not extend ar postpone the due date of the monthly- installments rrferraci to in paragraphs i and 2 hereof or
<br />change the amotmt of such installments.
<br />III. ;2arrozaer Not Released. l;xtensian at the time far payment or mrdi$cat.ion of amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this tilortgaga granted by Lender to any sttecessor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release,
<br />in any manner, fire liability of the original Borrower and Barro+ver's successors in interest. Lender shall not be
<br />d required to commence proceedings against. such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify
<br />amortization of the sums secured by this Mortgage by reascu of any demand made by the original Borrower and
<br />Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />21. forbearance by Lander Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising an}- right or remedy
<br />~ hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable lase, shall net be a waiver of or preclade the exercise of any right
<br />~"~ or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br />shall not be a +vaiver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage.
<br />12. Rezrzedaes Cumulative. All remedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to am' other
<br />right ar re;nady tinder this \Iortgsge or afforded by la++ m• cquit.y, and may he exercised concurrently, independ-
<br />ently or successively.
<br />f3. Successors and Assigns Hound: lout and Several Inability; Captior>_v. The covenants and agreement:
<br />herein contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender
<br />and Borrower, subject to the provisions of paragraph t"r hereof. All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall
<br />be joint and several. The captions and headings of the paragrztphs of this \[ortgagc are for convenicnca only snd
<br />are not to be used to interpret or define the provisions hereof.
<br />14. Notice. Any notice to Borrower prodded fm• in this :+lurtgagc shall he given by mailing .etch notim by
<br />certified rani( addressed to Borro++er at the Properly .adch•es~ statrd hcloty. cxmpt to;• any notice required under
<br />paragrsph 18 hereof to be givcu to Borrower in the manner prescribed f,y ;+pplicahlc law. Atn• notice provided
<br />ter in this Mortgage shall bt• deemed to bevy been given to Borrower when given ut the manner designated herein.
<br />I5. Uniform Mortgage: Governing Law; SeverabiGty. "Phis iarm of mortgage combines uniform covenants
<br />foF national use and nor.-uniforn~ covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniiorrt, rNeta-
<br />rity instrument revering real property. This \lortgage shalt he governed by the law of the jurisdiction in w ich
<br />ttta Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this ~iort.gage or the Note eonfliats wi~:i;
<br />applicable law, such cantLict shall not affect other provisions of this Mortgage ar the Note which can be given
<br />affect. w°ithaut .lte eontiieting provision, snd to this end the provisions of the ~Iartgage and the Note are declared
<br />t{ ,`,e ~ver'a~~,ie_
<br />18. Borrower's Copy. l3arro+cer shall be furnished a conformed copy of this Mortgage at t}:e time of execu-
<br />tion or niter recordation hereof.
<br />l7. T_raxtater of the Praper;y: Assumption. If all or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br />or tranaierrad by Borrower without Lendei s prior written consent, excluding ta) the creation of a Lien or encum-
<br />brance subordinate h> this Mortgage, (h) the creation of a purchase tnone}- security interest for household appli-
<br />ances, tc) a transfer try devise, descent or b}• operation of law upon the. death of a joint tenant or (d) the grant of
<br />any leasetsold interest of thrse years or less not containing rtn option to purchase, Lender may, at Lender's option,
<br />declare all the runts secured ]tv this Mortgage to be itnvtediately clue and payable. Leader shall have w°aived such
<br />option to scce!erate ii, prior to the sxlr ar transfer, bender and the Herren to wheat the Property is to be sold or
<br />transferred reach agreement in writing that fhe ercdit of such persmt is -satisfactory to Lender and that the interest.
<br />payable on the sums seeurtvt ity this Mortgage shalt be at such cafe- as Lender sttaki re+auc~st. If Lender has waived
<br />the option ko accelerate provided in this paragrsph I i and if Borrower's successor in interest has exeeutar'1 a twrit-
<br />ten assumption agreement. accepted in writing b}• bender. I,en{ter shall release Borrower from stl obligations under
<br />this &frtgage snd the Note.
