<br /> _�._..���-�__ys,_._..
<br /> ---- . .. � — -- -
<br /> b,� . . . -._.._..--- =�`='•_ -- ' - ' i -�
<br /> �— - '�;;,,�-_=_- ' —
<br /> � 9�- it1����
<br /> 'Proc�sci.�in oom�clio�w�a,�or oawr saW�q a w P►tip�ty a.put a�:a,or ar oom�y.rx.�in u oor�rr.,aYo�.
<br /> Lrndnr shrY br�►tfitird�t Hi c�fbn b oomrtN.'�.�..^��aar ir�uxi prus�cuu in fu oWn nan�any s..,pon ot p+u:�aa�.and�ha11�u =
<br /> tM1�11ii1�il)10 Illal[a M�I OOti1D7'tYT1Wi Ot ii@{itYiMl��fl 00�+0�1 W�1 eilCtll��f1Q Oi'�IY1i��.�I11�W�Y0it1/(1}I�a�t3710�{��i'0�7M'I�t�i
<br /> �o t�iil Ot WNnif,jiv.i..www wr�w i�rvv C'w+�y"w:. L7 t�::..",:.^.:.^�-h-,a'',:�,;,wy....;�►�'r;.vJ�r sql wwrrit rKf�aY.i�, 11tMc 6K�iiw =
<br /> tllir�fnom ait Ccwb�nd�cpMwaw hlarrid by fi in oaNt�Clw�x�w�iih cu�;t�Pio.�ail.�.u�c��Gi►y i��:a.�L�:3 c�:3is�i Nt�y►anc11t1 Yuc3t �-
<br /> un�r w LAt�dar msy d�iam�lrw.ot b�p�+y pll such Prow�d�,sli�r such d�aw,fc�tha�shxatlw�ot dw F'tuf"wAy uoan wkh oon- `
<br /> ditluns as L«�d+r may d.wn�irw.My �pp�icatk�+►ot Pcoc.eda eo k�bc�ws,v chaa nai e�ar posSpw�n,e duo u1.ut any vay-
<br /> �wwMs w�ih�Not��a curi any d�tauit�icbr or Mr�ut�r.�iny w►a�-�i iwwi�ci�;s+�i i,w j,�wi 4:Trw�«z:. -
<br /> 6. PYriorti.wit�6ll tA.ii:�.li�ai L`�a:,:a,w�l;.ca ot:n�van!c:OalsuY horo�:rsder. cr Ii ar�y art b tafcsr�a b�a��'t�lir�t _
<br /> oon�w�ad wNeh n�r�9lact9 Lnrriir'�inYract i��tlw Pro�rtY.L,�rxix m�►y In fts cwm dlca.retlw�.�td without obii�}atian b do an. --
<br /> wtd wii�out noi�a fo or d�m+uxl u�pon 7nistor and witlaui�asi.�p Tn�or from any oWipatiun�dcs�n���.�4 w�7wch T�kx Fwo�.�ci -
<br /> a,�au.�w ao,uw m.y.iso do.ny oaw.a u cs�ms �wces�+n►�o�os.a n,.�c�ay n��or.���u,r�,�aa+�r�n+� —
<br /> ca�,�artid au�-sfar by Lorsder,a�y co Uu�u e�cs�ai�esr�ex�a,�.a�,a�r-o�:�-�r�u�a sxpa::a.:c}l�r�;�r G,�:,�,�bc^.�,a�exer- _
<br /> cles by l,�r�c�r of 11�fotctpo(np ripT►tA,tc�athw witA inior�cl tlwtaot►at ths dot�Wt rata provW�i in Hx�t�k#u�wFW.�it ttwll b�Adcird t�o �
<br /> IM k�d�b0��sn s�cured Mr+�by.Londor chali not inctu�r►y 8abiliry becauze d onyti�lnp ii may d�or ornit tu du iwr�titSar. _
<br /> 9. F{asard0lu YsbrWa.Ttustar shall k�ip tha Property in c�y�tianc,e vvilh all apAUCAhlo Ittwa.ordinatx�aB w�d mfilRitior►c
<br /> n4tinp b inousiri�l f►YOi�w or w►virorte�wntat Proioction(ooWWv4tY r�lQrnd b hsr�i+�as"Ei�wUn+rurk'We�I.uws�.Trttet�x�hai9 kseP
<br /> ttw Prop�rry itbs ttom aii sub�tario�dwwnoai�o bo�ii,�w�WxJs ww'.�.�cr�y Err.'ac.�str.:.^�!!,:��(xilecN�!�;�n.�fa±��t! k►h!r�r --
<br /> 4s'Fiar,andous 1AatetiAl¢�.T�uctor twreby wuru�ts atd repros�nts to Lwtd��tltAf tlwre ate no Hazardouo L�ite+isl�or�or undet the
<br /> Property.T�tuiot heroby apre�a W kidc�xdty and hoid fwmlasc Lender.ds diraclo�s�onicats.�Yee�and ape�►LV,and any succes-
<br /> .ora w�w,dorc uu.rese.tran and opornct ony w�d aJi a�rt►e�dwnaaeo,loc�w and u�biaUuo arreiinp i�oorxwcrwn wkn thu Rru�.no..
