"'' S! y'ii+'.? . ti C$.71f~ uiK^k~~fi"tlitl~Cltrt i!'f"~if!E!'!filiil Mit7p'°I!k iMt!IpYlfia ~t'~'f~'fP'i~:,:
<br />°IE"tr~i= •`~..r !1M > , , . ~: III tvrtt;~ '~Ih~n br~l~rts!Eirhrytry~iiryuvs trry~ ~,~riC~!hwNirerkiprl~rpriw IGMI~h.~M+blei~u~fd,
<br />T'n3t 1:t 'SRx... ..~. A srr.R.-,rs ~ - ~ - ". -~ a.,d ~Ea ~} o -- x ..>. ;.t.- n.r€
<br />= 3:=.
<br />:}w .sa„x arr: f'r-~ r- ~z'fl~ -,~ ~.r ~=:r ,. r ±:z~: F.:-.a~;s a s~ if~t 3;-~. ~~. - ..: arr_, #€.S a :-€ ~2s tA:
<br />,. - ~, aa;et prrsniss+s +[air,3€ tfte ~" n ~C a! ps~vaRS `~x~... ®,,...-"r_
<br />T=, +^~ iaasmtrtiate3y v.3yen xfue arsd Pays€rle ai3 genrr~ tarn, M»"iat fazes =.pm as' was-n: . ~r:in ~xktwr xr:ar.'.r^~. <,r.;~.-r ~.n..
<br />irr c:aagc-a atd Wher taxc~ sod r•}xar,;PS a}yzcirrst a-td yrry,r-rty~, aru3 ayi tass~± ?u.-a•rl .r *.`r~ :i.-lit - -r-*; } ..a..
<br />Mortgagee. upon rPxy;test_ witl~e t*:.e rarfgi Hal ,,. 'tuytli.~ty tPrrtyn. tfi~-rc~>r Tfv- .'.Snr2;yargrr agz€~-, tla: :rte .y.. zi;
<br />- havt br. a€t+i.s3 zc
<br />,~ rnunthyp ,5sy~r e=nt -r~uir!cd h+TMrrzmder r,. ,:.rr3rs i}`~ .-.::?rr~+..,f dPtr¢ sr+:rse>i }wrvr,_ ar. a-c-.,ant r-.;t:~~:ats~' s,, rzf "!y-rty,~g..
<br />i:• t~ s;t'.frr°isa€ to enable the Mbrf+'t t_ a a= tf r- •, ai! tax*+~„ a~+-x~.tnda ar - - --'-a. ~hargr:.";~frs'S 2F.e pr~tr.-
<br />~' ides sub}PCt hereby, ar y deficjen< - }x^ca u~rr. r ahv ~r. •. a r -- ! ,~c.- arrdcL -€ea •a -_.~ t*, ~=tall h. r•,nP.w:th depr~,te-; fiy ;}}..
<br />1tSor+~agor >R~;th 2}u~ M - ~ at,-P --;-. n ~•€ne d F„ .}: 9 r --;r+ - - ~ .. e.., ,., , -t,. -:ara ~ti zr. e+-:.:.-r-i a ':afxuli ,n
<br />payment +f taxo-s, a5rs?K r:rrnta.. rr sam.iar _h rRe-s re~y r. wrt .,_.dr-r' . ._-_. _
<br />"Pi~• '~1_rtya .f fir- - `.~ r:;• z a}a:e ~~ a.id-+i -~-r :--r t~. - ya: -r- r •.r - ant - -: r-y-- r4" ::em_~
<br />under an am Ent - -r < a i t tht- tt . rtgaR r + 1'.. -:v@ic!enf ", .ar. 'S ,,.-rsagP 'Y--c ,7- . due- :ne .risurancr
<br />r.-rr EUr.:.n, ri ~ - rs ~,r,fi E i-tired to the `eta doge - A - left --Ys l,ec .~ t._ . #5 -i-:r y f sac}: addatirinal pay.
