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<br /> 3.�lww�a�1 t��wa wbdi Qaw�.Trvstor shc�ll{cMp eM Pro�rty in pood tonditwn ax!npair and shdl nct t�sm���►:sst�►�ns�:r�rt
<br /> i:;.�:-,-r�,;at cr�s::rioration o4 tM Prop��tY a+d sholl toMpty w�th th�proviiioiu of mY�if tt�s OMd of Trust is on o kos�ukl.Ni'ry�'a�x• s
<br /> n�ant now or Iw�af+tw ��ct�d upon tl�P►oprrtV sl+ali be atta��l, nmowd a�rnoticMd w,thout th�priar written co�s�,l oi&c►�fitr:.:c. r
<br /> Trustur s1+a�1 c�Y�ish aU Isws,adinonus,�htiom,corw+ont�.conditipns ond r�st�ktioiu aff�ctirq tfw Proprrty���nt vxrm+i,�uifc«. �
<br /> o►pv�m�t;ny ect to Ee dorN iR or upon tM Prop�+�y�n violalidn of ony lciw,ordi�wnc+, r�quiatbn.cov�rtiant.condir'�an r. rrtttr ittic�n.Trustor �
<br /> st►ati wlfi:ttn or nstor•p���ly or��.��vr.�kmonlik�n�o�x+�anY�n+�!ew^w^�on th�Proputy wt�+c�nwy b�da�a.�d a� :}t�'�uy�6 w+d
<br /> �r,wts�.i dw.�II c::a�far lo�Or pK(aa�ed ond mot�ricls fwnisMd tl►K�fa•�ond 1or ony alt`ratians ttw�of. �
<br /> +1. hw��a.Trostor,ot its�;�r►u.wiJJ maintdr+with kuauas opprov�d Dy 8enet►ciory.inwronc�with r�sp�cr ro�ha lap�rov+rt+K+tti and �
<br /> p�rsond prop�rty,consl itulir�t t±�Prop�rty.ay'�++►ct bss by f ira,Upf�tn'rp,tarnodo.a+d otMr pKils ond homr3s covw��d by st�s3x6 a�s�c�.ia8 _
<br /> cpwrop�Mdors�n�. ;n an o�nount pual to ot bost on�Mnxk�d�unt oP tM 1uU�epbuln��valw tMr�of and insuraec�oaoi►ist:uch =
<br /> otMr ho:arda cnd h wch anounts os is custa�+arihr cor.ied sy own�rt and op�rolcx�of s+awic�r ptt�.-ti�s or os 6�ficiory rnoy rtnu;r�0�iti _
<br /> prottetion.Trusta vrill ydi�ty wilk�eh oHat r��nts as Ba�wf ieiay n+oy from tim�4o tic�r�pwst fa tlN protustia�b�insurane�of tM R
<br /> int�»ats of tM nsprctiw parti�s.A!I inswanu pd+ci�s awintar�d purwa+t to ti�Is Ds�d of Trust sholl nome Truaccn os+s�6�M(K�y o;►�• —
<br /> sunds,as tlrir ns�ctiw inter�st�moy a�»a,onl p'o��d!thot tMn sltioi!b�no cont�llation or modificoYiot►v►tithx+l n�4r,r.fl►an 1S days =
<br /> prior written no9iP�w�ion 40 6.cuikiary. tn fi��w+�i u�i���'':Y f+:+ia.:�:r:.-is ra:�::�:::�c-.a,-!�!tvo 15�s pr+c��t► +tt eY�+Mi:e dotR. �
<br /> g�fic'ary moy procur�such insuro�u io ouord�nna wifh th�provisions ol paropropl�7 huoof.U uttt�st��!!dtii�x ta 4�c�titit�^t+1tr�atiqi�al
<br /> pol;cws of ir�uxonc�axi r�wals tMnof a�m�w copi�s of wcl�polic+�s ond rKwwdi tMrwf.Fu+�r�tu fu*nish su:��r�sw�.+ca O�r T�vstor,or
<br /> nnawols m nquird h�rwncl�r sAdl,at tiw option of Ba»ficiory,tonstitul�o d�tautt.