<br /> u�e,diyppcal or tnncDarf d any Hazordo�a lutatwiats on�tx�dar.trom ar abotA fhs Ptopsry.TFI�Ft�C�•OW(3 WARRANTiCS MID
<br /> 1Q.Aist�nawnts of R�nb.Trticlor herabY arciyna W Lerider.and pranGt Le�tder a sa�urinr interpct tn.a41 prac�nt,tuax�s w�d
<br /> after aristnp tents.ksuac and protita o0 tite Pro�erty;Provkfbd that TniaWr�fuW�wtdl Uis occun�ncc+d an Ewnt of Detault.honeurxiar.
<br /> naw nw ripht a oo8sa,v�d rsteln sucir rw�ta.isu�wi,d proTita as uiay becarw cS+ra r.,,�i R�it�r.�r:.Up�n aw occu,rence d ar►Ev�er,e d --
<br /> oetault.t�,�ndar may.aifher in perza,«cy apera.wiN or wanoa txin�inQ a„K a�cuqo cr mr�csancfinp,«byr p rece��rer eppoi��scs by s�
<br /> ootut and wittlout rpstr!to ft19 odequacy 01 iis siCtu►fy.elltet upon and toko posBaGSlctrt nt Ifsc�F^ro�porty.or eny pout fher0of.+r�ds own
<br /> �artw or in tha name of the TrustM��u�d do any acR�w�t�id�it ci�erna noceaeerY ar ctaelcr�W w proserve the valua.markYte�E+ti8/oc
<br /> nr,U,pydy ot tiva Pro�erry.a any Wut theraot or Ydsr+�d thWnin.or to inc�oas�tlw t��o�rw thvrafr�m or prot�cu!I»�ar�3ty ha�ol ex�.
<br /> witl►or wi�hhow takkio aos�s�ion d the Pra►H+ty,ciw tor or atierwiae oo�laa s)w rantz.isruqu ana proT�ts awned.ind�x5ro Nosa past
<br /> e�,.and w�paid.oS►notdyirp tenanm w m�iw w�ro L.ender.La,aer�„ay a�oy renre.ur�uus�u,a proGts.{ess oosb¢u►a.�r►s-
<br /> .s a opsration and cdlscHor�fndudinp abomeys ises.a any indeaadn��s s�cur.d nereby.aM in wcn o�aer aa l.a�x�n.y d�ar-
<br /> fnk�s.Th�onbrinQ upon ond takk�0 P����'oP�Y.the wilectioo of Such rents.issw�and ptotde,and 1M appliC�Jion
<br /> 1hMrof a�Abniiid sltiall not cu�9 Or waNe any�tfufttuR or ndioe of daf8ul!htxoundtir or invalid8te ony 8d c�cuw in nspon6�to SucN
<br /> datautt or pursuant b wch�xNiCe of clef�t�lt antl,rtatwAhstonding ths contiruiMCe in possessbn of ttk pcopwly or th�oo0s�11ott.
