<br />lip ,, ~ t
<br />i ~~ »L"~',~ih~~Iglr~~.'~N~q~l 't~~" G~i:;'q~w~N~~iY
<br />R83'VF~t3, the utxiersigtasd " ~ KA7'IOKti:: ~iDY ASSOC'.l?IE~, a aorparation
<br />orgaaix~ad un~ as iLat of Congreea and e~sting pttrswat tc Title III of ttsa N'atio~ssal
<br />Fousit~ fiat, does hereby certify that a real est~ste surrtgage mcaa o+vaed by it, dated
<br />_~ai, Z~e 1~~-. , >•5de by _,ar.- ~. ~azsir, a-L :ax~ve` s =x ?~rt_i~, ..c saariz§ act s:if~-
<br />aII IISSTtgttgC#a, to 'iar'o'3g_ Eictar-_s ACC~egi3rce v_ _~*ato::
<br />ae sx+rtgagea, and rgcorde@ as Documeat No, , is sank po, .Ca.
<br />s
<br />v~ No. 5$~ , in the Office of the egis _a - ui i;e=_ds [ r: fa i i Comity,
<br />State of =•ehraska and the swrtgage is with the iadebtedneaa thereby
<br />asa~sed, fully paid, satisfied and discharged, sad the Register ei deeds ~
<br />hereby authorised sad directed to release sad diaeharge the acme npan record,
<br />~o*_ 'I'ttirteen :~j, iiiuck -_ ('_,`~ ~.. :.e..~ ..~ •<~:~,.
<br />Addition t3 ti;e Ci*_v of Grand isiar.;;, Pebraslca
<br />3eieg the same as i,at Thirteen {?3j ~f ?',`es: ?-Ieights
<br />add iticn as surveyed, and platted
<br />Subjs+st mortgage and dote vas veeted is and acquired by the GOVERNP~ IIATIOH.AL
<br />bf3RTCAGE 9530CZATION, September 1, 1968, pursuant to the provisions of Public Lau 90-l.1,6,
<br />the Rousing a~ IIrban Development Act of 1968, notice of which vas published in ttre
<br />Federal Register at 33 F. R. 11035.
<br />WITNESS the execution hereof by the GOYERNt=ffi+Tf NATIONAL t~lJRTGAGE ASSOCIATION at sago,
<br />Illinois, through its duly authorised Attorney-in~aet, vhase appointment v~ts'p~tb2Ls}~ed:.
<br />is the Federal Register, codified in 2Q C. F. R. 300.ll, ae amended this
<br />day of ~~f ~ ~~~~ , 19 _
<br />WZT;R;SSED i. GO 'ffi~IT 7~A3'i 2~ 'i&~''~,~
<br />~ t •~ t
<br />~v elY~ F . Thomas ~ ~cnaa~ ~. f ac _ e
<br />~, kttorney in~+'act
<br />~~ % Address: i5O Swath W~`se; ~~; _
<br />~~s~ 1 fi ice: ~hiCago, s~~~ ~ _
<br />Thorn., n - - - , - - -
<br />Si OF ILLIiiOIS j - ..,,. y~~ ~. ~uiie„ -- - - _
<br />_ ` _ -
<br />- - ) ~
<br />Z ~ ~Cnne L. G+imore , a No Publ,i.c in and for the County anti State aforesaid,
<br />do hereby certify that t~~ch~a1 Ko~fi ,personally knwn to ms to be the same
<br />person whose hams is, as Attorney-in Tsai for GOVERNA~Nf NATIONAL NARTGAGE ASSOCIATION,
<br />a corporation, subearibed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day and
<br />acimovledged that he, being thereunto duly authorised, signed and delivered said in-
<br />strument as the.fres and voluntary set of said corparatian and as his ova free ash
<br />vo7aaetary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth.
<br />Giv+sn under s{y head and official seal this ~`. day of ~~ ~~~3 - _ _ -
<br />2~- address is-35O South Wacker Drive, Chicago,~ia 60606
<br />riy co~laaion e~pirea ~ APR ~ ~ 19aQ
<br />4
<br />- - _ - _ _ t-~ _ -- -.-~
<br />NO~ary Public
<br />Rhis farm vas prepared sad approved by Robert J. Stastay, Attorney, l50 South Weaker Drive,
<br />.Chicago, Illinois-60606. (Type oa print balsa all signatures, the names of parties
<br />e~aesutiag this inatruwent in~.udi.ag the notary public std witnesses.
<br />