<br /> S.�s�w.Assw�h.�OaN�.Trostor shoU poy oU tox�s.assass�aw►ts ond ot�chcr�:�incW�diry,witlau�fMNtation.fin�s and im-
<br /> positans attributaDM to th�PropKty,and kasahokl PoWnu��s or qrow�d rints,iti my.E�fot�th�soaN buome d�linquent. Ynntor shol!P�o+�+P• -
<br /> tly furrwsh to Bt�ficiory oU notius of onaunu dw un6�x this poroprapfi,c�d in tlM w�r►t Tnistor shoil ma{co pa�nt dir«tly.Trusta shoH
<br /> P��+Ptty fu�nosh to Ba»iic'ary nuipts�v'�icinp wch poys�fs. Trusta shofl pny aU tax�s axi ossrsunenl�wtwch aioy b�kvi�d upon _
<br /> BarNficia��s�+►tw•s�n.�.�a u�a,ihis o�d of��uss wi�nout noord to ony bw�ho�moy b�«wcted imposi�C A�ltmerN ol tt�whoi�or anY
<br /> pprt th�rwf upon t!w B�CKrory.
<br /> 6.�MI tiw d Mt��f irwiicis�'�S�cwitr.Tivstuc sF�a11 matc•oi1 puyawms of inre�.s�mx!p�incip�and p�a�n��s of oay
<br /> otM►chorg�s, f«s ond�xpK+s�s contrated to b�pad to an��xisting(i�nbold�rs ar priar beaeficiaroes und�r mY Pria dad Qf twst or mor-
<br /> tQoq�bcfor�t!�dot�ti�ey ore d�linquent and P���QY PaY ond diutwry�any cr�d dl othw li�ns,claims or chorQts which►ra��opordiu the
<br /> s�curity qrant�d hkan. If Trustor fails to moice m�wttt parme+�1 or foils to pertom ony of the tov�tts atxr o;��1s tontoin�d in this
<br /> DMd of Trust,or in ony�ior mortQope or de�d of nust,of if any atian a p�ocwdirq is con�s»r�ud whi:i+n�taiOUY offacts B�fic'wry's irt-
<br /> terest in the Prape►9y,irxluding.but not liaiited to,cmi+ticRt donwin praiedinps,or pra��dir�s invo�+uay a 3eceodent.a►�f Trosta fals to pay
<br /> 'frustor's debts yeneroU�os they beco�+r due. the+�Be+Mfic'arl►.at Bu+�ficiary's option and with�v�►�otic�to or denxxd upon Trusta ond
<br /> without rtl�osiny Trusfoc kors�anY obiiqutio�h�rwnder•m°y^ak�sucfi°pp°a°nc�s,disbu►sa such sums,ond roG;�such oetia�os is mcessory
<br /> to prot�tt B�r�fic'wry"s icr'��ast includiry,but not limited to.disbursemM►t of rwsorwbiv attorn��'s fses,poYn�M.C�►thos�,cont�st or com- _
<br />- promis�of ony encwn�ranc�, chage ar lien,ond entry upon eh�Pro�ty to moki repo�rs. M tha evsnt thot Tn;s`ve sAo!!(oi1 to procue in-
<br /> sun�nc�or to pop toxes,oss�ssments,or any otlwr chapes a to nakt any poy+n�nts to existirg pr+or tnen ho�dKS�r ba+afkiar�s,BenetitiaY
<br /> may praure such insurona and moke such poyme+�t.My o�+wunts disburs�d by Bo�wfic'wry pursuont to this Pao9roph 6 shall be¢�odditio+wl
<br /> ind�btedness of Trustor secured by this Deed of Trusx. Sa;ch arraunts sholl be payable upon notke from Cs�:+Qf�ciery to Trusta�equesiing poy-
<br /> menllhKeof. ond s�wll beor inlarest irom the datel_af�issursemcu+►t ot the rote poyable from time to ti�e vn or,rstadin�princiPd ur�der fhe
<br /> �t::..-�'.:w�;r.�t��MtK�R�I�!4YA 1f1IA�U�[COM�aY�O fLRN��.in which w�nt wd+amounts s.�at�bear int�r�st at th�hipFMSt
<br /> f01!Qllfl'IiSSi�Y11dl�G�1KGbI!IOw.�Otal�COt1P0if1l�1(1 fitiS�`iiQr�T0�1 fi StiOSI fft"pi:i0 Et:Stfec:�^>��ncur a►r•��s.a toke a�r at�,
<br /> Mrtunder.
