7~~~ ~~D~~~~
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23498 MG
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Iftekhar U. Ather and Shirin B. Ather, each in his and
<br />her own right and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideratbn of the stun of
<br />°~rt3/ Nine Thousand and NQ/I00 - - --- -- ""Lt.ARS
<br />Loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Lunn Association of Grand !stand, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 4y0 sharer of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23498 p~ , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foAowing
<br />described real estsy ,situated in HaB County, Nebraska:
<br />togeiher with all the tenements, hereditatnents and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached floor ~verings, all window screens,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and water egtdptnent and ac~atorias therotu,pumpa,stovaa,
<br />tefrigeraturs, and other 1'txtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said r¢al estate.
<br />And whereas the said nmrtgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and astxsarttenta levied of
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the same stud betx~ttu tkt~:»+'*.t~ to €utttidt aggroved
<br />insurance upon the buildings on said premisex situated in the sum of S 49 OOO OO payable to said ASSOCEATigIV sad to deliver to said
<br />ASS{~IAT1CiN the policies for saki insurance; and not to mmmit at permit an}r waste on or about aid gtetnisas;
<br />In teas of default in the performance of any of the ratan and conditions of this mortgage or the bond secured hex¢by, the rmfrtiagee sttsl7.
<br />un denwnd, br entitled to huntadiatc pvuaxsivn of the mortgaged pretnises and the rnurrgagar herEbr assigns, tratt`xfers sod acs ut~r to the
<br />tnurtgagee alt rite rents, revenues and income to br derived from the morybged premises during such time as tlta mortise irtdebtadttsa shag rogmin
<br />unpaid: and th¢ rtnrtgag¢¢ shaft have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of rsgairini aid premises sad ranting
<br />the sank and eo€3ectitti the rents, revenues and income, and it rosy pay out uP' said income all axpertsa of rop-itiag said pmmtsas atad aeasarty
<br />cummisauns and expenses incurred in raining and maruging the satrx and of coltacYirrg eenWs therefrom, tine babas remaining, if say, to ha
<br />apfriisd toward thr discharge of sod ntortgxge indabtedrtaa; rhea rights of tM rtwrtgage¢ rosy ba axaruard ar spy tlnte dtusa~ the ascistenca of wch
<br />de x3tlt, itrt`crive vt env t¢rst~xary w of LttF sasrta.
<br />Tt~~ Pr~~--^,ts, hR air, ar€ upu.; t ~ CwtWn,Ttnt a t:a= ss:t'~tc.€t$asor shall repay said roan on or i~fora xis t;ty of saw dt:iresby
<br />paymnnt; pay itx:nthip to said ASSOCIATION ut the win speciftad m the Bund roc~ttred hereby as irztatass and prtacipat ~ wtd'a~t; on os bafiira
<br />thr Twentieth day- of each and arery month, until said Events fully paid: pay art taxes and assaasmenta levied aisinst said premises and an this Mon~ia
<br />an.F the Bond se -toad ttretehe t*afore 3aitngtxtx:}: futntsh aggroved inwranca upon the butidia~r thereon in ztta win of i t
<br />rte. ~;~ ~c t~rtnw , se t ~ .t„ { all . ,. f ~,tt~: ~. a ~~.~ _ ~-
<br />,..,.~ _ ~ sw~ ,ATt ~ ~ ~ ~~t< by ~ c;: is ~ ~~s~ -. 4R-r~: ti`=
<br />x3te mazinwm lags: rate ~x:~.;n :ram :ixtt of ~yrsnnt art of which Ftartiagur ttaraby agrees to pay: permit Ira waste on akt promises: kssrp sad 4vrapty
<br />witn atr rite a~aaments artu conditions vt rite tlvnd fat S 4~ y rrr~ryy~}(~ his daY given by t3ta aapi Muttut tv aw:d ASSQi:iATit~, arm ~
<br />with qtr titE ter~uirem:.^.t; Lt trt¢ 1. (Mattrn[t51n atltF ~Y-LaN'a ls~ ti[i~-~~~t-ftt~t~, tll4n tttl!a@ pfa~dnr3 3tta~f t9aCC rlyl~ ~ b~(dr pthP.FiE~a
<br />shalt rerrssin in full force and nu} be foreclosed at the option of the taut ASSOCIATION attar faituro fur thret months w make any of sszd
<br />payments ur be three traunths ut arrests m rnakirtg said munthty payments, of tv kssp and wmgty with the t~eansettts amt axuiitioas of trill Bttuazt;
<br />and Mortgagor x;revs w Nava a rae~airrr xppoifttad furthwnh 4t such fork kasw¢ ptocetdings.
<br />1f theca is any change in ownership ot'ths teat estate mortgaged herein, by seta or othetwisr, then the entire rentainitrg mdsbtadnass busby
<br />eectund shall, pt the option of 1'ha Equitable Buildirta and Loan As~o¢iation of Grand latand,Nabruka, tt~utns aatrssdietaty due stet payable wialuraa
<br />further notk'e, and ilia amount rentrrnistg due unbar said bond, and any outer bond fur any additional advances made therotrttder, shall, fsctm the
<br />data of exercise of aid ugtioa, bau insarest at the maximtrm taint xau, and [his toortgabo may than De fmasloaad to M-us~' tits amutmt dtn un aid
<br />bond,xnd arty other hand fur addkivnai ttetvsrtcas, thsr with alt auras pakE by said 77``hhea Eguttabta Bu4tditt; xsrt t.oan A~;asioa of fraud tslaa6,
<br />Nabraka for itssurattc~e, texas and assessments, attd racttni eat¢tsaion charges, with hsesrast ttsesarnt, from dau of paymrnz at ttx tnaairetsm
<br />trial rate.
<br />Ax provided in ilia Brand x¢ursd heraby, while thin mwtia~e remazw ist effect the mottpiea may hmeafter advance addkiartat wput to dre
<br />trokora of said Bend, than assigns ar suc¢eswrs let inteeost, whkh wtrr shat) be withut the trs¢tuity of this tutusiaie the satyr qs th« ftusds origtgalty
<br />secured thereby, the total aau~unt of grititiipal debt nut to ertoaed at any tuna the origirut attwuat of this marriage.
<br />i)ated tltts 31 s€ day t`it Jll`iy A. n., 19 79
<br />~~r+~, ..'t..=-.K,.L.e.A... .Lim.....LL..._.,.e._...-,--.................
<br />T~it~tr EI. Ath+<er
<br />q Sh; '~fi o, Amer
<br />STAVE OI' Nt?ItRASIt.A, ~ sa. Oa fhb ~~ 5t day of ~U~ y t4 ~~, befars me,
<br />ttlOLiN'pY ~I: FtALt..
<br />the uttdwttiistad, s Notuy and for raid County, partuaatly came
<br />If~eirktar U. Ather and Shirin 8. Athera each in his and her ~1Y rig and ass Its ottfao~wnia'
<br />-ether
<br />ma to be the i~+rtti¢al FenonS wtwae nansf drE affltred to the strove iatstrtutrnt as arortgigo6 are and they stttiei
<br />ttdtoawted;ad the aid inktttmatrt to ba thSj r vtskttttasy sat sad deed. j i
<br />WfTNFSS tray hared sat Notatnai Sstat the date eformaid. ?' i
<br />J4Y iN. 8fJ{~tEY,
<br />as-sae ar ~r ~ani,~, ids, }. ~ - - ~~_
<br />-- ~ r
<br />