<br /> rec�i{�t and applic+iion of nnta.issuaa or p�,T�u�end Lenctor cl�atl be auitlod w exe�tse ewrY ri�ht P+'a►ided Ior�,n any d th�
<br /> Laan trtGtrrrtnents or by taw�+n oaum�s�a W ar►y Ewnt N DeWuIL i+�k+dinp r�ittioW limitNla�ttw dpht b a�wtGMa tlN P��t cWo.
<br /> Further.tsr�dw's tlphla and rort�er3ioc u�thio pws�rnph shaB be aimutatt►�e wiCt,t�nd fr►rt��ay a iir�tatlon on.Le��d�P�s r+y�l`ds arK!
<br /> nmsdiw ut�der a�oesiqrwrwnt d Iwsp�nd�a�tc noade�d apak�st tt�e Ptapetty.La�ix.Tnrct�and 11r roatwr ai�M br ii�bM b
<br /> aocou�M oNy tor tl�oas ro�b�nceie�l.
<br /> 1 i..Evwib of Wfwlt.The faltUwirp ahall oonsti�e an Evont oi Oofauli under ttds Doed W Tn�rL•
<br /> (a)Faflurr to WY e�nY k�ta�rn�►t W pnc�Jpal a interest oi�r►y olt�wm sscur�d twreby whsn dw:
<br /> fbl A 6nsrh d or d�Fat�urlci�r anV DtOVisiOf100NiYied 1f1 thi W010.�O��d d TNat.anY d ff»VOalt�1ts.Of ictY
<br /> Oitlor 11�f or er�xsr�easscO tepon!he Pr'apMy: ..
<br /> (c)A wrd W�xec��don or ettadxne�t ar�ny�k�War prooM�atiW b��Narrd apainet Tnistor wt�irh MNI b�cas�a Wn on
<br /> u,o pro�rty or any portion therec�f a tn�t f��arein:
<br /> (dI Th�ro shsli bs Hsd by a a�kt�t Tnistos ot Bom�war a�n oction ur�dw any pre�',�et►t or tuhx+s isdK�1.stato a�altxx s�As.
<br /> I�aw or r�on rol�ti�q 10 bankrup�cy.in�oh�sn�.y or ott�er raii�t tor d�b�ots:or thera atiaN be appoinl�d any trusf�.Rsc�ivK or
<br /> li�iddor ol T�or Bort�awr or W af1 a arry p�rt of Iho Prapaty�or ih��anb.i�wss or profits tharwf.a Tn�stor or B��c+rwr '
<br /> shall m�tca any p�'.:sitlynrnent(or t!►e benefil W crodilors:
<br /> (�)ThEi�oW. tr�r�r. Isaes. assiaxnent, conveYanos ot tuRhar enctx�ranca of aM or any p�rt of or�ny IrMe�Mat in 11r
<br /> prq�ty.aid�ar woGx�tariy► or(nvoMx►tariiY.w�t�out the ezprsa wr�0on ax�k of La�r;ptald�d N►at To�tor shaN b�pan�.
<br /> wcE w�zecu�t��k�i a aw Poopwty tlut does not contbtn an op�on a pucawse ar�d ths e«m a whiob m�s not e�d ons
<br /> �Abandorxr�ent of!�Prop�tty;or _
<br /> (�It TrusLOr is not an ir�vidual�tfi+e Issuarxe,saia.trar►sier.+c439nnan�oom�eYarw�e or erxtxnbrana oP mon th+n('�f a
<br /> c�porabon)a total at pet�eot d i�iss�ieal and otdsfan�inp slock.or('d� par�tership)�t tOtal W psr
<br /> oont of partrwyl�ip lnter�.or(d e IirniMd�ab4itY companY)a tatal W pa��t o!Clra Y�rrled YahiitY carpQ-
<br /> rs,�+Ywr�1s or wtirq�iqWs du►inp the psrlod�is Desd of 7niq romains R liao on ffts property.
