<br />
<br />
<br /> nbt` 4V,t Yr id: t t 4tp`e; t tt,7i, r"tl~ t:~ilte" Ct: ilst± Ritt!RI;{tl~" 1:c-1 .iisdl3`i4tk n'jgorrea to in ;.),ft tq;r9ph,.h, I and « hentof or
<br /> liGtti{yr tit(:.eS ,bwltt Vr„l,ll I lutataai3e.Twt~
<br /> 10. Borio.werr Not Raleas*d. Extm;uon of tisr C 3, A! car tttc►tii6m ti m of tttttt ix i,i ri Q1 the a~t
<br /> ,
<br /> .-Lkr*; t1 rk t.iil~,, Mort a gt giant b f k der to tty tar.~c 4a sn l1b tt t of. Bcirrc►r►vc shall not operate to release
<br /> the lialrllitl, of (11C 0,i;;i1f31 jjorZN6'1',.'t' "Ino Il(,Rt'Y°o ',ucteliso m in intCmsL I.CIider shall not, be
<br /> ~.r Y t li itC.11Gr d rctt:tt`rlitdr fit' wsnt.iardr 5#itr r q, fin ~e to eactc itl #rrile for pea\"tnent or ClthCfW60 n1O411Y..
<br /> original Borrower and
<br /> 1.orfirl ioll e i tdAr` ,urn, sttGtar by ti,iw )I(irt,g,age 1F1' ra'rf~stdtr of airy edemaird made b: tile
<br /> tT► I I. Forbearance by Under Not a Waiver. Anty-; forbeaara ice. by Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> r" hrreut der, or o0%t:nw'1:,: afforded by a:ppl.icaabie law, Timi.i trot he to wtii:>er of or preclude the. exercise of any right
<br /> o 1v1114i!y laerttoielesr, The pro(umment'of ins-,i'rauec or the payment, of tatxcs.or;bther lions or,, claarg , by Leader
<br /> 1-,411 1:611 1,w :t arvea of. Lcndcr`s, right to at,celerite ;he mawrity of the aauiebtednc;& secured by this N'iort.gage.
<br /> 12. Remcdics Cumulative. All remetliek provided in arc;distinc tend t;urniulative to aiiy other
<br /> rti itt c icr;:. fz elA :Morigage or aftortic i by haw or equily, and ina.v 40 tmereiscd conc.urnexit.ly, independ-
<br /> 1t.ly ebz *ire ce: t e ly
<br /> 13. SuC(:LV~50rs and Assigns Rotondo Joint. and Several, Liabi4ty'r +Caption& 'rile covennn,ts and ~,gre exnent4s
<br /> t':e r+:rt e ce:;!;lillt:; ;r;^r1i i t"A. and, the xight" liere,a111de:r ? aa i:r+^ to, the rfllpe:trt.ivp EeitCc4~,5,.'i:ors :and assign of Lender
<br /> 1,4 iiorrtia•('i t,e:tt to td,r provisionb.eai pamg;r~apb t.7 lmcof, iAll covonatitt awl aagreenrettttA of B rroirrer ~liAil
<br /> lbr ;A),rt old ,t w e r.lf.. T "hr rapt tow, and lwaae'ding~: cif ttsr to Ir.,~r.Agttt t of this ortga gv zarG for conve ilivoce Only. and
<br /> bw w,{'4i to rr ir-Iinet Or (ienfrne, t.tlt: tiR tAw'5~t(ara°j hercoi..:
<br /> 14 Notico.\1'3L 1ta)tlrit tar Id(arrtbw'a^r,d ruw°itdced tua:'it, thi Nabs'*.asap;w "'-,tall 1w givell.by~ inaailing Such notice b}'
<br /> r;a?;ttlde'a' 11x:1'8! .i f SSe'+*tyl w Borrowe"r at tnc 11foperty ~-e:Wt'l l',e11o , except for any notice required tit,Iier
<br /> ibir;:i;l 111!1 I I'S 1,,C,1! to l,tti.,;.;,tYe",xitax Il'>rre?twrr"ir,' tliti•:ttl,li~i}t~,° titiY(;rtl.,tk^tl lay" to;idtltCtalllt` Itawi".. R1rry notice provided
<br /> for in `w "slew ; Euii !bt d(°c;tied tta 11 ct"tt' 1:zee1 given to borrower W'1wn iVe'n it) the lnalliltr e,1CMi~,114tC(l lt:Crt'tri.
