<br />
<br />~Q+T;~ Iic73Tf3fj, ma6a t~a,,ul.v 31~t _~_ day of~°__._._~.. ._ __. ~.r-,.-~-y-,, 2~ - ~7~, ix ..t baprrwe
<br />L.31rerd ~• !fats istgttr aStd ~r7st~ ~6s ~ieia.iaHszy i3t~9~ sad gift, lfeC$ is ~$.b a>rad $~'.~ g~
<br />right astd_~s also ____ma~e t~f tht_Qtt€e2.._.,.___.
<br />~ Hs/l -' ---- --
<br />CouatY. Piebnuiu, ere man~ar _~__ . aai ts=°and I.dand Trout Compares of fiiraad I+ioad. a ~epor~iee
<br />o sad eriatimg under tea fx.s of N~iraaka w9$ as : uffxa sad p~ ~i boasaeas a Land Iafad. Heha'aa~. r
<br />WITfr'ESSx~TH: That avid mortgagor _ 5 , ba sad is rnmnid ~ the suav ~ -
<br />**i:igitt ii<ousarsd Pacer Htsadred Sightp-tva and Ha/1130tha** Deiua~ $,4$Z,~O
<br />~.
<br />r.Le receipt of .A.ar~ ~ l~by ~, der .__ b-~ these P+m ~tgaEti sm1 aearraM nnw said mortg~s. iia somaaoea ~d wgrpa_
<br />fa¢ever. aii tae fdkwing deecrt`hed nca! aerate. serrated in thr Caontp of X31
<br />a~ State of Ne~saim, to-wit: '-'
<br />Lot Tr~aeatp-ana t21} is H 3 I3 Stdrdivisian, in Hall Count7,
<br />Habraska,
<br />- .Together with ell heating. air conditioning, tigating, and plumbing egeeip,uErt a :d ~sta:.~. ice:!^. ~i.ro °V.~a:. a.:=.gs, ±ttYm waidaws and
<br />doors. sad window shndee or blinds, used on or in conaectioa with said Property, whcifrer the same are now !orated on said property or hereafter
<br />elated tt~reon. ~!
<br />- TO HA VE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all sad singular the tenemeets, hereditamenta and appurtenances thereinto be~
<br />kxsging, err in anyasiae appertauring, forever, and warrant the title to the same. Said morgagor ~ hereby covenant_witb said "
<br />_ mortgagee that _~ hey are . at the delivery hereof, tbe lawful owrrer8__ of the premises above conveyed a~ tl~in'hed,--.- .
<br />-3 ~ cad 8re seized of a good and i~feasble estate of inheritance therein, free and clear of all eacumb*s~ea, and tlrst t l~~z~- ~-
<br />;S -_ warrant and defend the title thereto forever against the claims and demands of all persons whosoever.
<br />;~ - PROVIDED ALWAYS, sad this inetnuaent is executed abe delivered to secure the payment of the sum of -
<br />il _ _~'Hi~z ;hattfr~id roar t~tl4tdred >ightp-tva sad "Ia,lt'i0tha**Dolla:ai8 8,~S2.t}0
<br />tea. ~~ _h ~.xh c~ sad a„'v. tee ~s may be d3.te sad payable :a said s~rtgsgr~ ¢ader tl~ terms sad coadir~a
<br />- _ _ of the promissory rote of coca date he~_o_mith ,.e,.t he;a,,y, eaewttt~t `Y said ~~=~, said ~_~~, ,:;yab~ as °-aa~d
<br />-- ~ said note, sad m ascots tfee perfocmanee of ell the terms and conditions tontained therein. The terms of a~ note axe Y '~x~_ -
<br />$, irareiri by tats rei~seac=.
<br />- ~_ - It is t!rein*xnGnn sad agrasraent of the parties hereto that this mortgage shall ales secure any future advances made to said mortgagarB._
<br />- by said mortgagee, and any sad elf indebtedness in additfan to the amount above stated which said mortgagoxa, or any of them, may owe to
<br />_ _ #~.. -acrd mortgagee. however evidenced. whether by ante, book account or otherwise. Thin mortgage shad remain is full force and effxt between -
<br />~. the partira hereto sad tlreir heirs, personal represeatativee, successors and ensigns, until aII amounts secured hereunder. including future
<br />-~ _ ~ edveaxea, am paid in fuLe with iateaest.
<br />The mottgagor.8.__ hereby assign _ to said mortgagee all Worts snd income arising at any and aII times from said property sad
<br />hereby authorize said mortgagee or its agent, at its option, upon default. to take charge of mid property sad mfteet all rents and income
<br />-~ -therefrom and apply Cbe acme W tbe paymxat of iruereet, pzincipal, insurance premiums. tares, asaesemeate, repairs err ®provemetua
<br />5 sars• to key said property in tenantable condition, or to other charges or payments provided for herein or in the rwte hereby secured. Thin
<br />- ~j teat assignment shall coat.iaue is farce until the unpaid balance of said Date ie fully paid. The taking of poaseasioa hereunder shall in no meaner
<br />' Iuevent a< retard:said nrrutgagee fa the rnllecta~ of said name by forer3oaure or otherwisoe. _
<br />- ~ The fadura of the n'+tatgagee to assert any of its rights hereunder at any time shell not be conetrrte! ns a waiver of its right to assert the _'_
<br />__ - same at any later tune, sad m insist upon cad enforos strict trompliance with all the terms sad provisions of said note and of thfa mortgage, -
<br />,., If said mastgpgor9 ahaB ratrae to be paid to said mortgagee the entire amount due it hereunder. sad Wade the terms and provisimra -
<br />aasf note hetaby eearred, iocladirrg future advances. sad say extenaio~ or termwsls ther~f is eccsrda~-with the terms ~ provisions
<br />_ tom; a~ if said mra4gagur'_, shall comply with off the pmv~ioars of astd note sail oetlris mertgage~ t~ preaeats III he void:
<br />wise W tesmdn in frxif fry and ekfaet, end said mortgagee shat! be entitled m the posass3ian of_aII of said property, and may. at its option,
<br />~edaro the wimp of add nee sad a8 s repres~rted_t~ateby to-Ire imaredistelp dtre oral ~Yab~: and ~Y farae-o~ this mortgage
<br />'; or take any oche 3agai ocean to protect its" ilght. Appnie~ant waived=
<br />S: `
<br />c, -
<br />. -ire P .be bradingppop and shall mare to the beneJH. ~ the hairs, executers, mlministrattnra., aucc~eore amt aadg~ r$ the
<br />IN WITNESS WHERBOF, said l4oregagor_fI, ha3t4_hereuffio e~~11gj,T haad.~_the"day am! year first above
<br />