<br />rnents •,hati tr f-rzhu~it+ d c=! h - ti;v Mr,ngagnr 1 -}~. 1t rtgagc~c~ *x>n drrEarr }, t*u *te-rigaq--e Any defa u}f under this
<br />pa~ragrapb sixa3 by riPetnt ri e =lefa sit in th.> pay~mr•nt f n.' ira .. - pr_m;u-rs -t h v c ~ ,r ;r-hci. st r. -vd ate 4u~h aq tr.;rno--
<br />r,Whets or al ri k yx.tcc and thetx;it; are irsuffici r i tF....r.t:. , n-rnirm r,.- 1`., rt~age r s- an;,l, h,_ dx,n,ver sr;
<br />f~Y FrPmium, -r. nsk!: r q irr-d to be loco red },y thEa .art{age. ,:
<br />f'aymenU made F=t- the 11„rtgag+,r under the ahrr:e patagraph~ may. at the o;,fion -~f the :LSurfgagee, he held fiy jt dad
<br />ommirgied with other such iu.^,ds n.= ita uv.n f:;ndz fur fhe l;a}-meat of sucb items, and a .tit su applier?- s-.;ch payments arr hereby
<br />pled+.; a.=, .~rurity for the unpaid batanet of the mortgage indebtedness.
<br />T:r pi XUSe, delEier tf~, and m2int3 in Inr the 1?rnPtit rtt L}If• .''vtortgagee dllfinj: Lhe hfF of tbFS mortgage anginal pfiiCEes and
<br />/eneWais thereof, dfli"rP7*'d 3L least t2 days hr-f()rP t}Sf' expire Lien !tf anti SllCh poiEr~iE .. j1t.5'U ring agalnSL fEfE and aIy}er ErbSUSaFTIC'
<br />}ia2ar'dA, iai$naftle3, 8nd COntingenCEe9 as the MOrtgagee fna}% rfgtFi[e, In an am3lnt egt]al bT the indebtedtteas sPCnred by thi8
<br />t4fartgage. and ir. companjes aces,: ~!;;. to the MorigagPC-, w:rl; less payable r_lause in fa•-ar of and in fotm aecefstable t~; '. h.- `,trrtga-
<br />qee. in the event anv policy is nut renewed un or before ten days of it_: axpirati^,n. 'tse ?l2urtgagee may procure jnsuratic:- -, ;the
<br />imprrncments- nay then m •+, therefor ~a .. ,~6 s~.. =l.a!l b;:-~ -:v ,,,u ,e,,;3.--- a:;, -- pay-abie with interest at the -
<br />tarih in said note until paid Eand ,flat! tx secur<~d by 'this mortgage. Fadure~un the pa rL of t6P ~torigagrif to furnish ouch rera;`.=_:~t
<br />as are herein required or falloff tt; pay any sums advanced fiervunder shat!, zk fhe option of the Mortgagee, consijtute a drfauit
<br />under the terms of tP+i~ mortgr ~P "Phe delivery uE >uch policies ;hail. ir. the event of default, rrnstiteie an assignment of the ur,-
<br />earned premium.
<br />Any sums received by YhP Mortgagee by reason of lass or damage ;nsureri agairtit may he retained by the Sortgagee
<br />and applied toward Lfie payment of the deb[ hereby reel! red, nr, at the option of the Mortgagee, such sums either w~ho[ty or jn
<br />part may be paid over to the itiloztgagor fo be used to repair such buildings or to buiid'neW buildings in their place ur fur any
<br />other purpose or object satisfactory to the Mortgagee wiEbc,u[ affeciirEg the lien nr. LhP coo,-!gage for the full amr.urt ,scored here-
<br />by .r<..,re ~u.• paymen. err' awn Y,aa,e.
<br />To promptly repair. restore or rebuild any buildings or improvements haw or hereafter or: the txemisPS which may be-
<br />come damaged or destroyed: !o keep said premises in qx~d mndi lion and repair and free from any mechanic's Lien ur other lien or
<br />elajm of lien not expresa[y subordinaked to the lien hereof: hat to sutler or permit any unlawful us-e of or shy` nuisance to exist on
<br />said property nor to permit waste on said premises, nor to do any other ad whereby the property hereby conveyed shall become
<br />lean vafuabte, nor to diminish or impair its value by any art nr omission to art: to cumpi= with aA requirements u{ Saw xith respect
<br />to the mortgaged premises and Lire use thereof.