<br /> �, �u��f�}�,gtr►efitiwy s.4o11 hove tAs�iyM, power and authority durinfl the cont��e of this DNd of Trust to cdNct tAe
<br /> renis,issws ond p►ofits.04 lt�e Prope►ty ond of asp personof property loceted thKaon witb w wilhoul toScing possession of ihe property af fett�d
<br /> ha��;�,wid T►usto►hereby obsolut�i)cxed wuond�tior�ly ossiQns oll such rsnts,issues cnd p�ofits to B��ticiory.6eneficiwy,howwer,h�r�by
<br /> cons�nts to the irustor's coltection er►�eesentwo of such rmts,iss�res and profits os they acrw and beco�PeYabk so b^0 os Tnrsta is not,
<br /> ot such time, ir�default with r�spect te�}ment of any ind�bttdn�ss secur�d hK�dy,a i�the pecSanamu of ony oqr�ement herew+�er.Upa+
<br /> any sucA d�toult.Bsneficiay moY ot ony tune.�ithe��►pa►son,by o�eet,a Ey nuiv�r to be oppoint�c by o court.without notia ond without
<br /> r�yard to the odeQuocy oi any xauri+y for th�i�&:aedness Mr�by secaed. (o)�nt�r upon and to4c��osussior�of the Propa'ty or oe�Pa►t
<br /> eAKOOf,ond in i�s own nom�sue fa or os3�srwiu collect such rQnts,issws ond profits,iaciudin9 tbose�ast dw and�wpoid,o�d aPP�Y���•
<br /> I�ss custs ond e�penses ot operatioa an3 collcctwn,inc4idir,�reesa�abk otlan�ys 1ess,�vo�a�y�re�.:s se�aea na•br,����
<br /> aeer os ee„�rK;ory,,,or aetrn,�eK�b��ta�,s�,ats oF�epair or pro4ectron os awy be nec�ss�rY a Prope��o ca►s�ve�M vaWe ot the
<br /> P►operN:(cl{eose tlr�scm�a o�D�►t thereof f�scxh�a►td,tam,and upon wch wnditiau os its jud�rn�'�t�raf!'dictote a ts�Aw�ote or ad-
<br /> yist t!k tf►ms ond candilions of cs�exisfwy lease or ieoses.tk�ss Trustor ond Benefitiary oQr«et�wiu u�wrd►�+�,0�1►�ot�on of rents.