<br /> a' 15. Uniform Mongoge: Governing Low, Sevcaabitity. This font) cif tatort.grage eotnlbine,s uniform rav'etliaut.,~
<br /> ;or ^uti tn::t i.iac :anti tteln-utiiierm covenauuot vvit ► bmiteii vuriaticins by ltarist9ictian to cot3stitiitc a uniform secu-
<br /> rity instrutwnt vovering mil 1,:rerlicrt I"ltis; I(srtgtge shall ibe go-.,crned. by the law of the jurisdiction in. which
<br /> tiie d'rop,e;-ty- ih iocatt4i. In the event that any provv6.0n or° clauwer of this 'Mortgage or the Voter conflicts with
<br /> sip>liliw l lw;. i:aww', ;uch conflict shzail riot affec! other provision.-~ of thi :Mortgage. nr the Note, which earl be given
<br /> t ricct. wi is :alit tide confiictinig provision, and. to this ertel the provisions (ii they Mortgage and the Note are declared
<br /> to be sc vemblet.
<br /> 16. Borrowers Copy. Borrower shall be furnished s confortne d copy, of this Mortgage at he time of e.xecu-
<br /> tirint or after rt ceordaatioli lwreof.
<br /> 17. TraiWer of the Property: Assumption, If all or rally hart, of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br /> or tran ferrw:nl L<y Borrawer ,vitbout, Lericde:r't prior written consent, excluding (a) the cre.atial of a lien or encum-
<br /> br.,,nc:et subeardhliatt to this Mortgage, (tai tile: creatism of a pt;rchs!w moncy security intirewt for household appli-
<br /> aadxcti t,. f e) ai triolsier'by de'a4e,. edescent: or by operation of la,.-,- upon the death of:a joint. tenant. or (d) the grant, of
<br /> ally fe a.,weholad 1.merr t cbi tlir(:u years o leas -riot contairtin g an option to purc:huse. Lender may. at I.,endcr's option"
<br /> Ile,Uj,-e all tile un1i _ee.ured by t,h.is Xlortga.g to be iitu'neai:attely due, wid payable. Lender shall have wwaivecd a:rictt
<br /> ee;3ti+:4.t to ra(e i,. prior ,.tub the sale: or trarisf.er" Under..:.md the, j r; on to wliciilr. tile Propertyis to be sold or .
<br /> tca,ii at,er lidertt, in wvriting, that the credit of s:icii pe rsw n iy si ati ef:actory- to Lender and thaat. -lit interest.
<br /> payable rang the ~tanis .e•ure<i t)y this Mortgage shali be at ,,.welt raaty as I,-alder shall requ::-C. If Lender lifts waivtd
<br /> opticail to awe;celerrutr. provided in this paragt~oi .17 arui if Borrowerw _.ue vssor in ii e".rrst has executed a writ
<br /> testl ;LW 11111;.att+X+a gar;reu.raacn;t accepted iii writing lry Leader, 1.x^ti4cr tiball release: Boxrcwv' , fron'i all obligations under
<br /> 'his Mortgagt aw.i t}, Note.
<br /> It L.:ade.r exi.rai cS st~a;lt option to. Uot~lenate, Lender shall triaail Borrower notice of. accclerratioti in accordance:
<br /> wI"U. ;a:ir.lsaralrli 14 her(:of, Such rntwv -.'iidl provide a period of riot less than 30 'cda vb, from the crane the notice is
<br /> ;zA.+i.l+ fl ye ithin which Ike►rro-w er may,- pa) ' the. suinf; drewlardd c3.ve( 1.f Borrower iatil + t+a :piny such sums lyrsar to the
<br /> t'x•,,irActiei.l of SucF, p'be,r10d. Lender may. without furifirr notice: o.r dernand on Borrower, invoke an-y reinedics per-
<br /> .miitI`d by jlaragrdph IS hereof,
<br /> Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree aa•; followr~,:
<br /> 16. Accelerati= Remedies. l:a;c••ptt wv. proNuleil in p,; ragraph 17 1wr of upon Borrower's brcarch of aanlw-
<br /> ctrve.at.:rlt. ur agrVtment. of Borro%-Le•r iIS Mortgage, im.,luding the eove~na it,~ to:pay w>1wil due: any souls secured
<br /> by Ons Nlvrti.t4ge, Ix.T14t:r prior to ttrelrration ,hall ni;ol,notice. tar Borrawvt'r at tit-0V.ld(A in paragraph 14 hereof
<br /> ,r.lat:csfy.ing: t"1) the .tire aeht (2) the ae,, ion rc'wtuired to vure. ,ruck lbrettclf';' {31 a date, not it? s trials thirty day-
<br /> from the date tree riot tcc- iM mailed to Borrower, hr' which aTuvh hreavh must 1bc`c:ure d; and (3) that failure to Cure
<br /> -utd; breech (in or bt+.forv the dateh a:pec.ifae(i in.the no ire.?. ait.i+y result in acceleration of the sums "cured by this
<br /> .'wliy tg.e;;.e• and ~Tt. iif,t.lie I'ropenrty':. 'If the breach is. not. curtNt on,.or.before the (d.•ate.specified in tile. notice., Lender
<br /> at e3,>t.ipt; clay t:ler.t:are all of the.. ,'ums cured by this Niortgaage to be irztiritydiiatejw due ausrl payable
<br /> without airtite:r deui aned aantd'nay foreclose this Mortgage by judicial proc"t'ding Uknidtr.sl►alt he enitle d to collect
<br /> i.ri ..el<;ta pzoceedixa~, all ex;nn:ses.. of tareclosure, inch-, ding., but not ..(imited to, cr.. tw of doe mnent:ary' evitdence,
<br /> aht=-A to and title mport~:. n
<br /> 19. Borrower's. Right to Reinstate. Notn'at'tastaaritding bender`;, acceleration of the surma secured by th6 .