<br />I; Lender axerriscs sucb option to accelerate, Lauder shall mail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance
<br />with paragraph i# hereof. >uch notice sltai; provide s tx'ritxi of not h•ss than ~[~ days front the date the notice is
<br />mailed w•ithinn which Barrawt•r may pay the aunts declaroci .tut. ]f Itartocver fails to pay ,uch num. prier to the
<br />Fpirntt n _,f Luc t _ tRi. r to thottt fort;,,-, +tice ar ,INtnand on I`iarratvee, invoke annv° remedies per-
<br />r7eY-kx3ix 1}v tiara~rat'in i'b 1`ieret.t(
<br />:. ._. .... .... 15nrt-nu-F•t• ;'...., ..Pndt't• 1.,. ..,~. .~, _ ant ~,,,5 n~fi--~= si. .x~,. __
<br />1t3. Acexleration: IteAsedies. F:xcet,t :..- ;art)'-`itlcel in t:ar::gr.:;,i; ti );t•ra~~.f, u;xt.t ftarrtawtr ~ reach ai any
<br />covenant er agtrentent t,f Harrower iu this. ~lartgage, inrlucling the ravettartts to pup u•hon due ;+nr ~sarns srcuntl
<br />by thisllurtgagc. Lanti~•r l+rinr to acceleratwu ,hall mad rtaticc to Harrower a:~ pn,vidcd iu paragraph f4 hereof
<br />specifying: (litter hrencft; t2t the action rrgnirert to cure aucit brescfi, tat t1'd;ttc. not Ic.. flout thirty dnv~
<br />from the date the naticc i~ nutiled to I;arro+ver, i,v which snrlt l,rcacli Horst t~ euredi and ~•ti that f;tilare to t-ur+~
<br />such breach oa or brtarc the date .pcctfied ut thc~ notice :nap ee,ult ur uccvlerarian of the aunts seeurcnt bti this
<br />1ortgage mui salty of the 1'rapertc If the trreaeh i= oat cun~tl ,;tt ar hefprr the date specified m rhr notice. Lender
<br />at Leniicr's option way' declare all at- tht• surtts secnrcti It}' this 1lurtgagc to in• unntcdiatcip due autE t?ayable•
<br />without further detttanii and tn;ty toreelose thi, Alartr;age l,y judiritd praeerdurk. Lender shalt rte entt=led to collect
<br />in sut~h pracecKbttg, ;tll cs{u•aec of iureelaurc, tncluding, hot oat limttc-i rt,, c~-t- t.f a_~•-u:nt~r.=-ere _eta.lcnce.
<br />nbsU•arts and tia+^ repurt+.
<br />l9. Harrower'e Right to Rainatala. fiat+tiah_-t;,udtnt; Leudttr~. arrc~l<rrau~,n of the xuni- _---_` th
<br />Mortgage, Borrower steal have ihr ri5ht rcr h eve any pracercttng~= hexun h~ 1 , r,;i~ r t,t .•t,iarr. tht.- ,Iurtga~,a ttu-
<br />eantinued at any tints pride to entry of a;udxmene tatfat•rirtt; tht>• ~lartt„agc tt: tar Itorrewer pays Lc-nder all
<br />aurae whir-h would Lm then der under this 1Lartkatsr. the tintt~ ,tad ~ate• securing Futurt~ adraneex. if a;tp•, had no
<br />ae+s?laratiou aeetxered; lb} Borrower cures all breaches of sate vtttvr evveusut.< ar a;,na•ntvnta of Aor~twcr cru,-
<br />tain~L I[t tilts vlortga~. IC} A9t'tifWy?P pays nit renxinac.e t'\:l?enve' im'llrr!'if b{' bf'Ititi'r in t'ttiareing the :at•E•iiittt,*
<br />ar•.d a5t'evmauts ei 1=4o:°rower euntained i : tl:i~ ytvrti;u;;s~ :,t;cl ;.; t-t.ft,rc:rg bender's °.~tn€•tiit~ , .; l.a. rrl+~i in i~ar,-
<br />graplt l8 hereof, including, but not limited ta, ri•aaonahtt• •rttturnec'~ ft~a•: anti tdt Borro+er take~~ sacra aettntt as
<br />Lender may re~onabiy wire to aavurr that ihr? lien of tht> ifortgagt~, Lt=ndwr s intent in thc• Pratx~rty- nd
<br />Florrower`s abliga,Lion tp peg the sums secured by thi: Mortgage shalt cuntinuc tmitattuairrd. (span :.uch p.ryment
<br />and cure by Borrower, this 11oK~gege attd rhr abligatiutta securt~i hereby Thal! tt•tuaiu in full Curse mtd c#2cct as if
<br />no acceleration had cx:currecl.
<br />2t•. Asaignmwst oI Roots: Appolatmant o£ &aceivar: Lendsr in Possession. ;~.s .ee•urity° h:tre-
<br />under, Borrower hereby resigns to Lender the mnt+ of ihr I'rtq+ert}•, provided that Bnrrewer shat!, pricn• w ucrelar-
<br />ation under paragraph l@ hereof or abandonment of the I'mperty, have rhr ri(;ht to vaRect and mi-aitt ?uch rc+nis
<br />as they baaome due and pavabLe.
<br />I"pon acceleration under paragraph i$ hereof ear ahancianttretx of the Pn,party, bender. in per=on, by agent
<br />or by judicially appointed racaiv'ar shah ire enfitied to enter upon. take rtes-sessiau of anQ uutttagc tht• Yrepeety
<br />and to collect. the rents of the Property, including those oast dec.:\li rents calicete<{ by (.ender or the rereivt•r
<br />shall `be appli~iritst #a 1"ss}'ntent of the emits of nsansgcEmcrii of the Property aat,i coiit~ctian of rent.. inciudin;t, i,:tt
<br />not limited to, receiver's fees, premiums an rcceivaro bonds and reaaonahle nttornc+•'s itr=. and then to du• sun.
<br />secured by this Mortgage. bender and the reeaiver shall he liable ttt arraunt only far those rrnC~ :,rhnalh• rccei+~cd
<br />