<br />~ ST.tiTE OF 11TE'BTfAS'KA, Couaxty af .....................................................:
<br />Filed far rect,~rd au ............:.. ...,.,., 19 ........ at ..»..............,.......... o'clock ,..,..............,..... M. ~;',.
<br />and recorded in the Deed I~eeo.d T' e
<br />.............................. . ag .............................
<br />.............................. ...... ................ Tay ............. .... .. .........................
<br />Tiegxster of Deeds Deputy Regzster of Deeds
<br />79.,m,:~4955 SURVIV~R5HIP WARRANTY NERD
<br />JAMT~.S A. S`,;I3ULTZ and MARY A. SGHULTZ, Husband and Wife ~ each in his atad her
<br />own right grad as spouse of each other, hernia called the grantor whether one or mote,
<br />(354, 5t)o.0©j
<br />received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm Tanta IFTEIgiAR U. ATHRR
<br />and SRIRIN 13. ATHTiR., Husband and Mife
<br />as joint tenants with right of anrvivorahip, and not as tenants in common, the following deserlbod real
<br />property in Hall ............... Gonnty, Nebraska:
<br />Lot Twenty-Sin (26)~ lieatroada Eatatea 'third
<br />Sit~i~iaisa~ T3o31 roua_yf vehrao~~.
<br />{~tEB!2ASKA DOC17:thE~iTRRY
<br />STA~AP TAX
<br />To have and to hold the above described premises together with alt tenemanta, hereditatnents
<br />and eppuxtxnweea thereto belonging Hato the grantees and to their assigns, or to the baits sad assigns
<br />of tie enrvivor of thaax forever.
<br />And guar does hereby covenant with the grantees and with chair aaairgas sad with the lteira
<br />and ara{gns of the survivor Af them that grantor is lawfully seised of raid prem~aa; that ~eY era Eras from
<br />aasnmbranee eataepfi far eaaeaoenfis sad reatriatiessa o! areaerd
<br />`~r~~-.;;- has ~- - - -= aB~ ~~;~1 a~ ~~.,~ _ - -- a ~~E a =E ~~~~ w
<br />_ _~~-tlxc Otis tcx-a ;,r~ia ainat i~~- l~wtnl alai ~€ s}? p?:~~ ~~..~~,~,_~,.~,
<br />- Tt iN the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of tAa grantes0.
<br />j
<br />the entire Yee title to this real peoprrty shall rest in the surviving grantee.
<br />Dated .tiny ~ t a t i9 7'9 't
<br />STATE OF ..,......,. LIICT~it..AS1CA ...................... GouAty of .........,........~!!!. ....,..,.......,........,,„....
<br />Befoa°e ale, a notary pnbliw ~aaalifmd far said vouaty~ ijeraanally camp ,tAM#~r5 A. $CHULTS
<br />acrd l+'!~ A, S4]ifl1LTZ, Hnabattd sad Yife, eaalt in bra at-d last errs
<br />rid~bk atssl as spouse of eaaA efiber
<br />known to me to be the idaAtioal person ar perwns who signed the foregoing 3natrnreent and aeknowi~
<br />,,..' _ the exae»tiazi arrai to he ius, her or their irult~ta_-~r .sat and elr~d:
<br />f .
<br />Witness my hand sAd notaa3al zeal on .,... .. '~~ .........................., 18...~
<br />_, ,.
<br />~~~ .......................~.~.~~~":..4~.m+.r.>':'~~.~..~..s~.'!,`::,...,~.,., TVotat"T PATR
<br />/ .
<br />i~>T
<br />_,, 1~~#liiiali.i~! ~v cotnma~an ezpia~ ..~".........w~~,.~.G ............. 28 ~
<br />Form ~.u ~`o be aanroved ltv \sl~r~si~s Scats Ear <Lsaaelation a•-~- - a war ~. u. nom.
<br />