21. IFwrt~iu~re .61~d,v~su!>ra~&. IW?f~crn ree,}u~~~1;~ oF~ k'~~i~ r~'~~wrer l.a~in.da;¢^, a*.,, I~a~:ec'~ rs;Nt~aa ra, i'~reca ~C~a tr.~c.~ ~r~~ r~~! t~h~k;~
<br />Mortgage„ snag make Future r§dvaraae~ to ~.~rrurw~r.~;r ~~.~:1^a &"utra.r~ .fid`s~snwa~, wz,s; i:ist.€~rcQt, iherecr0.a, shall
<br />be rura?cl by ti~i~s ~~r#art~gage when k arodena'.~d:~l b^v p~,u,rc:vnisw~~~ua;y ~nrat~ s~tati,nli tf~rat ~~e9aid nota~~s ~a~ore ~se~eu:¢erN~ Pmere~l:a~~~
<br />except, that :~~(t~€ inte~s^est~ rare on the eni~~~: u~nl~id bola's€~s.~€+~~ srs;i~ thtw ar,rrn o;q' ~ttae ourgi~m':a'~i lr~sai~„ r;o rhtiw ma:~~nc
<br />permitted by law, may he adjusted as the parties heretri may agree. At no time shall the principal asnaunt
<br />cf the ir:debtedness secured by this Alartgage, not indadsng sumo advanced in accordance herewith to prv-
<br />tect the security of this Mortgage, exceed the anginal amount of the Note plus US 5_3,$7.5,fj~............
<br />FROVIDET~, HOWEVER, that prepayments of principal, as provided far in paragraph 22 ihat follows are
<br />returned to P~rrower or are made absolute non-withdrawable principal prepayments pn'or to advancing
<br />sums as permitted within this pazagraph.
<br />22. Savings Fund. Borrower may make prepayments of principal on any installment due date or
<br />irumediaieiy preceding said dale io be efieciive on ibe due date ioilowing and prepayment shall oe applied
<br />to installments last to became due under this mortgage. Upon request of the undersigned or either of
<br />them, provided a de€ault does not exist and they or one of them are the owners of the mortgaged property,
<br />the lender agrees to furnish to the unde*signed or either of them One Hundred { lOU} percent of such prin-
<br />cipal prel ayments and shall pay said amount requested by either party to the party making such request
<br />for said principal prepayments, unless advancement is prohibited by the regulations of chartering and super-
<br />visory authorities then in effect or unless one of the undersigned has requested, in writing, that said fnnds
<br />not be disbursed, in which case it sr711 require both signatures of the undersigned before a disbursement
<br />can be made or until otherwise advised in writing by the party making the request #or nondisburaement
<br />of said funds. All such advancements shall be secured by this mortgage in the same manner and effect as
<br />if no prepayments bad been made.
<br />23. Release. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall discharge this
<br />Mortgage, without charge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay all costs of recordation,,,if any. ,~
<br />-~+ cs cn ~
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<br />IN ~' iTNESS WxEREOF, the BaTTower has exeCUted this Mortgage. ~., ~ .;~ O
<br />CA
<br />.-....'~~rrA'!...~..il ~'II 1~.~~ -BOrWw~;r a~ ~
<br />Charles L Ha
<br />.y`
<br />Brenda D. Haugh grower
<br />
<br />`f~
<br />f!)
<br />"I
<br />a
<br />Property 9ddress ....417_6Jest_ Stolley--park.-Road,_Grand- Island,_-Nebraska-.b8801..._,._----..__-_-_-
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ........ Edall_-...---------....._.-..._..---County ss:
<br />On this .._..wj~-....-... day of -- - - ................., 19..~.j..., before me, the undersigned. a Notary
<br />Public in and for said County, pe ally came ...Charles--L._-Haugh. and--Brenda D. Haugh-,-,-_-------
<br />husbarid and cxif`e - -- _____
<br />--------- -------------------------- ~------...._---..... -------------... a........----------------------.._........------...------
<br />personally known to nee to he the identical persons whose Hanes are affixed to the above and fore~soing
<br />instrument, as nwrtgagors, and each acl~awledged said instrument to be his or her voluntary act and deed.
<br />~ritrfiess my hand and notarial seal at ...__..-Cxarid..Isiand._ ~~ raska..- the ~dateplast above written.
<br />My Commission expires: ~B~toidiv-tun~rii.eaw - ..L=d~v ~`}~`.,K-,~cc---_.... -
<br />>~IAIlE 8. BALES - - -- -
<br />~,~ ~ o~,. ~~. t~+ - ~ Notary Public
<br />STA'PE OF ....................._.. _..... - _ --~
<br />}ss.
<br />County .._...... - ... - -- - - .......... t
<br />Entered on numerical index and filed for record in the Register of Deeds 08'ice of said County the
<br />.............. day of .-......... ------ - ---- --... > 19. -- .., at - -- - -o'clock and ..- ----- minutes -..-......M.,
<br />and recorded in Book -----.----•---.--.-..... of Mortgages at page ....................... as instrument No. _-...-...---------..
<br />Reg. of Deeds
<br />By ...............................................•- •- -............-...Deputy
<br />When recorded to be returned to the
<br />Sfreec Address
<br />f3 _I.35 No. Cotner Sind„ Lincoln
<br />f3--230? So. 42nd SG, Omaha:.
<br />~..°~j---i622-YYest2nd.St., brand:-isiatid
<br />E7
<br />Mailing Address Phone
<br />P.O. Box 5294, Lincoln, Ne. 68505 475.0521
<br />P.O: Box 6273, Omaha, Ne. 68106 554-8000
<br />i8ii-Wesf 2nd St., Grand Island, Ne. 68801 384-4433
<br />