<br />tiaFtssr~
<br />- ___ - ~._.,__ -- ~:lltTf~Af.;F. taf3Ali .!i(Y- L ~
<br />KNUH ALL bfEN ~Y TifkSL t'RfSEI°,'Is: i"`oat -,iacFr2V ~. i~e~ ir?~erty3, 3 S irt~ ieJ2~ 0~1
<br />~, w eae cx rrroae, ~ ooaavderr~iea of fire atva of
<br />_ Th ; rty-Seven T~lcusand and `iof 3 JO------------------------------------------------ ~
<br />irk #o acid mortg~x t,y The r~,uitabic Bsaddit~ std Lfraa A~rn~ation ~Ga I~l,?~-~Srasfa, tdxt~de, a~On 37~ of Ludt of
<br />aid AS56C`IATt~, C~rtits®te *to. L 2S i , ~ hereby grant, mavcJ asd mrnt~e tretrr fist card ASifY'iATMKi t#te fo~owin~
<br />desar~ real CYate, artl:i'J..d Ln Hall E'Jnnty, YttSYa5k2:
<br />A TRACT GF LAND COM~RISii#6 T'r!E :iaRTHERLY `#i`#ETY (~v. ~)
<br />SI:~ i~) I'~ 6ILBERT'S Aa0ITI0"# ALL IN T'?E CITY OF 6R/4Ya
<br />togeYlaer with aFt its icriements, ftereditaments and appurtenances thereunto betarrgirtg, iricludiag attattted floor coverings, aft window saetns,
<br />window shades, btirds, storm windows, aw.tirtgs, heating, a¢ conditioning, and plumbing and watu equipment gad accessories thrnto, pampa,stoves,
<br />refrigerators. and other futures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in ~etion with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the acid mortgagor hu agreed and doss hereby agree the! the mortgagor s!tal! and wtli pay all taxes sad assessmenSS levied or
<br />asa~cd uprMt aid premiacs and upon this mortgage and the bond sensred thereby before the same shag bemate delinquent: !o fumistt
<br />ittttir2~ce up:.m itre btv'Idir~s nn said premises situated in the arm of S 3~, aaa 00 pryabk to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver Ward'
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said irtxtrrance; and not to commit or pemat any ornate on or about said premises;
<br />In case of fault in the performarttt of any of the terms and conditions of this mortgage or the bond segued hereby, the mort~gee sleall,
<br />on demand, be eaUtfed to nruncrinte pos~ssroa of tine mortgaged prenuses and tre .~,c:.ygor ;•:.raby .,^-,..r;,.s, t:~~ is -~ xr: o:y_ m ;_he
<br />mortgagee all the rents, rsvtnues and incort>r to be d<rired from the mortgaged taemaes d
<br />urt~id: and the foortgT(~C'e shall Iraae the er to a wing such titzx u the mortgage indebtedness atoll remain
<br />ibe sane and cotkcti the rents, revenu end inco~ artd it trt~a of a agents it may desire for the purpose of rtpartiug aid premiss and tenting
<br />~ Y P'Y out of saM income all expenses of repairing said premises gad aectasaty
<br />scimmiss~¢s aru5 eapz-nom -u~. ~ =_n *entiag a*td :nanagitrg the ssa~ gad of art'seti~ rerstals therefrom; the baisnee rr.++~+~+ o„
<br />applied toward the disdrerge of sad mortgage indebtedrx4,; these rralttsof the nay, to be
<br />defauk, irrespecXive of any temporary waiver of the same- IItO~~ tray be extrciatd at any time dtvtng exi*>itsze t~
<br />- These presents, ttawerzr, are upon, the Condition. That if the said Mortgagor shall repay said loan on or before the mattuity of avi shares lry
<br />-~rM.r ; p:; taotrt;-dy to ~:r ;SSwIATtf:'3 of tt-,e >v,-„ sp~,;fied in the Bond secured 3mreby as interest and prindpai at at~i Iran, oa or tieft~
<br />iht Twesrtieth day of each a^,d every tenth, ttatil Gla ~n ~ fatly ,std' ;pay al; ta;w gad atsessstK:ttts levied a said premises amt oa this MoriTSgo
<br />aced tt~ Bend sect:rtd thereby, E~fore deltregtrency; fvsnish approrut insurance upon the buitdittgs thereon is the sum of $ 37, ago. as payable
<br />W aid i+~~a.i=; rim%; reps., o _ ~ s . m i if!Fi :.~ dem ~ a:S aottey by u ,~„ fcr such ties. acts amt ia~uaasx sart"ri iaderest at
<br />the tmximum regal rate there9n from dale of payrrent a(t of whist; Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; perartno wasteon ,,ste;gWp-a;~-, ;3
<br />with ali the agreements and conditions of the Bond for $ 37 , 7oa . oo this day given by the said Mortgagor !a acid ASSSOCIATION, and wmpty
<br />with aft the requirertrents of the Constitution and By-taws of said ASSOCIATION; then ttrtse presents shag become null gad void, otherwise they
<br />shag remain in frill force and rrL:y be Corec',osed at the option of the saw ASSOCIATION after failure for three months W matte any of aid
<br />payments or be three taon[hs in :arrears in making said rrronthly payments, or W keep and comply with the agreements and conditions of said Bond;
<br />and }dortgkgor agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwith in such forecbsure proccedirrgs.
<br />tC there is any change in ownership of the roar estate mortgaged trtreia, by sate or otherwise, then the entire remainitrg indebtedness tarreby
<br />secured straB, at the option of The Fgttitabte Building and Loan Assordation of Crand Iskutd,Nebraaka, become immtdiatety due sad Ittyabk without
<br />further rrotitx, and the amount remaining due umler said bond, and nay otter bond for any additional advances ande thte®der, dtaB, (tom the
<br />date of exercise of said option, bear interest ai the mattimum legal tare, and this mortgage tmy [ben be foreclosed W aatssfy the emote[[ dne on said
<br />bond, and any other bond for additional advances, together with all sums paid by said The Equitable Btrflding and I.t>sa Aasociatioa of Grand trland,
<br />Neb~a for insurance, taxes and assessments, and abstracting extetrsion ctnrg~, with interest thereon, from date of paytttent at the taaximtmt
<br />legal rate.
<br />As provided in trs Bond secured hereby, white this mortgage rtmains in effect the rreortgpgee may hereafter advaoet additioml soars to the
<br />maters of said Bond, their assigns or suvcessors in interest, which sums shat! be within the security of this mortgage the same as the funds originally
<br />scatted thereby, the total a<troant of principal debt net to exceed at any time ttx original amount of this mortgage.
<br />Dated tho ~(f~~ ,r day of., ~t{~~.- A. D.,19~j
<br />reyj . ~ e e e r; -E~
<br />t
<br />SfA'dL' ~ t~l&BAASICA, sa. On this ~jC''`~• day of ~~ :9~, before me,
<br />f-f3f IAPI'Y liF HAil.
<br />the tmdetsigned, a N~ry~Prdrtic is gad for said Cotmty, pesAimBy came
<br />Ueffrey S. Nelleberg, a single person, wlto is peraonaByknownto
<br />tae W be tht identical peraort whose mart i s affixed W the above instrtanent ss m«tgsgor gad he lqp
<br />adraovrtedger! the said imsxtrment W be h i 5 wotmtary net aed deed.
<br />giliT'r^i.S ~ nand and i9otariat $esi fix data afareasid. r~
<br />My Co ~ ~ as=h-e~~~$ ~ _ ~% ~ ..
<br />w.tssst n fly Cora ~s.1aa 14 tiBii~ ~ _ Notary Public
<br />