<br /> t��di�s:Acaiwatlon tlpon D�fautt.tn tt�s eve�►t of�ny Eve�t d De(adt le�der may�wilha�t notk�e oxcept s�s roquirod
<br /> by law.d�dan aN indebeednest sedind her�by Oc be due and(seyable ard tta aaune chall theroupo�t bacaos dus and payibls witlt
<br /> out any pnasr�trrwn�danar�d.ProWSt or rwtbe ot any kk�d.Thersattar Lsnder may.
<br /> (a)Oortro��wt Truotea exoncl�e f�e POWER OF SALE granW�d�Paamin.an0 Tn,etes st�all tl�at�aLtor cauaa Tnistat's ir►O�r-
<br /> �t tn tlfs Pro�.'[Y b be soid end the pruoeeds b bs disriibuMd.af�4t t1�mWx�ptovidsd in tt�Nobraska Tniat DaaQe Ac�
<br /> (p) Exe�;w a�y snd�It�pc�avfded tor In any ct tfr�Lo��1nWun�or by law upa�oocurt�ncs oE�yv Evant d
<br /> Oefaul�and
<br /> (c�C�xrrei�a�c actir�cr�a 6or�Jase thi4 Deed af Tcs:sC as a mo�apa.aPPoint a roceiver�or apecificsf�r a�tac�any of tlte
<br /> No rortNCly I��in oonferred upor�cr r�swvad to Tiusf�or Lerxler(s Inta�ded to ba auduciw of any other remedy hw�in,in the Loan
<br /> Ir�ursor�s ot by law p�+rkJed or pe�tr.rP.ied,Dut eeat�heY be curtx►1eBve.shall be in edd�tion to evon/otfror n�e++xdg gi�+�rs I�ereuc�der, • _
<br /> in iina i.o�n ir�wui,wi wz or rwi�v a��:�r�.�.�ia��i�.r�;;:�'��►ar�;s�tu"w,r.:c;�;Ga s:,�rc�;!cc. ... Rh�';
<br /> «��.The Truatae rtwy redp�st�qr tirne wititcut rauce.and Lafder may ai eny time and wAfwut c�t�ay�a cuo�
<br /> c�csor or s�te Truste9.Trustse thaY nat bo tir�Se to any(,�^J.i�udin0 wiHtiout IimitaUon Lerxler�Borcawer�T�e�x anY P�
<br /> a�aar a a,e P�oparty.tor ony�oss«aamaye wbe�s d�,s w�1ass or wilif�u,raisoor�duct.c+na snaw n«be requirea oo r�any adio�t
<br /> in ccrvwction with the e�to+r.ert�ent d tt�i�Dead oB Ttist w�ss tnderturHod�.:�a wrifiny.tor ell costs,canpei�satia�or e�Qe�+oes which
<br /> �a�is�sd�nero�+�ier���a��porno�a�e��op«�iy,���vw�ea�y�iaw�P of�sea me��►��a�wt�oa°�.o�a
<br /> s�parat�Per'csio or iots at rnistae's discretbn.
<br /> 14.FsM�nd E�n�.ln the eveni Tnistae seVs the bY wterace of power o1 sale,7nist6e shaW be erMit�d to appty
<br /> a„y s,re��esac�e�o�y�a�u�a�a.�s o�:�a�er a saie,�,c�x�n�au r��s+e�,�,a�«,doro�,d
<br /> Thutee s atoorrw�c feas. act�+eu�►ina,rrea a sxtent g�wmiitad b�r aPD��aw.rn me evera s«rower or rn�stor wc�s any►�i�ht
<br /> txovided bY�aw to cure an Ev�ant ot Detauq.Leaxler st�ll bo entitlsd W rocaver ftom Trustor ali costs and a�encx acwaYS►wxun�nd a�
<br /> a roeutt ot Tnuio�a rSefautt.k�cbdirg withaA Wrikaticn aN Tn�toa'a and s�ortwys teas.to ths extent Pem'wtMc9 bY appiicalxa law.
<br /> 15.FuNxa Adv�nc�.Upon roqwsi d Borr+awer. lendar may.at its optan.maice additional and tudra adirancec arb nerd-
<br /> vancss b Borrower.Sud��racxes end taa�anas.wtlh inwree2lMreon.shW bs aeairsd by tha Dwd ol Truct At no t3ms sh�ll tha
<br />