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-s� ._______ _ <br /> -----�.�.g---- . .. _ . - � _ - <br /> j. ---- _.��_.��.._ - _ . . _ � <br /> VTRC�YNT71 !1 AtcVIxt) ���.14 �f�7i� �Vvr �VV��`� 300��6 �1 �Y(�I7Qg(i _ _ <br /> ' t�. Bart�avree'� ic"lsE�t ta Rdni�tP. Nutwithst�aclin,� I.endce's swekrwi�w uf tbe wau sc�urccf by tlils Dad ot' -_ <br /> Trust,ctuz w Btxrowzr's b�, klutt�vNer s�u11 have the d�Dt[a tuve auy ptucealiqQs bryuu Dy l.eutkr W enE.uu tLiY <br /> ! [3��ec1 af`fiuct dis�:oatinuaf�t �►y dwc ruior tu the nNkr to�k,cur�►f(il the flfll�clay b�forr ttse sale of tbo Pruprny _ <br /> � �s:-•,.w...�:��«:��a;.:of r.:...'^c��ipes!ta�ds t?exs!ai 75�+u nr(ii)enery nf a ju�9gn�cw euiorcia�tbic Deo�l uf�Trora iP� (at �- <br /> � liorrawer Q�ys l.a�tr xli zums wLkb �wwW bt t�uu ci�r �::r,�r t51c tk:3 uf'Tcuu � she Na:ts�! ao x�elrruiur� <br /> � ��crurird: (1+) &xrower cwrs a!1 hrcxhes��f�ny u�her coveaauts or�r�e�o:Borruwer cw�Iua� in�his Dae�l oi _ <br /> � Tnsst: (c) &xc�ciwer {u�y� dl �ooahk e:pe�s iucumd by Lrader uxl Tnistee iu rafixci� tts� cavaorwts an:l � <br /> � c�rcea.ents aF 8�rrowet conttinal ia thit Dea!�f Ttust sod ia eNbrclp�,erodtr's ancl i rustce's�e■�'sc:s��.�av's�:i� <br /> -� par�,gnpb 17 herwf, iucludiaR. t►�t aot liwitcil cu. re�su:.shk ucoracys' fus: � (d) �urawer Wces such aetiea as - <br /> = l.e::3tr �ay teac:uubty tequls�e w as�.u'e efnt t6e Ilta of this� D�ai «F Tniu, Les►3�s's iu::rtsi ia t�: Pro�x.rty uuri � <br /> s i Ba'tn�va's abijgatioa ta pay tbe wu�srxured by thi;Deed of'i'ru�sball coutim�. uuic�rairerJ. Upoa su�.L ptiym�nt and _ <br /> :� cwt by �:,.�:,y:ar. tbi� L�3�f�'rus:�::c! th:c�911�:.t?c.^s 5eeused Oe�y shalt ren�in in fvll fixue ancl effat ae if m -_ <br /> � <br /> nccekr�tioa t�d o;�urred. �. <br /> 19. Ass�ment of Iteats: APPddmeot of Receiver; l.e�der ia Pbcieseioa As a�kli73aW se�:urity beeeiu�r� �- <br /> ' Borrovrtr hereby �ssi�us oo Lea�L:r tlu rents of tbe Propeny. Providecl that Butrawer s6al1. Ixia' w�cceleratioa uncl�:r _ <br /> ,`3 <br /> par�rsph IT Hcteof a�b�zodan.ment ot'cJu Property.�i�e tiu ri�6t m collxt a�reiain au:t�r�u,as th�y becou�e clue aud <br />.,;���� �y�� �.,�ier�tion v.�;�1s�,-� t7 rr�r•�u�b�donmenc of the Fc+�xrtv. [..�-�...i�r, rn r+�zxau,. np ��s er ev = <br /> ik ywdiciatly�gwin�aci i�aye'v�•;a�sf�r.l''.I'�e c�:;��i;�:i�r err�:,:u��u. tak�possession of a�,t.