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<br /> _�::�: 91.... lo7�r�r�
<br /> _=-�::'J p�yments rn�y no lon�er be roqu{rod,at the option af l.ender,iP moKgA�e lnsuronce coverage(in the wrxwnt and for Ihe perlod
<br /> �'='� thwt l.endor requit+ea)providod by en ineurer approved by Lender again becomes availabie and is ublaincd. &�rrowcr�hull p�y
<br /> _ the praniums roquirod to rtwintaln mortga�e incura�ce in effect,or to provide a losa rescrve,until thc requirement for mon�e • •
<br /> _ imo�u�a ends in aooardatice with any written ng�+eenxnt between Borrower and L.ender ar applicable IAw.
<br /> Y,���.�,�=' 9.Ympectbp,[,ender or ils agent may make�rasonable cntrles upon and inspeclions of the Pm�erty, l.endcr rlwll Rive
<br /> ---_- - _ Bomower notice nt the time of ar prior w on inapxtfon spocifying rcasoneble wuse for the inspection.
<br /> .�_..:
<br /> �Y-�. %a lA, Condemnwtion. The proceeds of any award or clalm for danteges, dirert or consequential, in connectiun wilh uny
<br /> �''-}�'"�L` conde�matfon or other�Icing uf a►y part af the Propeny,ur fu�conveyanre in lieu of can�iemtuwion,arc horeby a�ni�noil and `--
<br /> ;�����': Rlall be paid to Lender.
<br /> ���""�"�-'►:�.� In the event of A total takln of the
<br /> _�_.�;,�_. 8 P�nY•�e procoeds shall be appliod ta the sumx secured by this Secu�ity Ins�rument,
<br /> --=.�s-.�� , whetl�cr or not then due,with any eacess paid to Borrower. In thc event of a parliul tnking of thc Pmperty In which tho fitir
<br /> -_����; rnarket value of the Property immaiiately before the taking ia equal ta ar greater thwt the wnount af�hc sums socured by thiti
<br /> _�:�r.,;���n I Sep�riry Instn�mcnt immediately before the tnl;ing,unles.Q aortawer and l.endcr othanvise agree in writin�,thc sums socured by
<br /> - _=-.:.'.w,.�..,:� ,.. � thic Security Insirument shall be rralured by the amount oi Ilb prnceeds mulHpliod by the following frnction: (a) the total
<br /> ....tiuc;srs:��.,
<br /> =�i.�;,��°.W,� • amouM of thc sums�ecurcd immedjately•befare the taking.dividal by(b) the fair market vnlue of the Pmporty immcdiately
<br /> - - -- -�,_�,_��' before the taking. Any belance �hall be paid to &►rrower. In Ihe event af a partial taking af the Pmperty in which Ihe fale
<br /> - _ rnuket value of the Property immediately befare the takinS ig less than the artN►unt of the sums sccured Immediately beforc thc -
<br /> _- ____��;°; caldng,unless Borrower And Lcndec othenvlsc agree in writing or unless appiicahle law otherwlse provides, the proceeds olwll
<br /> -_-_"�'{ be nppltod to thc sums secured by thic 3ecurity Inetrument whether or oat the sums are then due. =
<br /> n:;��,�r�.i If Ihe PropeRy!s abandoncd by Bornower,or if,after notico by l.ender to Borrower that thc condemnor af'fers to muke t�n
<br /> ` - = -`��+r� awud or senle a cl�im for dvnages,Borrawer fails to res�wnd to I.ender withi� 30 dayR after the dAte the natice is given. —
<br /> ��`a'-' �. r� Ltnder I:authorized to wllect and epply the procePds.at its option,eitl�cr to res�oration ar repair of the Propeny or to the wm�
<br /> - �r_= ��f b;��"; secured by this Secudty Instrument. whether or not then due.
<br /> �:' r�� Unless Lender ond Bo�rower aherwiae B Y PP P P P
<br /> ,,ar egree in wriHn , an a lication of raceeds to rinci al shall not eatend or --_
<br /> ',:. �,i,y�..' P��P'� Y PaY f►� 8 P B payments.
<br /> >- -° �r� ., ne the due date of the mun�hl ments refened to in ra ra ha 1 and 2 or chen e the amount of such
<br /> �''" ' "? 11.Botrower Not Iteleased;Forbearnnce By Lender Not a Ws�iver.Extension of the time for ps�ymem or modification ��
<br /> ����;�_<.�,��'�;r;• ,;,'-� .' of amonization of the sums secured by this Secu�ty Instrument grnnted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> -'F��'�'�;•".,.
