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<br />_,.: - ,;~., . ,,~:,, -, _ =- REAL ESTATE MQRTGA6E, . roeni Fte xoe {t;ev.„
<br />i 1-~
<br />pate July 31, 1979
<br />. Hostetler and Karen K. Hostetler, husband and wife
<br />Mortgagors,
<br />~t Hall County, Nebraska in consideration of
<br />the advance of the principal sum recited in the note hereinafter described,recelptof which Ss acknowledged, hereby
<br />mortgage and convey to
<br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK !1F OMANA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100,
<br />4
<br />Mortgagee (su#,ioct to ail, gas, and mineral rights owned by parties other than Mortgagors; ezlstiag easements of
<br />record; reservations in United St¢tes end State GatenTS; and CY:e rights of the public Sn al2 highways), the following-
<br />s'escribed real estate in Hall County, Nebraska ,
<br />SEC. TMP. R8.
<br />NEa~.+NE~---- -------------------- 28 1.2N 11 W6thP.M.
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<br />~.€ containing err?.^, rtinre or Sass, together with all of the rllldtt, tltln, and intnresf
<br />_ ~; j....;oow owned orhareaftnr r!cm~iredlot~ze "iortga.~rs !n said property, 1nc1u41nFS ell #u#ldin~, itaproY~~!~s,!ixt~re~_
<br />c apl~tir:.et:sa:ces td:ereon +erea*t +sca,7 areas : :tll water, irrigation, an+ts'a}nnfs r1~tCS, thnCan~aaaCS,
<br />13 ;: .. ~ ..:. .... - -. - v N. anu Y i t ;a 'gam ~ u ~~° - -.
<br />~ j*e P'ttrtga3arc+ eg(ir n~Ui i-^+1~ „g in a, t. re 'rtxi T.IY MerGgiigee ,,*or se&tat'1ty Exit°~asest all; leas_s,~pn~i4s,
<br />{~ act«es. o. ±v._-gr-, `it^,;~, e.,. -..n,.t .!.- . r*_ !~ :ae,id t~crt~nged prlsas, rnw~° R€r€~t*_~. :xszr~'. nztS~,
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<br />t;r r[er;nwrt~ •. he ~'~_•' - ra - r.tu,:;~ -- "a ,a tY'_.w --- wh_^n r-n., aL,:_re- -'_a~ r.v t= - -a=3
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<br />~, j tie c=°tr4liai ~zm ut 1.~;aT- sxia~>~ ~ m<f~I - - - - - - - - - - - - - t>E,i?.sg~.
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<br />€ ot.,.,.__._..~-.;~~9g iti7 •...~irtyati e .tall l+a void ,a,a ..hr ,t..• ,, r .a ,,r~ss s.~ Ga
<br />This mortgra~s is su#,ltc. to ,.he pravi-inns of 21SR rAAM CTtgjIT AC'F a[sd s11 a~t~ ametdat4+ry t=-a av. or auRRlt~antal
<br />i s ~ theret.o. ~n proceeds c*. the Iran n~=cured heresy will pe used Tar the Rul'posas spnottla~± in Thor xrtgagvrs+ sppli-
<br />cetloh for said loan and atatt;~rl~ed by sakd Aet.
<br />$ a
<br />'tY:n f+c;rCRaRO:'s, and each of them, tlnret:y warrant chat r,.hey az'a tee owners of the mrrtgaiand real # ~ - ez t-v that tiady
<br />w.i1 dnteztd tt;e title sgalnst err eixltsr:+s whsxn Dater', ahd [,*,st :sl', P,'c;erty .= tree frcm z ,_. ~. es. that
<br />`) t :ey will kuap. all the tmpr::vcraiBnCS, t'XCaCVS. ,kG,. t,.p'.tt'f,anan:~rs tv~:.LGind az,d 1ti~R(:cw repair a.t .,:`,~~.~ z.+, a=:~t3 c'rf
<br />t ;i ! waste; anii they w±11 ralln4ulsi; all rigi;ts of ha,wrasts+a+S in sa±~t pretGl.YnN, as~covezsant end free w,=_n the t~gt~a~ea,
<br />;, ~ m. toll~us:
<br />~~ ~ (1) `t91at they wli.l pryy when ..^.uo- all Earns, Mans, t;,ltiirments, or assesarrents which may oe lawfuilY assexsed ~atnaC
<br />Tito prtipa;rty heroin martgntSe~.t.
