and
<br />her own rig~~t and as spouse cr' each other, ~~ whetherrueaxrowe ~~~~~
<br />Fi #tsar~~llSand and NnJifiO-------------------------------------°--------- - DCILSAIiS
<br />i to ,aid ~aatgagar br'Zhe Equitable svaldng and Loan Assomtion of Grand isbnd, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 18D ~ ~ ~~ ~
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Ccrtifiaate No. L 23503 , do hercbr grant, conger ffid rnartgtge ante the saw ASSOCIATION the f
<br />desatTxd real estate, situated irz Flats County, Nebaxskn:
<br />ttagetlter with ai3 t!re it~ements, hereditaments and appurtenances Wereunto belong' ~, itwluding attactred door coverings, atI window screetu;,
<br />~ritulow shades, btiads, storm wirtriows, awnings. hen€irtg, air apnditianing, and piumbiag and water axtuipment and ancesaoriax tlceteto, pumpa,sioves,
<br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attachsd to or used in txannectmn with raid teal a.state.
<br />And whereu the said mortgagor has agreed and don hereby agrce that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taus area assesagenb levied ar
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage a~ the bowl secured thereby before the same shag become delinquent; to furstesh approved
<br />insrrravtce upon the buildir~s on lain premises situated in the sum of # ~ H, Oflfl . Ufl payable to said ASSOCIATION and xo deliver to saw
<br />acerltt'i e'nnx tt~e ~IiciP. tar mid irrsarana; and not to commis or oermi€ any waste an ar about said premises;
<br />In pee of defeat[ in the performance of sny of the terms and conditions of this mortgage or the bond secured hereby, t!x marts alalt,
<br />rzta demand, be entitled to imneediate possessiorz of the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, tranden and sets over to the
<br />ttaort alt Liie rents, revearxs and sncome to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such t®e u the mottgsge iadebtedmas shah remain
<br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shaII have the power to appoint any agent a agents it may desire for t~ purpose of repairing said premises sod renting
<br />€~ same and r~lkectirtg the reins, rcvenrms and income, and it may pay out of lain income alt ezpertses of rcpsiring said premises and netxaary
<br />aommissbns and expenses incurred is renting and nuaaging the same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the 6ataotx remaining, ii any, to lx
<br />atwl~d toward [lac du~h of said (~rtgaga utdebteSneu; thesz r~aats of tl~ nwrL may Iae sureised at aay time durittg the zre~esee of
<br />default, irrespeaYive of any temporsrY waiver of the xatne.
<br />'i hese pre~nis, however, are upon the Condition, l~hat i( Qte said Mortg~r ~taii rcp®y said ban on ~ beforee the mat>ffity of lain estates by
<br />payment; pay awnihly to said ASSOCIATION of the stmt specif'ud in the Band secured hereby u interest and ptioapal oa said loan, on m before
<br />t.s . ~ t;2h dj of t`~: and ..~.~ .~:,:.th, v,..r, y,id lain is fray paid; tray ail razes and asMK„+a~tg ieY/~ agaitt3t sent pte~es sad tart llt:e Marf~
<br />~.;.t :FR n.,;Ed ~v~ rFsrrehu hsG,re Vii-...,. ~,.. f.. ----ai~t ~~e~'~~-tee'. •~~`u TL~':dY~a. :'rw~=:e:,:: ¢: 3.~:.'.m G{: a w!~ ii`v ::+s~
<br />.:,,.,..,. soh ap,a: ~ ~ " f:^ V `r p:r
<br />to said AssvClAitf~'7; rely ~ta ~:,id ASSt'ClA'~'tCN upon dematsd a8 money by it paid far such Lazes. aa~ments and ipsiuance with iataresf at
<br />C~ ~,....-... - r,., ...._ ~._.__..:._,.,. ~.. f ,:-yzceai .,, ... ~~..,.., ,., :gam a`~by a~-ess ea ~Y; peravie,u was3a tin said press; lixP ~d wa~lY
<br />v+~ith aft Lt±e agreersaenis u,-ad candiiiens of the 3ond for # ~ %3 , OOD . flfl this day given 6r the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and cvarapty
<br />with a8 the requiremerzts of the Constitution and BY-Laws of said ASSOCIATION; then these presaatts shad baome null end void, otherwise they
<br />slaa9 rceuin in full force aaxt may be forecioxd at [tee option of the said ASSOCIATION after failure for three taoaths to malts any of said
<br />payments or be th,ee months u< arrcus in malting said monthly payments, or to kcep aad wmplr with the agreements and wrrditions of sad Bond;
<br />rind Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed foRhwith in such forcdosure proceedings.
<br />It there i£ any change in owuetshlp of the real estate awrtgaged herein, by sate or otherwise, then the entire retoaittiag indebtedr[ess hereby
<br />secured shall, at the optian of The L•.quitabb Building and Loan Aswciation of Grsnd Isiand,Nebraska, become imritediately due sad payable without
<br />iwtlaec ~tsx, and the srarnrnt remaining due urukr said bond, and any other bond for any additional advaatxs made thereunder, strati, from the
<br />data of exerr3se of :raid optan, bear intexeu at the maximum ~l rate, sad this ttwrtgage rosy then lac foredaaed to sandy the amaunl due on said
<br />besid, arnf airy attrer bond for ~:r.t:r-^~-t advances, to~ilkr with all saran paid by said 77te Equitable Haadit~ and I.oaa Asaociatian of Grand idand,
<br />Nmhpdra fm innrrmuz, taus and assearrtents, and abstracting a:tension charges, with interest thereon, from date of payment at tree rmtti~rm
<br />rase.
<br />As luavidt+d ht the Bond seaarred hereby, while this mattgage remai[ts in effect the roortgagoe stay hetrafter advance additiaul sum to the
<br />reelects of lain Nosnt, tFaeir assipaa ar s,~c¢ssors in interest. which sums shall 6e within the seaaaity of this tttortgage the same as the female origimIIy
<br />scared thereby, [off amount of principal debt awe to exceed a€ any titae tare original amount of this mortgage,
<br />2nd day of August A. p., 19 79
<br />`'~ ~~~ - /
<br />~.}i~. i~a i l
<br />Ross K~ allo `,+ , t
<br />S'irATE OF NSIt~tASl{A, ~ $ On Hris 2nd day of August l9 79 , taefore me,
<br />ccxanrt^r of xAI,I.
<br />Vickie J , K a l l os and Ras i e Kailas , each `~ ~, a Notary tidalic in a~ fr% said Cormty, petaranalty cane
<br />in his and tier own right and as sp©use of each other, ,._....~ wt~ are parsonallylmowato
<br />me to be [Ste ~eutiral person 5 whale name S are alTixed w tM a0rne unit as~artgagox 5 and they severalty
<br />admowiedged the said instrument to be their rolr~tary act a~ abed. f
<br />n'I :~a..w ~, '.~..' axi ~I ~rl t,~a ~e afnresaiu. %
<br />i` f' ~ - _
<br />j--°"ssaranexi'ires ~.~ G-----~ ___, f-~-~__~'
<br />. ~ ttENE9A€NbiAay-5ta;nnicsn.yt€si ~ ~i~ --G~i
<br />~ '. JOY ai. F3E?,ZLEY / ~{~
<br />enterer m
<br />~R MY Comm. f>., Sept. I,19&1 ""
<br />