79~~a ~~:~,"~:$
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<br />I~NOwtt9t.~~€rs~'n~1eStP~tese.*~TS:T*~zt =;cs2~h ,~. Stetr=er air: yar,~ra ~?. 5~.~;~r, e3t~° 's~ ~~..
<br />one her owe ri~iit and as s~lcuse of each other
<br />t~rsiga~s<, .~hetisa ate a none _in w ~ tAe t~ d
<br />Twenty igrtt Thousand, Eight Hundred and Nfi/It~{7--------------------_ --~
<br />3 to ~ 'cry-?ice F~ &.t+.~.~ ara fcaas A;~t~ o€:',r~~} Isiad, `isfnastn, I3ori~- t~a~u ~~i >b~a aft ytodc of
<br />sad '~.5' cJCUtTICk~d, c~r#;rsau '&s. I. 234G7 , do r,rY pmt, r tad m~rrt~ eaten the said ~ia~JCIATI6h the €oiow~
<br />desrtiizd rW ctta'_, stwted in Ball Catutty, Nebrastca:
<br />The Westerly Twenty-four {Z4) feet of Lot four {4} and the Easterly
<br />Thirty-Seven {37) feet ofi Lot Three {3) in €3iotk Three {3j in
<br />Westerhoff's first Subdivision to the Eity of brand Island, Hall
<br />!'~itnty i Nebraska.
<br />tayyethes with a;l r#ve ient:rxats, herettitaraents and appautenances thereunto belonging, inciudirtg attached floor cover~i. ~'i wittdawr ,
<br />wirrtow siudes, vintds, storm windows, awnings, hating, air oonditionirtg, gird phunbirtg and roster equipment and arzesaoria thereto, ptmrps,stotes,
<br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment now ar hereafter attsdied fo ar used m connection with said real estate.
<br />Amt wncieas the said mortgagor has geed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and wiQ pay ail tones a~ aaesameats levied or
<br />assesta~ upon std premises and upon this mrxigage sad the bond scct~ ~Y }~ ore the same si<all become ~liagtieai; to furrrish approved
<br />irisuratice uprm the buitda~s on said pterruxs situated in the sum of S ~~,~ • uv ~ payable to said ASSOCIATIpN sod to deliser io said
<br />~ IATf^*? *lce po!i!~s for said insurance; and not to commit or permit anY waste on or about said premises;
<br />inrese of default in the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this mortgage or [he borrd secured hereby, the asorigagFt at+aB,
<br />on demand, be entitled to immediate possession of t(re mortgaged premises arrd the mortgagor hereby assigns, iraadtis and sets over to tts
<br />tnortgagee ad the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the rmrtgaged premises during such time as the mortgage mdebtedass ret~ia
<br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or ap~nnts it may dente for the purytose of tt:Qa'eit~ said prettsixs and ranting
<br />are anent and eotiectiag the rants, revenues and ineaire, and it may pay out of said income aIl expenses of ICpair'fag said premaes sad
<br />amI expea~s due relating aril maaagirrg tlx same a~ of txr>ieciisg rentals ihert:from; tits balance rema*!"~o., a arty, t0 be
<br />toward cite dis~arge of tai rrar[~e iatfebtedness; these rights of thz marlg~gee may hs turd ai ~• titn< r!~ f-~ a o<r •~
<br />tiefanit, irrespective ai any temporary waiver oC the same.
<br />tresents, however, are upon the Condition, That if the said Mortgagor snail repay said loose on oc be[ore the maturity of said shares by
<br />ps~~t; pay r~on~r~y to said "' i n i iC7~7 c€ the sum apeciiied in il~ Hand treated iureby as intact and ptins~~! crs nit! man, t,n or befaie
<br />~~'f$-nrt~ih d~ €f noel e~rY n~:tih, urttil ~.: is fairy paid, pay all soars and--~---;.ts Izy~l against anal prernisrs ark w this ialart~
<br />a.~ fist Bored secured t;teraby, be€are delinquency; ftunisin approved iusur~nw upon the buildings ttxrtwn in the sum of S ~$,$a~. ~~ payable
<br />F~ d~ ~~~..~=ta '~'-~; ,~,,a.y *., ~~ gsr:~;A;;D., :, t~-~ ae, ~, by : ~, far t ts~es, amts nail ca«.~,.,._ arstit ~ir~est at
<br />iIr_ m2simum rate thereon from date of payment aIl of wbis~ !9~•tgaga< Ixr a~xs ~ pay; per;: ~ w'~=mt ~-i~p _ra ~~3
<br />with all the agreements and condifiorrs of the Bond for S~~R~Q~ p~{ day given by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and tXrmpy
<br />with aIl the eegairerrents of the Conatihr[ion a_nd By-Laws of s3~ ~OCtA`t'ION: then tbese presents shah become nub and void, athetwae they
<br />shall retYnia itr lull faro and may be forecioaed at the option of the said ASSt]CIATION after failure for thrtt months to t®ke any of sires
<br />payments or be three months in arrears in making said monthly payments, or to keep and comply with the agreements and arodititms of said Bond;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to Flax a reai~r appointed forthwith in such foreclosure proceedings.
<br />I€ !here is any change in awaerabip of the rest estate mortgaged herein, by sale or otherwise, [hen the entire remaiosrg iadebtedrttns ttertiny
<br />sectued ~, at the option of Tbe Figruaabk Building and I.oart Association of Grand Island,Nebaasfta, btxome immediately due sad payable without
<br />.feather notice, sad tlx armuat [tmaiaatg due wader s>~ band, and any other bond fot nay at~itioteat advaaoes made tlseremsder, shaft, from the
<br />date of earzcise ai said option, brat interest at the maxiranm Iegat race, sad this ettorigage rmy tf~ be fortx~oaed to satisfy the ammtat due as acid
<br />baad,ar~ any other hood for atlditianai adv~aeas, together with aft tram paid by said The p-gin~1e 6~6 sad Loan Anocitioo of Graatd Ind.
<br />-N'sb:a~ca for ~a-~, taxes aetl r#s, and airstratsiog extension charges, vxirth interest iixrwa, from date of payment at tae maamum
<br />-egalrate.
<br />Az provided in the Bond secured hert:by, while this mortgage rtsaairn in effect the ~~ troy htaeafttr advaaa addititrnal swan to the
<br />stokers of said Bard, their asai~ts of woeesvors et interest, whidt Bunn sita6 be within the sersuity of this nsatgt~ the same ~ ~ funds orig~By
<br />tharehy, the tinat srnrrwt of prvscapai debt not to exa-ed at my titre the original amount of this mortgage.
<br />Dated tha 31 t day of July A. D.,14 79
<br />slt#3el~h Vii, ~teCheT' ~t ~ z t s t
<br />Sandra ~. Stet:her
<br />~~~ a oaths 31st ~,af July 19 79 ,bdoteate,
<br />the , a Notary Pablic is nail fm said Comrty, persovaaywme
<br />Joseph A. Beecher and Sandra M, Stecher, each in his and her own right and as spouse of each
<br />Other arho are nR'°°aBy knotsa w
<br />mats ba ibe idantieal persrat S whoa names are afSited w the above iastrtrmcnt as atorigtgor s nail they y
<br />r~wl~d-else said t++srn,..,.y.+ to be that !` y ax nail deed_
<br />wt i tv"~3 my htmd and iQotuitd s~ the daft aftxe>aid. ~j
<br />My Coa>mtmon exports ~ ~J ' f , / ' ' r~
<br />V t ti-''i i .
<br />T`~'~ ~ ~ ~ Na lie
<br />rarssaa st { h 1 e- F t
<br />.:..
<br />