~~~ u'fw~rW"ia~,lu~
<br />t~R"iGAGLLiJA'~~3._- -_ Lu`d.~~ _., ..~.
<br />t€"AI*JJVALl.AiE'~i3YT7=F'~€-f'Stl~ir'a"f5.~"x: ,~1,`~.-r?n `rt'. Rritiwi' afitl aat'v~s 'r~T3ni:eo edb.t3 ?R -'tip ai=fi
<br />flat flit? right and as S~t13e of each other.
<br />t4ari;agar, xrtseffier arse or mare, i3a wasidasticn d ttse +~ at
<br />T•r~fity ~'i V~__Th~~µ53~P~ ~k~1 ~~~ ~_-~.__~_ -------_..--------------------.._.._.. -A[#~ see
<br />~ fa said by The Ec~itahk Suddireg and l.aan Asfamfian of Grarui Isaad, Webraslra. I~tort~gee, trpan 25~ a~ of fadf a f
<br />aid AS4U'L'tA'17C'ii, Ccrtrrcefe Na. L ?~~~ . der i'sreiy gsat, fxiGVey and saarty}~ rmiv the raid AY89CIA'iltX. the fo~o~g
<br />desr~aed reml eristr, trc:rar-ed in }Isla Co~:atty- !rCbrarita:
<br />The Easterly Twenty-six {25} feet of Lot Eight {g} and the
<br />Masterly Forty {~~} feet of Lot Nine {4) all in Htock fifteen {15)
<br />in Charles kasTer's Addition to the City of errand :stand, Halt
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />tegeiher with all 4.rw tenements, hereditarrrenu and appurtenances thereemtn beloagittg, including attached #Ioor coverings, aB window sueetea,
<br />wi=.daw shades, islintts, siorm windows, awnings, heating, av conditioning,and piumbirtg and water equipment and accessories ther_M,ptmrpa,stoves,
<br />- refrigerators, and other fixtures and eauiprrxnt now or hereafter attached to or rued in connection with said real estate.
<br />And whereu i.'te said r[rortgsgor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mort~pgvr shah and w$i pay aB taxes and assessmenu levied or
<br />_3 assessed tepon asst pretises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thneby before the same shall become delinquent; to frontal[ approved
<br />_ irts:rrance capon the besildings on said premises siteeated in rho stem of S z5 s~QQ.00 payable to said ASStxIAT10N grad to deliver m said
<br />- ? SSOCFAT'ION the palic~s for said irtsuranx; and not to commit or perm[[ any waste on or about said premises;
<br />fn pse of default in the perforrrrance of any of the terms arM conditions of this mortgRge oc itlC boe~ secured hereby, tine mortg>gtie strait,
<br />- on demand, be entitled to iretmediate possession of the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers artd sets vier to ffx
<br />•- mortgagce aB the rests, - charts and income to be derived front the rrwrtgaged premises during such tame u the mortgage iad.~btedrcss shag terrtain
<br />unpaid; and the mortgagce shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repaving said premises and reatiseg
<br />the sa>re and collecting the rents, revenues and inwrree, and it may pay out of said inwme aB expenses of repairing said premises and necesnty
<br />commissions and expenses incurred in renting and mm~agirig the same and of colleciirrg rentak therefrom; the balarcee remaining, if any, [o bt
<br />-_, aid toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness: those rights of the vmrtgagee may be exercised at any time dttrFttg tl~ existence of such
<br />detiult, irrespective of any temporary waiver of [fie same.
<br />- These Prexrru, however, are upon the Corsdition, That if tht said Mortgagor shall repay said ban on or before the rttateaity of utd abarw by
<br />_ payvent: ~tY tt~nihhy fa said ASSOCIA'f'iON of the srrm specifttrl in the Band sectored hereby as interest and prindp~al on saw Irnn, oa or before .