�s�-.r,�"e�iiL�xrag a� wuccc�Ge = <br /> =,�� rents of tbe P�xptrty ia�.u3ag t�crr�:�n�: dre. Aii c+e--.,ts odkxted by Lencicr Ur tf�e rrceiuEr h3za1 be app:ie� fitst ur <br />.,;� paYmeat of the c�ts of�y�'a�eut uf tJs:Property wct colleztfou af rews, ixluding,Mu anr limited to. receiver's fc:as. <br /> - premiu�s on nceiver's l�u�a�1 reasoaAble nttunsaY�' fxs,an�dsrn co the sua�cecurecl6y t1�iu De�l af S�usY. Lendi:: <br /> � �nd ttse recriver shall be liablt to accouat ody fos tho:e nats actually roceived. _ <br /> � 1A. R4emvsy�noa. UP� P�Y�ent of all awn ucurod by tids Deod af Trust. Lender c6aU rcquest Tru�te�r to <br /> — monvey tha PcnQerty aod s�ll uures�der this Doed of'i'nut rsxl all aotes evideociaE iadebtalaesc secured by cbia Doed af <br /> - Trvst to Tn�e.TnuYrs s�Wl rocouvcy tbe Property wit�wt wurtuly aad wi�6aut ct��to tbe penan or pawo4 k�l�Y <br /> = eotitkd therew.Sxh persm a petsou�chatl py all soas af cea�c�dadoa.if any. <br /> 21. Subnjtate Trurta. Leader.u 4e�der'c aptloa.nuy fr�ud tia�e to dme c�ea�a�e Tnuctee sad�ppoiat s aiocaaor <br /> auaee eo �ay 71�u�too a�pdooed heetunder by sa iarorua�ent reeucded In tbe cawty ia w1� t�l� Dead of T�ust ia <br /> recoedod. Without coaveYsoce of tLe Prr�perty. tbe a�oce�w�t tnu�to� eh�11 wa:e�d eo al! tbo tltie. Duwet lu�tt dutks <br /> cx�ofercod uaou tbe T�ustx fxreia a�by applicabie law. <br /> ?�Z. Requat tor Notka. normwer ro�ues� ctuc capk� of t�e awke of�k.�w1c ao� mtic�e of ssb: be teac a <br /> aoaov�et's�ddrai whicb�tb�Ptopa'ty Addte�. <br /> ?3.H�s�r�Sefb�taeca.Bcuiower siWl uot cwse or petmit the presence,uu.diq►cxxl,swr�e.or releae uf say <br /> - Hsrudous Subsnaces oa or in the Aropaty. Bormwer sbsil not do,mr illow myoae eluv u�du.aoythioe s�tIu <br /> Propetty thu is ia vio�atioa of aay Fievimnmeatal Lw. 7tie perredin�two seateaces cba11�na�iy w tbe p�rawce.ute, <br /> or awr�e oa tLe ProQerty of sm�u qu�aticia of x.uc�wu�subetaaces tnu a�e�erticy recoy�i�ed w be approjxLoe eo <br /> oam�cesid�eatial uses and to mwiate�oce of tbe PmpKty. <br /> &Ymwer s�11 p�ompdY sive La�Ler rwritten notice of aay invat�atioo, claim,dem�od. lawsvit a odiec action by <br /> _= mY � a ��Y �Y � Pn� P�Y invdvio� the Prnperty aad an� Ha�rclot�s SuhWaa�x or <br /> . <br />_._� F.avi�o�a�I�alw Of wi�iCh BcYmw�et�aCtt�al Imd1YfOQ�G. lt HanOwCr iear�.or is noai�¢c9�T����� - - -- . <br /> = re=tsTatn�y wdwrit�►. thac �ay remaval or atba �s�an e,f sey NarsrcSoas Subctance sl�tla� tbt PmpatY ss <br />__� �ry,Botrowa slra�3 ptomiptly talce stil n�ss�rY rt�me�i�l ac�c�in accQrcisu�.'ti:with Eavisnaoa�eat=i Ia�rv. = <br />"-� As�c!in this pu�g�23. 'l�arardous Subst�nces'�re caose substances defi�d:s wxic or]�sac�l�s subs�ac�s � <br />