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<br />4 <br />3ti:S fi~iDBNf'SIYE, suds tars ___..__ 2•~'~ _ ~_~ diY d____ti'~`~ .___ _~-.___. sA ~ <br />. ~. __ . ~ wed hawesn <br />__ ~:.1 ~ia~ A" seltzer ar.~ ~.".aron E't ~1tZer, rtUSf7e3rfd 8-* a ~ F ~- ~.~-;, ~ r+ >cf ~ <br />own r_ _nt arm as 8„nu.;e os y^,C oz~r. <br />Gf _~ ~~+_+ ____.~ """""S, 1!iaNiaklt, b arnztgsgor ..i_ , aTd Grand L Trust <br />Oig9atted Sad eZ1Tt3Jg teEdK Che Iaw6 of Nebraska weth eb pt5atfpnl nigce and ~--'*X '-J.{ (rr7®d I>~s.. i COrp68tifaa <br />piece of btmiaeea at Gtsod Island. Y~$a. as tnaetBegar~ <br />t,'ITNE.^E'I'Ff : "T'luEr- mor*,gagsz _5.._, .for a~t;z rar~sidarLC~ of tk~e sum of ~_ <br />>rse ~~ if, ~'h~ssn<# T;irty pie acrd 55li00 -v-v-v=v-v-v- lA:~:31"55 ..,~). <br />the reoeapt of wide., is hereby scimowkdged, do ~ by the~ae presents mortgage sad warrant unto ~~', <br />forever. r1l the fallowing desen"bed rent estate, situat€d ire the C.ouaty of . sia13 %f~ - - - , - ~.' ~+ .. <br />sad Stace of xebraska. to-wit: - <br />:n3r undivided one hal+d interest in the Northyast ~ltarter (tom} of <br />Section Th'_rty-Five t35), Towrshig 'Ftrelve (i2} Worths Ranee Eleven f71) <br />>7est of the 5th P"M" and <br />The Southi~est :iuarter (>'~tl of the isorth'viest lltar',_ez- 1Ni~) and the <br />East ::roe half f r'~t) of the ::artitW?st Quarter (H ~) of .Section seven (7), <br />Township Ten (10) Nortia, iiarxje Twelve (12) best of the 6th P.M. <br />Together with all heating. air coexlieioairtq, fighting. and plumbing equipment and iiztures, iaciuu'u.g ~,,--a-~. ar,,;:,gs. stogy ~•duxy ~ <br />doors, and window shadaa or blinds. used oa or is cannection with said property, wlsetleer rice same ate now located oa sad prop@tY or harteafta <br />placed thereon. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with alt and singular the teaementa. heredi[ameats gad sppurfeannaee theseeato be- '~` <br />- <br />ioagiag, or is anywise appertaiamg, forever, and Warrant the title t0 the acme. Said morgagor_~ hereby cwemnt _ with acid ~ ~ <br />--=~ ~~ that ~.. ~-'~ - , at the delivery hereof. the lawful owaer~..~ of the ptemi.9ee above c~veyeef wed described, <br /> <br />LL . <br />- <br />~: . <br />_=and--$.~.~-~zErs ~ s gctsd gad inoefeasil~te estate of inheritance therein, free and clear of all eocumbrenoea, and that ~e~will <br />-_ warrant gad defend the fatae ttf~eto forever agsiaat the claims and demands of all persons wtmmeoaver. ~ - - <br />PEOVIDA~-3VAYS,~-dt~=~i~~a•<xrteda~~lv~xlta~reihepavireaatofthasvmof - - <br />~~-'=-g`~d ~ it1=^:*3~4~:~.~ T:^.;_;`tv v:~ an3 ~~,'i€S() -y-v-tlV- ,: .SCI-~~1.5~ <br />- ~ ~ Dallars,_, _ <br />~ <br />- - <br />, <br />- ~ ~~--I= safS. S.