~a4.~,a~~'~`1"a' ,f°~~a~a r,,~ l~F>'F~~rl.~~9~1{:A„ c~~,~~ty of ..... ............................ .......................
<br />~"i3~~i.IN &'rr,a~ s•e~~ysirrrl sra~;# entered in Aiu~'~~~r~~al indwr
<br />r.~mr4 .................................................~......,..,. at .....,....._.. c='~,i~a~_i4', ...,.........._.. P1.,,
<br />and rer.~^~ru3e?g ~~3 Deed Recar~d ............................. Page .....,........,...........
<br />..........................................................._ ;3y ......._...._..........,................._................
<br />f~azrnty Ciork or DQpt)ty C'nunty ~'lcrk ;,r
<br />Register of Deeds I),=pntti• 3i~giater of i3eeris
<br />79--~i~~3 ~OIN~' TE~1.~11~E~ K~~~RAs~~Y DEED
<br />C:tario to C. Rust' and D~aaid D. Rusvj Wife and Rtisband;
<br />James~t'haub, a single person;
<br />Thomas L. Schaub, a single person;
<br />Mary R. Waikowiak sad Barid L. Walkowiak Wifl~rt~calIe3 the grantor whether one or more,
<br />in consideration of - -SIXTEEN THf1tfSAND NINE lI1TND1tED AND NO/iR0 ($16,9tM.fN?} - DOLY.l4RS
<br />reeeiced from erantees, does grant, barcain, sell, eanvey and confirm onto
<br />Dallas '~. Glaze and Camille G. Glaze, Husband and Wife
<br />as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, the following described real property in
<br />Hall ..........•.,...... Cou).ty, Nebraska:
<br />............................................
<br />lot Twa {2} in Block 13, S~arff's addition to West Lawn,
<br />an addition to the City of Grand Island, Nali County, tbraska.
<br />iltA 1J£)i~i1"Iti:lllTr~•.RY
<br />STAhhP TAX
<br />~t#U 2 ~~
<br />3`n have and to bald the above described preu~ises tvgethe_ with alt tenements hereditantenta
<br />and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantees as joint tenants.
<br />And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees that grantor is lawft7liy sairsec', of s$ia
<br />~3pnzisP~: that thev are free Pram eneumbrancet
<br />that grantor has gaud right and lawful authority to convey tho same; and that grantor warrants and will
<br />defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all per.~ons whomsoever.
<br />_. ~G's..e~ ~S_
<br />hated ~, ~ 19 T F'
<br />F
<br />~ ,rrn-~~j•.
<br />........,...................~~~~~...~..~a..... ..... ~ ......................:..............:-.~..~.. ~...............
<br />.- ~~ .~. -
<br />r ~.
<br />j
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of ............................................................J........ •
<br />Before me, a notary public quell • d for said Cougty, pe~only pem~~haub
<br />Donald D, Kusy and Charlotte C. Kusy, husband and w e• S L
<br />single, ,tames Schaub single; and Afa~y K. iiatkal~i~ic and David !.. Wa kowiak
<br />v~i~ ae-d ltlts~~ltd
<br />- _- 3a~s -Schaub ie also- ltaoxn as Jaya J. Schaub.
<br />- known to me to 6e the identical person or persons who signed the
<br />foregoing instrument and acknowledge the execution thereof Lo be his,
<br />her or their voluatary act and deed.
<br />E AiEt{tE lac - n m hand and notarial seal ou ...~ ~~.~~
<br />GEhEi2ki.~~~ ...... ~...... .. ...........................
<br />STAT€ tip r:kBRa3~°.a .....................~.„~„,:.,.....!~~C-.__.:~....~_..c.,.~~'ofary Publlc
<br />........
<br />~ Commu~~^l*i nx~!;es
<br />~-yea ~a~tt / ~ r ~a~
<br />v eommu~on eag)res -"- ".
<br />............. .................................., I9............
<br />Form 4.5 Approved by Nebraska Stato Bar Assaeiation Fdtaa d wd* Oo. Linwin, Nebr.
<br />