<br /> ;wlortgaagv, Borm%e shall lmvei the right, to have any procttdings. begun by Vender to enforce this NiortgAge dis.
<br /> eclatinucd ;st :aay tarn,: prior to entry of a jusdgrnent enio~rripg this Mortgage if. tai Borrov er pays Lender all
<br /> k4W46'Which would be then due Under this tilortg tagk~, the Note, Awl notes securing Fliture Advanct-_,, if any, had no
<br /> cures tilt brtuclt~ of an-,- other co.veriants or :+gretmentc of Borrower con.
<br /> xc,:eslrrataa7.Y aca_ur;c (ib) Borrower
<br /> taiue:u in this Mortgage; i1c) Borrower payti all r(asonabl(^ cx}irna incurre.-i by:Len+.der• in enforcing the covenants
<br /> and ~rr .x=xdents of Borrower contained in this Flomg-) ,es sand iR eni0l-Cing I VIder'as rV111."litri AS, 11MViid,ed in Para-
<br /> gmph IS htrrolf, including, but not arnitc-d to :resrna~trle mttornct•"e,, fevz' awlt Idi. Rorrow er takes such action as
<br /> Lernier may re-&-s riably require to assure that The lien of thiss Niortgsge,, 1xwler's imeres-t in the Projwrt} arxf
<br /> Boorrower'g obligation. to lay t-he Stearns secured by thn; ~Iar , r ~4;311 continue tinimplinxi. appro. such payment
<br /> and cure b Burro wrr, this MortMe ;alit-, the bbliratiurv:~ -ecurxrcl b reby' s-liaall rernaai.n, in full. form and effect as it
<br /> iota ilcorlexatioa.hud occurred:
<br /> M Azaisraasturat ed, Rants; ApPointm t of R c-ivax: Lender in Posse"iaaa. A* addi6onaal xecurityr here
<br /> ucb:it r; i*~ttrrower'Ixcrobv' x ?es w 1 end r t3_e of tics Pno erty: 147-ovsai"i that Bttrreaacr whall~ prier to scceler-
<br /> stso, =de r p mph is hereof or a~ra~ vrarri-t nt of the I mix-rtL, iexve pile right to collect atae3 retsica Brach rents
<br /> t:hvy* ~tzae.4-ac DiZd payab:c
<br /> I"l-<;ra cacti lrnrxti r 1 zr para..gmpd, IS herecwf or an r aciaaicrtt of the Prvi),erty. Lender. in jvmoa, by agent
<br /> y»'0Y Yea; ti t it ol rt"'f-ver shall he critltltd to Cr,*:°r Upon., take {K1' vs,-,iorb of AM manager the ~;Mp r1'y
<br /> T ' ; r i.::r a ..1 %,,f IZkr I 'i"a> n SSafiilW tlx_ tltryr -ms- tlt1L. All
<br /> rent. call tet."d by I:rttede.r or the reC+C'ivg r
<br /> 1^'t t ~ >r _Ar rz;wu of tilt costs of a =aFt em of thv- Fro;vrty vain twaltt-e tion of rr.ntC including, but
<br /> t ' r w a t
<br /> ec attorney,* fees, find then to the outr*
<br /> wit r:. r .o t."~ Ia►e._e r.rr itxrsas ern rr.etvg7'. bowI sax: rrt►aott tsti
<br /> LeAder xrva;.-`,v rt,,-tivrr',FI~ 16e 44 ai4' to ,"CS'c'Cxt: 1 only for 0:['k" rr:•nt~F 7ad:tua3lly re ctnve°ed,
<br />