<br /> _�� ;,�,-.��,,,�:. not ope�ate to nekase the liabllity of the original&►rrawer or Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not 6e�equjred to
<br /> -����'-'• -•+ ��;, comrr�ence procoedings a�ainsl any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or othenvisc modify amortization
<br /> .�,..
<br /> �"�=�` ,���, :� d of the wms cecured by thi& Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the ariginal Borcower or Borrower's � q;
<br /> " 'J �'•::��i��; suxessois in interest. Any farbearance by I..enler in exercising any right or rcmedy shall nat be a waivcr�f or pr+eclude the
<br /> ;�� �I I� ,.
<br /> °u,�,� h;�,�:.-, _ _ , �x�:;��r�y ri�hi a��ay. _-_.
<br /> -�'" "� 12� Sucocssora pnd Assigtu Bound;Jotnt and Several Liability; Co-signers. The covenxnts and ugreements of thix �"'"
<br /> - �=�' ° Security Instniment shall bind And benefit tha succeasors and assigns of L.cnder and Aorrower, subject ro the provisions of -
<br /> /��,,��1: f_,�� , �"
<br /> _ j�.�f paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreemants shall be joint s�nd several. Any Bormwer who w-�cigns this Security -__
<br /> ,, . ;::::�. ��� Inatrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and cnnvey that
<br /> �•• �• . ' Bortower's interest in the Property uMler the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not perconally obllgated to pay the sums
<br /> secure�l b this �o~
<br /> • y Secunty InstrumetN: and(c)agr�:s Ihut Lender and uny dher Borrower inny agrec M extend, modify, forbcar or �
<br /> �' '�f�' ' ' make an accommodations wi�h
<br /> � � %� � y regard to the tertns of this Security Instniment or the Note withou� that Borrower's consent, r-
<br /> ,1..�- ,q,
<br /> � „ , "�'�l�" 13.Laan Charges.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to u law which s�ts maxirtwm loan charges.
<br /> .,.;� �..°�`
<br /> � ',.;;;• and that law is 8nally interpreted so that the interest or other loan churgcs collectcd or to be collected in connection with the --
<br /> . "���,, � . loan exaed the pern�itted limits. then: (a)any such loan charge shall he reduced by the nmount necessury to reduce the charge -=-
<br /> �� ' �' '�`'�" to the permitted limir and(b)any sums ulready collected fram Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunda!to
<br /> :r� •, ��.•,: . �, �:�`�
<br /> �'��� � B orrower. l.en der mny c ho�sc to ma kc t his refund by rcducing thc prinripal owcd under thc Nute ar by muking u Jirut �
<br /> � ,fi,<<;f., „ ent to Bc�rrower. If a rcfund rcduces "�.,��
<br /> _ p�Ym principAl, the reduc�ion will be Ireated as a punial pre pa yment without �n y
<br /> ' .. prepayment charge under the Note. ----- -
<br /> '"" " � M 14,Notkes.Any notice to Borrowcr proviJed fur in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing �=`
<br /> ! � ' ' � it by t7tat clnss mail unless applicable law requires use of unother method. The nntice xhall be directed to�he Property Address
<br /> or eny Wher address Bortower designutes by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender �hall be given by first claxs muil to �
<br /> '''�' ., Lender'a address stutal herein ar any other address I.encier dexignates by nouce to Burrower. Any notice provid«i for in this
<br /> .•.�.�..
<br /> •� • ' . Securiry Instrument shall be dcerned to havc 6��en given to Borrowcr or Lendcr when given Ls pruvideJ in this poragraph. �
<br /> ,. � 1S.Governing Law; Seve�billly. This Security Instrument �hull he govcrned by federnl luw and thc luw of�he
<br /> � � jurisdidbn in which�hc Property is lacated. in the event �hut any provision or cluuse of this SecuNty ins�n�mcnt or thc Notc
<br /> conflicta with npplicuble IAw, such con0ict shall no�affect other pmvisions of this Security Instrument or the Nde which cAn be
<br /> given eifoct without the conflicting provi�ion. To �his end the provisionx��f this Security Instrument and the N�te ure declared � '
<br /> " to be severable.
<br /> i
<br /> , ; 16.Satrower's Copy. Bnrcower shall be given ona ronformed copy of the Note anJ uf this Secunty Instrumcnt. �
<br /> . ' ' Fpm 902� !I!0 �
<br /> �,�)'• �
<br /> •Mvwlal�y4 Pp�l ol 6
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