<br /> issues or profits b ony indebtecfness se�sured fxnby stwtl not�xtend or postpoM ttw 6w dot�of tbs instolla�►t poyments os pror'id�d in so+d
<br /> promisso►y note or chongt tFk an�ocx►t of such irutoll�ts.1he e�tsrirg upon cnd tokinq possestian oi tht Property, the cofl�ct�on of wch
<br /> rents, issues ond profits,axi the ap�catwo thercof as afaesoid, shoU not woiw or cur�my da'roult a rwtke of defoultlre�nunder,o�in-
<br /> validote any oct done pws�+ont to such nofice.Trustor also ossigns to Bakfit'ary.es furthK s�curity fa the pHEormonc�oS�obti9ations
<br /> secured henby,oll prepoid reros and al!monies wt�ch awy hav�becn a moy her�ofter be deposifed with said Trostor by an�{�ssea of the Pro-
<br /> pe►ty,�o secw�tFk payment of onY►ent a dunwy�s,ond upon defaull in th�pQrtormonce of on�of the prov':sions her�of,Trostor oprets to
<br /> - del+vet wth re�+ts ond dKwsits to Bea�fitiary.Oalivery ot writhn notit�oi&nefKio►y's s�cefciu of 1he rght��on�ed Iws�in,to anY��+�or►t oa
<br /> cupyinp soid pv�misis sl�all be sufficier�t to rep�ir�said t�nont to poy said rN+t to tM 8�e+�fic'wry uatil fwthK notia.
<br /> 8,tMi�i�w.�f titk to ony part of tM Propr►ty sholt b�toica+ia condan�wfion praee�iin,�s,by ri�h�of�mina�t doenaa or sm+itar aean.
<br /> G s.`:.�C:sr:'.w::. :!»eat of e�ratiat,e!1�wxds.d�r.�+o�.►s ond exoe.�ds on hw�DY ossi4n�d ond sfw11 bs Daid to�a�tsiti�y wao s?�n11
<br /> opply wch owords,domoq�s and p�aeeds to th�wm secured by this Dad of?�ust,with th��xcess,if on�,poid.to Trustor.If Trustor receives
<br /> ony notice or mhQr infanwtion reyardin9 such atia+u or praeedinQs, Trusta sho�1 qiv� pronpt writt�» notiu therpf to ben�ficiory•
<br /> B�r»ficiory sMll b��ntitled,at its option,to coie�r+erK�,opp�or in ond p►ss�cv��irt its own nonw my such ation u prae�dirgs aw!sholl b�M•
<br /> titl�d to mok�onyv comaom+se or s�ttkm�n!in corr�cctwn with on�wch ation or prae�dinps.
<br /> 4_ Rwii�i IM16cetwiv�. Ben�fitiay slio�t bt entit{ed to�r►lau poym�nf ond pe�forma�ce ot ony ir►d�btedn�ss o�obliyo�ions s�caxed
<br /> her�by ond to a�rcise oll riyhts ond powers undu this Deed of Trust or unda orry otlwr opr�nl executeA in corw�rdion Iw�witb a ony lows
<br />- now a hereofter iri iace,notwithstorsd'ug some a oll of the wch ind�bt�dntss and obliqotions sacu►�d hereby moy now a hereaitK M othtr-
<br />-a w,�s�cur�8, wh��her py matgoqe,de�d of trost,pted�e,tien,ossiqrwtNal or otherwis�.PNither the ott�ytontt of Ihis U�d of Trust na its
<br />`� �nforcement whether by caxt oction a pursuont to tlk paiwr�af sol�a othK powers!+Ke+�contoined,sholl pnjod%t�ov in any mn^^a offett
<br /> = BtnetK+ary's right to nolii�upon a�nforce ony o�her security raw a Mreofter tNld by Be�eficiay,it b�irg opre�d thot Bee�eficiary slsall Ee
<br />"' �ntitl�d to tnfate tlrs Otad of Zrust and ony other security now or h�►wfter h�1d by Ben�ficio►y in suth ad�r ond morx►er os it may in its ob-
<br /> -� solute discretion d�termin�.No nmedy Fwein toniNr�d upon a reservod to Btrwficiory is inttr�dtd to bt oxtlusiv�of ony othef rtmedy htrein
<br /> � a by law prov'�ded a permi�ted,buf.«h sholJ be cunwlori�•ond shot!be i�oddir'wn ro wrry o�her►emedr�ivQ^haeunder a^ow or hereaffer
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br />