<br />That s}iould the premises ~r anv part thereof be taken or damaged by reaun of any public improvement az randemnatian
<br />proceeding, or under the right of eminent domain, or in any other manner, the Mattg -gas sha#! ~ enLi Fled to all ~.;mpe;;satiaru,
<br />aw-arils, and any other payment x relief therefor, and shall be entitled, at its option, to ectrttmencc- a-ppear in-aLed p;Y~.er,-ui~ ;;; ts-
<br />^.Wn z~.a.^;$ a:.y action or arr Yed;ng. <_;r so make an;- eo:npromisv ur sefilement in canreciion with such faking or damage. fill xaeh
<br />crEffnpertaation, awards, damages, right of aMian and proceeds are hereby assigned Lo the Moztg~~, ...ho -~;.,vy, ;a#c,~, a~ati i,~
<br />ts~~x °r=- iis.expet~s, release any moneys se. recreived 6Y it ur aPFiy the same on any indebtedness secured hereby. The Mort-
<br />---- - e~-a-=-~Te~-:.:r~aatztf~-~relr~tit~r-a~igtnaentw of any ,corrpensa;ion, awards. damages_-and righis,ef actaan a:td grocecKts as fhe
<br />Mortgagee may require. -
<br />That in case of taiyure to perform any of the covenants herein, the Mortgagee may do nn the Mortgagor's behalf everything
<br />$o covenanted; that the Mortgagee may also do any act it may deem necessary to protect the lien thereof: that fhe Mortgagor will
<br />- repay dpon demand any moneys paid or disbursed by the Mortgagee far any of the atwve purposes, and such moneys irsgetiier With
<br />'
<br />iiterest
<br />-thereon at fhe rate provjded in said note shall become so much additional indebtedness hereby secured and may Fie in-
<br />cluded in any decree foreclosing this mortgage and be paid out. of the rents or proceeds of sale of said premises it hat othernise
<br />paid: that it shall not be obligatory upon the Mortgagee to inquire into fhe validity of any lien, encumbrances. or claim in ad-
<br />vartBirig.ma$~ya as-above suthoriaed, but nothing herein contained shall be construed as requiring the Mortgagee fo advance any
<br />ntexne}ta for: any-web guzpotte rtor to do any act hereunder, and that Mortgagee shall rtot incur any personal liability because of day- -~'~
<br />thitxg i€ may do.ot-.omit to do hereuruler.
<br />
<br />- K I
<br />- In-the event o[ the default by Mortgagor in t}se
<br />payment of any_installmenf, as required by the Nole secured hereby
<br />ar {'
<br />,
<br />in the performance of the obligation in this mortgage or in the Hoke secured thereby, the Mortgagee shall be en2iflPd bi declare the me
<br />debt aeptred hereby dtte and~ayable without notice, and the bortgagee shall be entitled at its option, without notice, either by itself gar
<br />or by a receiver to be appointed by the court thereof, and vrithout regard to Lhe adequacy of any security for the indebtedness se- s
<br />citiCd heraby; to enter upon and-take lros9essioti o7 the inoi•tgaged prrmsises, and to rnllect and receive the cents, issues s»d profits
<br />
<br />#het~S alert amply fife ~tne. less cvx.t~ of r8tion snt- t^al,-er-a~;i. open t3a2 intie`utc-d€ts~ $, cured try -this mortgage; aai>l !sofa,
<br />a affil pr~lta bein
<br />-~eeb
<br />'assi
<br />ed t
<br />tf
<br />e tNl
<br />i
<br />f
<br />h _- i
<br />` ' ~
<br />g
<br />y
<br />gn
<br />o
<br />t
<br />or
<br />gagee as
<br />urt
<br />er secttFity -for the pay-menf at all tndebtednes3 sncuierl hereby.
<br />- - - -The Mortgagee. shat!--have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing sajd preen- -
<br />ilea; seatingttx sEime;cottartingthe tents;-revenues and income, and it may pay out of said incrome all expenses incttrzed in rent-
<br />-. _- - - ---
<br />-
<br />- ing said matiasutg t}te carne oriel of coiteMing the rentals therefrom.` The balance remaining. if any- shall be applied toward the
<br />"
<br />d-ieeha~e of :the
<br />mortgage inde6tedttesa Ibis aseigttrnent is t4 terminate and become-natl. and void. upon reletise of this mortgage.
<br />a......
<br />.~
<br />