<br />ORDINANCE T.O, b466
<br />An ordinance creating Street Improvement District No. 938; defining the boundaries
<br />of the district; providing for the improvement c£ streets within the district by pavia3,
<br />guttering, and all incidental work in coau;ectioa therewith; and to provide far an a€fective
<br />date of this ordinance.
<br />SECTi0ti i. Street Iwprovement District No= 9RK in the City of Crand Island,
<br />Nebraska, is hereby created.
<br />SECTION 2. The boundaries of the district snail be as faliows:
<br />BegSnning at a point on the North line of Lot A, Biock 1, Blain Addition,
<br />and 43 feet, or 13.108 meters, East of the Narthwesc corner of said Lot
<br />A; thence running South an a line parallei to and 43 feet, or 13.108 meters
<br />East of the West line of said Lot A for a distance of 138 feet, or 42,Ob2
<br />meters, to the North iine of 19th Streit; thence running East on the North
<br />line of 19*_h Street for a distance of 50 feet, or 11.240 meters, to the
<br />East iine of Indiana Avenue; thence running south on the East iine of
<br />i Indiana Avenue for a distance of 50 feint, ar 15.240 meters; thence running
<br />~-~ West on the East prolongation of the South line of 14th Street for a distance
<br />;,~~ of 50 feet, or 15.240 metezs, to the West iine of Indiana Avenue; thence
<br />~~.-tt ,c._ ~ ~ running South an the West line of Indiana Avenue for a distance of 138
<br />~~id ~ ~ feet, or 42.052 meters; thence running West on a iine parallel to and 138
<br />r~l ~ r- ad feet, or 42.062 metezs, South of the South line of 19th Street for a
<br />~-+ w distance of 483 feet, ax 299.b1S meters, to the West line of Illinois Avenue;
<br />-~ ~ thence running North on the Nest line of Illinois Avenue for a distance of
<br />~ a 325 feet, or 99.355 meters; thence running East on a lint parallei to and
<br />~ . W~ 138 feet, or 42.Ob2 asters, North of the North line of 19th Street for a
<br />~ ~ ~ ~ distance of 983 feet, or 299.618 meters, to a point on the North line of
<br />Lot A, Block 1, Blain Addition, being the point of begsnning, all as shown
<br />----- on the plat marked Exhibit "A" attached "hereto and incorporated herein by
<br />reference.
<br />SECTION 3. The following street in the district shall be improved by paving,
<br />cttzbing, guttering, and alI incidental work in connection therewith:
<br />19th Street from Illinois Avenue to Indiana Avenue.
<br />Said improvements shall be made in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by
<br />tine Engineer for the City and approved by the Mayer and Council.
<br />SECTION 4, The improvements shall be made at public cost, but the cost cheof,
<br />excluding intersections, shall be assessed upon the lots and lands in the district specially
<br />benefited thereby, as provided by law.
<br />SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its
<br />passage, approval, and publication, without the plat, as provided by law.
<br />SECTION 6. This ordinance, with the plat, is hereby directed to be filed in the
<br />office of tine Register of Deeds, hall County, Nebraska.
<br />SECTION 7. After passage, approval, and publication of this ordinance, notice of
<br />Lhe creation o€ said district shall be published in the Crand Islan3 Daily Independent, a
<br />Iegal newspaper published and of general circulation in said City, as provided by law.
<br />Enacted 3u ,y' ~.~a 1 G'I9
<br />8obert L. Kriz
<br />AOBEAT Xiti2, Mayor
<br />/11TESTr R. L. Retallick
<br />sty er
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