r,_a ea~sorst _~ creatQd a:~ ex s~_i...g under and by virtue oa r:-~ :.avs of -:.~ ;
<br />+i _~5~~_5?~__~k~.1.?~is~~.-.-.~.ftS?~'ze~_~_tzaasact..rr,~ssress-i.. *_:re S*.~te of ~efrasY.a,
<br />„ -------------------, i:a ai LIB sum
<br />;;
<br />of?._?-2~jPfi~TIiS-ial~r.v~7_and-_ati~er good .and v~;rable consideration_~~`.~T)QI.I.A -
<br />!1
<br />- JAMS L. TfTC7MC'SON and SAtx'DRA J. T-tii't?3P~, hlis'varid altd v7.fer .-.-.-.--------.--
<br />uz bEnd pad b;-._ ."'_____°--'.._- .-_,
<br />.. ............._.._._.-.__--~T_..._.--~_._._..-..<.__._.....-----..-_. _. ..-.. ----
<br />i AS JOZ3dT TENANTS WITH RIGI#'1' ~ SET&L`JI`JL"ii2SHZP and not Tenants in CoP~oa},
<br />I I of-...--.-_ ~' --------._.--.--.-_..Cotmtp and State of ?`ebrssica, does hereby fisran*, Bargain, ;ell and C.aavey unto r
<br />-JAMES L. TAOMPSCR3 and SANDRA J. THDMgSON, hasbard and wife,
<br />the sad.._- ----------------_...... ------ - -- -------------__-------------°-------------------- ----- .:
<br />the following described premises, situated is the County of_.---~'~'~'.---.---.---.----_.-.._.._._ -...and Statz a# ?vebrsska, ,
<br />to-wit:
<br />Lot Seven (7}, Capital Heights Sixth Subdivision, being a part of the
<br />Southwest {quarter {Sw 1/4) of Section Two {2}, Township Eleven (11}
<br />North, Range Ten (1©} West of the 6th P.M., in Hali County, Nebraska.
<br />1 IVE$t"tASK/=. uvC>;~~?F,,;T_,~t'Y_
<br />~ ~~~~. SiAU?P iAX
<br />fi .~~~ ~1 ~~~~
<br />together with all the tenements, hereditamente, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the estate, right
<br />title, interest, claim or dexaand whatsoever of the said-.___-----.------r.-.----_---- _--.. •----.--°.-------.--.----------.-----.-----.------.,
<br />~ of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof: husband and wife,
<br />~;
<br />Tj TO $.!!9$ ~i'7D'rc0 HBI.D the above described premises unto the said grantee_s... and te...---.their
<br />-- -----•----.heirs
<br />i~ _
<br />- - forever; and the said.EMPIAYEE--TR3~TiSFEFt CoRPORATIOTi,-_an_Z12.--_C°zg.--_-_.~ereby cavenanis that said
<br />1f premises are free and clear of all lieas and iacumbrances--.except-_cogenents, conditions, restrictions
<br />,;
<br />F~ and eas~e~~s-_of record.
<br />~E ~-_ ~,-s..
<br />} F arnd` it does hereby covenant to ~'AY`2RAi~T a~tiv IIEFEZvv the said premises against the (ate
<br />.. - ~ ,.
<br />j demands of all- persons cisiming by, thmugh, or under ii, and against no other claims or de `. _ ~ '
<br />maps t`'„
<br />(: ~; 4 ' ~
<br />~ .-> .
<br />ins--- th=-'°; t
<br />~, IN 11~TT3~S88 WH8880F....-----.----°-------..have hereunto eet_..__'' . hand.--..- .this-.-'-.~.,-.- ;-----_y.=----- may,
<br />:,ul 79 F~lpLOYEE TRANSFLI2 CORPORA~Og ~ - 1
<br />. ---- -~,
<br />- ate.... .. .... ! ..~~.yJ Y....~..-.. .y.....Y~~~...~ ~..~ ....~~~.. ..v vJ ! Y"....v.....~y v.~...
<br />-- Rte- J. C~ eriwe- president oP _
<br />'L{3YSS R~SFSR CORp{?R~12'Il3R s corporation,
<br />knom to ~e to be thel~tdent and identical person who signed the Foregoing
<br />nstr~snent~ and acknoyrledged-the execution thexeo~ to-be bi.s voluatarg ect ~nd-
<br />-deed as Such aiYicer and-the vcsluatary set sad-deed of-said corporatiooa, d that
<br />-.its. aozporate --seed -was theaeto s~`~3aed bg its suthor3ty. ,' _:-_ ~ ~,;: -
<br />- _,r. ,
<br />` #+TftAesS 7tpl' hand sad mcatatfiial Seal 2 day o July l9 ?~ . w.. ' `' `,~£ r
<br />~~ i~ ~ ~ ~~~~ojtaLy -Publi~-
<br />~ l~~1Fi.~n exgi2~S JuIY .8 Y,. `J' ''" --14~ $3
<br />~~- ~,
<br />- -! - -~ - ,
<br />