<br />~. Twear~ h day cf ~h =ad eve_, rr-onlh, uetil ;=:3 Ia=n is filly Isid; ,may at laxw ~ its L-vied agovt~^t sa=d pre,~s ~ rm *.~" Mttxig~
<br />- ? : the t3oad ^JQ thereby, before deiinauenrv; tarnish stopravsxi ;n®,.~n+p sgeaa the hurl' ~ thereon iu tlto srsm of ~ its
<br />-_s ;_a sat? A~1;CIA:?IYN; repay ra said AS ;fSC1.3T713N upon demand al! vmrrey by :t ~d for stet[ taxQS, as~~ats atul is~`~ at
<br />-, ~ sic t,' ,=an f;.,~, „six of pay~t al. of w:~ Ma ~~,. t~r~„- aa~- to ~;;: ~ ~ r~ ~o c~ d Irr~or y
<br />-= s`rth r;; ia~ ~~-.,,erets arA; :,ic-tr- of tlrz ;srn.d for 3 ~ ~ ihic QaS' gin b-y the saw ilartgagor fa wed ASS££€fe i~t r3~', arai ctusutpiy
<br />with aB the regts'uerrKnts of the Constitution and By-Laws o~s3et~lATION; then these prexnu shall become null gad wid, otherwise they
<br />_- sail remain in full force and r:rry be foreclo~d at the op?loa of tlw said ASSOCI.ATIC+N after far7ure for thrtr months le make say of said
<br />payments or be three months in arrears in malting said trtonthly payments, or to keep and wmply with the agreemenu gad conditions of said Bond;
<br />aced Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwith b such foreclosure proceedings.
<br />If there is any citarsgo in ownership of the rest estate mortgaged herein, by sale or oche[wise, then the en[irc remaining iadebtedttess hereby
<br />soared ahaq, at the option of The Equitable But7ding and Loan Association of grand Ishmd,Nebra~ta,become hnraediately due and pnyabk without
<br />ftvther notice, and the amount remaining due [order said bond, and any other band for goy additional advances made then:under, ~aB, from the
<br />date of exerdse of mid option, bear irterest at the maximum ~ rate, a~ this rtrortgr~gc may then be forecbaed to atisfy the amaaat doe oa sasl
<br />6vad, and gay other bend for addetbnai advances, together with aB stmv paid by said The Equitable $iriidiog gad Luau Atrtxiation of Craaa Isiattd,
<br />Nobraska for insurance, taxis and assessments, and abatradirrg extension chargers, with interest theraas, from date of payment at the max6ntua
<br />-_ Isga} rate.
<br />- As provided is the Bond secured hereby, while this mortgage remains in effect the mortgagee may 6ergfta advance additiond stmn to the
<br />makers of sad Bated, their assigns or stxceasors in interest, which sums shall be within the security of this mortgage the same as flee fimda otiginsBy
<br />secured thereby, the fatal amount of printapat debt rwt to exceed at any tithe the original amount of this mo[tgtrge.
<br />ua~ea tau 31st der July A. n., is 79
<br />;,~f3 ~`. Prince ~ - v
<br />~ .
<br />Carol i., Prin
<br />_ 3TltTE of NEB~AS ~ On triis 31st ~, of July I9~ ~ ,before ttte,
<br />courrr5r of IIwc.L
<br />' the vetdetsigaed, s Notary public m gad for said Cotmty, pcrvraaBy came
<br />N4rlaan M. Print=s and Carol L. Prince, each in his and her oefrl r" nd as spouse ~` each
<br />„" othsr ~"" are k~wt'
<br />- ~ trre tts be the iaerttiml person S whose names dre edtixed to the above ~ [ u s gad they sevsraBy
<br />adctinwledgsd the sad instrument to be their wltmtary ut ana aced. , /~
<br />Wf141€SS my bast[ recd Not~~l Seal-the date aforeaid: ,C\--y'" . "
<br />_ - My C ~ ! tu7T -Stair d RatEiasta ~~' ~/~ ~~ _~
<br />-~.- ^t °r ~'s' i~lY urmrn. €xp. SeQt.1. I~sf l•
<br />