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<br />S=.F tat Gt'c}" will itis'.ire an4 kteep .n.4red 6111 {.'iingti l1r Other +IryrC:YBWaYit4 nc~w on 3r wtllct; :stay her#~f tar #2 placril
<br />- ? son aaisl pt miPe tf rile astiatas:tlan nt -fit.-t tu+r[~n~ee, such insurance lollcy aikall he endarsad wltti a ?k+?rCgegp ela3at?e
<br />t' with th8 loan tirarnua4ar td pe Payapin tk. the Murtgat;ea, Azty soots raenivad may be used to pay for rafot~truetlvn
<br />sj ( of Gfie dnstioynd lmpz•ovmm~ttts; or, tr r t su appllnd, rr~, at the optiozt Ot the ttortMaRea, ba appltad in Pggmant of
<br />t= ( Huy Inds#tevent:.~t, matux•ed or tuugatlircd spc:li'ed py this ~aurtgagr.
<br />t
<br />-- - - --- S .° ~a - --E~ ~ - ~~,`rcT - ra - €& hffe~~ --,1i= .xfiui't3~- Eke Ei3F`t~.- i~€' 9 Fi ai~.~, ~i#I~ ~e3ii+, i,~
<br />1 i { 'V' 1«e en Che p,.pi i., d.~m. 3 w ir's ,= arWxr.,nna,it or ,.•„a,.~.ir n~rant €a c ~ sRgi'€gau pr4tei3ad. ~ti h rl~x Gait
<br />t S aatae4, VAcnnnnd or rind vy cns tatitoti $€a€er£ rsr Cl`ik scare lea vdticp tke apoYn-lnseribbd property is 1#catad; anti
<br />!_ ~ to Fei°faf•m anQ u~urve rlva[•Sr sCt, cuvanant. aorldition. and n.iRUlatlon neeasaa*~t t€a kneR aaalt of the assn !n g>
<br />1-; at~lciitng, aivi ip tea aVary nacasa'y step Cc assure the raisxue, rarznwal, e: nzC~islon of eae:l of thn and L#
<br />+~ a=~lgtt. -waive, p1e¢ge. or eraderse CA the MV€tga$vV- sari#1 lea~a. pez~1E, I1#esiae, or E+t'lvl Sago if e~rt,gagot'~+ riKhCa
<br />tt' Sn Fublic dotaaih era raqulrod try Mortgagee tar sncuriGy ixzrpoans.
<br />f. 1 (al That Sn fiiia- avant Gila mart-gaSiea is a Fai•ty to any iltlgaClon attncttng the aeeurity nr Che flan of its snort=
<br />€; [ gam, "138iIudina~g ally milt h3! Ct+e tee to-foreoloa++ this taartgaan or af>y suit In which €ha Mortgagee rosy #s Heated
<br />,1~ a party datattdan€ in wAieh it 19 ~~R4tsd La Frotact its riglsts or lien. 1ncludlbR condemnation and pankruptcy
<br />Rrocnt~dinglt, C.ize 11orCNagBa myy ilxc~ar axpeatsea sad adYatice paptmaraC for a#straee teas. attorney Tess (except to the
<br />~).1 exult pi~t»lihi€ad by lastl, costa, exFanaes, aqd other ctiargaa,
<br />f~ i tk3i T'littt Sn the event Gha ibrtiOrs trait to FtlY >tlien duo aqv Cates, liens, tudSments, or assnssla8nts, or fall to
<br />maiptril+i lzisaireelcn as haY~lilbetoTe pi~!Sded, ear tail to FRY refits, fuss. or ohsrgas under the terms n* any lases,
<br />( permiC, llesnsa, or privlleae; o! iWr't~ee l8 required to iheur azpanaas Cor apsCrneC tees, attorney trig roots,
<br />3t ( expenses, 811dother cha4•~e Sti CtahG@C.G#.tial [tit11 liCigatiffi1, it~•Cgagse msg make such paytaent orRrovida suR* insuranF>e.
<br />-t4-, - o:• StieW auen obli),aC1on, acid CiiB-61aa5t1Fits paid Ci3arat{ir ll hecoma a part oP the indebtedness secured hereby sus:
<br />t ; and payinille 1~B_iatalY, aid aitall lzaar #&taG frs~ ~LeaCn et pit at tote s..~ t~t€ as pruvl:l~" -v^ d~fstalC
<br />s ! in the note. - - - - - - .
<br />i~
<br />1
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