TffIS I.afDi~l+irtL.'Sa'v, needs cm._.__. 2Lth__...-°____-_ al~Iu_:.._..__,, _._._. __._m.., 14?~. by sad het.~a
<br />#J,l~t 7.. ~.._ rm-aied =ersoa, -- -~_
<br />~ Ball J.__~_ Cotsffiy, !:e~ske, ~ raortgagor.~ , sad Grand #.~aad 2zmt y of Drsad Lslaad, a __ -
<br />argar~d a~ euetiag under the larva of lveiaraaka v ith ~a principa3 offitt tnd giaoe d! Fosse at Grsad Ja}md. T~6rsaka. ss mort~e:
<br />iYTTtiESSETH: That ss~ raorLgagrsr -_-' ~ and m taatia®o€ the sum of __
<br />**Three Titattaand ~3ne ifttttdred tttirt asd Bc #}f3 ** _ _ _
<br />! - ._-. 1.
<br />the receipt of xtu A is aereby sekaowledged, d~ ~ - by thane preaenrs acrtgage and s'arrae#. umksifinerts, 6a - _ 'and asau~e *<
<br />forever, ail tae fol'rowiag dmeribed teat estate, sisusted in the County of . -_ N311~_ -. ,.-
<br />f and State of Nebrnaka, to-wit: " -
<br />i'tse Isorth Half {N-1/2} of Iat T~relre (22} ash Iat Ten {I~) ,
<br />ezcegt the 2iorth Eight Feet {8'}, all in Block Twenty-eight
<br />{2&}, Highland park, in Citp of 6raad Inland, Aa13 Cottntp,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />Togetteer with ail heating, air t~nditionirg, lighting, and plumbing equipment and CixLures, including screens, awnings, storm windows and ~~ -
<br />doors, and window shades or blinds. used on or in cnonection with said property, whether the same are now Lxated oa said property or hereafter 1?:
<br />pieced thereon. ~ }
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular rtes tenements, hereditamettte and appurtenances thereaato br r3
<br />.
<br />-.
<br />longing, or in caywiae aPPerLe±~=g. forever, a~i warrant the title to the saw. $aid margagor_h~eby oavpnant $ with said -
<br />- arortga~e that ...._~_~te _,-at the delivery hereof, the Lawful ownar~ of the premiaee ahwe conveyed sad desrrrbad,- - ~ - --
<br />-. a~ is ~_>° ~ a geed sad ir~fessible estate a# iaheritaatre tharai,, ir€e and clzsr of aL' encumbransx~, sarl thm~.he~wiY ~ -~, -
<br />- warrant aml defend the title thereto forever against the claims and demands of all pereans whomsoever.
<br />i'BOVID~ ALW AYS, and Chia c.+w,,, is rsecuted and delivered to secure Lha payment of the sum of
<br />*eTnree Thousand feline Hundred TEtirtg and Noti(#~tha** DoilarstS 3,43f1_
<br />3 -
<br />. - ~~ iata~~bi tt!~aan. yaggiher with such charges a7~ advances as may be due and payable W Said asrttgagee under the terms and osnditmtsa
<br />-- ~-~~°- j.__.~___~ '~..$ fli °!e~' Cat° n.-V FJI*.L' ar+«'~. ~Cnr~i ha:2V'y, ffSc~llted ~j saw 1"waiugob`"~ ~fR id ri~irLS°~~E, pa~ble ~ ~Y~ ..
<br />_ ~_a$d
<br />,-eta secare the p±e"ue of P1 the te_~s Pad condttm~: ~ntan~l Lltere3n. ~ tEPIDa of ash note-are hey ~-_ _ - _-
<br />{,,
<br />lteretn uJ tlua referenCB.
<br />
<br />It L the intention and agreement of the parties hereto that this mortgage shall aLro secure nay future advances made Lo sairi mortgagor-
<br />by said mortgagee, and any and all indebtedness in addition to the amount above stated watch said mortgagors, or any of them, may owe to
<br />said mortgagee, however evidenced, whether by note, book account or othern~se. This mortgage shall remain in full force a~ effect between -- -
<br />the partles hereto and their heirs, personal representatives, suecessors sad assigns. until aL" amounts secured hereunder, including tutuie
<br />advantes, are paid in fuL' wits interest.
<br />- The mortgagor hereby assign _S._ to said mortgagee all rents and income arising at any and au Limes from said ptreperty and - ~ -
<br />- -- aareby aurharva said mortgagee ar its agent, at its option, upon default, to take charge of said property and coHeet all rents and irxome ~j - - -
<br />.;. tharefcom and apply the same to the payment of ingest, Principal. inaursace premiums, razes, seeersmeats, reat?za or improvements. _ $} --
<br />neceaeary to keep Bald property in tenantable condition, or to ether charges or payments provided for 6~ein or in the wee hereby secured. This
<br />rent eaeignntent shall continue in Force until tine unpaid balance of said note is fully paid. The taking of possession hereunder shall in no manner
<br />prev~t ~ retard avid amrtgegae in the collectfron of snid soars 6y foreclosure or otherwise. --
<br />_ - _
<br />Tae faihxe of the mortgages to assert say of its rights hereunder at nay time shalt not be tron~rt~d as a waiver of its right to a the
<br />-
<br />. acme at any !arse time. am! to insist upon sad enforce stticx osrnplietke with all tip terms and provisiaae of nid note and of this mortgage.- _ ~-
<br />if said mortgagor ehaD vase to be paid to said mortgagee the entire amount dye it hereunder. end undm the terms and proviaioos
<br />_~.;``t~s-r t~"f. 1,:~.-;t:re advarxrs. a= v arty ~'--_-.-._ or rw~ tf ~ s.:c~daxrte with tl~ tesrna and proviaioaa - - - -.
<br />--tlaara~, aisd ~ satd rs~.gsyps._.~. _,.~xi.y wt6h ail the provrsiona of aald r~ and of thts mrrtgage, L'eea theme prreeeats. alsa8 lra w~;
<br />otherwi~eto rsrna$t la Lalt ~saa and dlset, apdaaid mortgagee shall be eatitbd to tl~ pasaesaioa of ell of said ptaperty, and may, option.
<br />dxbre the rElm3e td sand tre#a sad all srted thereby to be onarediately due and payable. and gray fareeioee Chia
<br />a~ tales any arbor i~ atlion to prateee its righE: Apprts`aemartt veaivad. "`
<br />Thin mortgage aha11 lie binding ups ~rf shalt Sze to rlte benefft of rho heirs, esseaWrs, admssriatratms, succeeaors arm des of #~ -
<br />raepactive psztles_hete':o: _ _ - - - - -
<br />,
<br />IN
<br />WI1NF.'~uS WHEIf.EDF, arid-Morfagor~ lu< ~ larauaGS eat
<br />heT hand~tha da a~
<br />y !'e0r fBIL above -
<br />~
<br />•
<br />~
<br />ld~l~
<br />'-- ga ~~
<br />v
<br />