~a, S~3gat+'~r nit ;suet eksrges a,:d advances as may be d~ and payabte W sad amrtgagae n~ tip terass std toodltima ~ <br />. $ <br />~ <br />- __-~ ~ psvr+y rye of even date hith and nscured hereby, executed by seed mortgagor S ko saki mortgagee, peyabte as ezPteeasd _ <br />' _ <br />_ ~ - <br />-- -~ ~' <br />a~ is ~x ~ of a~ rice terms sad conditions contained t-tenein. Tte terms of said note are h~aby iacc¢~orated - <br />teteit+ by this ra5mence. - --- <br />- It is the intention sad ageeemeat of rte parties hereto that this mortgage ehetl also secure any future advam~ea made to acid mortgagr7t~. <br />~bY sad mortgagee. and any gad a1i indebtedness is addition to the amount above eteted which said mortgagors. or nay of them. may owe to <br />said meatgagee, tmwever evidenced. wh~,her by mte, book account or otherwise. This mortgage shaft renuun is full farce gad effect between ~. <br />the parties hereto sad their heixa, personal representatives. successors and assigns. until all amounts aeettred hereunder, including forum r <br />advances. are raid in #uL' with iaYaeat. <br />- Tice mortgagor^.~__ hereby assign ___ to said mortgagee all rents and income arising at any std all times from said pmpm-ty gad <br />heeby authorize sad mortgagee or its agent, at its option, open default, to Lake charge of said property sad collect all rents axed income ~ - <br />'__=tlr~tara, astd apple the same ~ the psyarat d ant..-sa~at. priaciFS4. iasnraatra lsr~aiums. teas. aaa~o~rtnta. eepaita or if~psvsemmete <br />- rY to keep said property is tenantable condition, or to other charges or payeaenta provided for Iffitein or in the rate hereb <br />eecterad <br />Thi ,, <br />y <br />. <br />n <br />mat assignment shell continue in force until the unpaid balance of said note is fatty paid. The taking of poeaesaioa hereunder shall is ra manner - <br />.,prevent ~ retard sad ~tr[t$Egas in rice collaetinn of said soma hY Foreclosure or otherwise. ` <br />The failurn of the mortgagee to assert say of its tights hereunder st nay time shall not be mastrrrnl sa a waiver of its rigiix to assert <br />Clue <br />, <br />ee~ at say later tame, and to ilsiat upon awl enforce stria comp}iaaos witm all the terms and provisions of said note and of this mortgage. <br />Tf said arwtga®o~' shall rittae to he paid to said anrtgegoe the satire amount due it haertnder, and uralss elm terms gad provisions <br />` <br />---o <br />a~ ~Y starred, incltedittg fnwte edvereces, and arry e:restaieas or reaersla thsreof in eeeozdaace with the terms and provisions <br />-- - fiLtdeu;, asst if said ttuttggagor 3.. slndl ca~ply with all tip provisiana of said rue gad of tlsis awrtgegs. etxn th®e presmta shaD be vod; <br />- - - <br />r#lt~'wise to tstna~ia fttlt force gad affaet, eta said matgsges she!! 6e W the possession of s!l of said property, and may, at its aptioa, ~ <br /> <br />dedaratha x6niatrf sad ra~ gad s~ indebtedaes r~reeented thereby to be immediately due a>d t„gable, gad may forer~ee tTds trart8age <br />- _ <br />err twice sap other legal aefiom W protest its tight. Appeals®rat waived. _ <br />'f'feas amrt8a8s ehafl be hfadiag upra mat shall agars to the bem5t of the heirs, ezecntors. admiafetratote, aea~sora and ~aigaa of the <br />tea~aetive parties hePew. ~ <br />I!3 WITtYE9S WH£&EOI~`, said 1f+tatgeKar~_ haY>`.terounto net ehei:I' 6sndS_, .rte day and gent first above <br />written. ` ~ <br />~-__~..~~C~~~-mil ~~,!~_____ ~1~1` ~~.%:~ i <br />'r1llliam A, salt2er Sharon E" SeI ~ <br />